Has anyone had a look at the proposed new Seller Central Home Page? If so what do you think
Has anyone had a look at the proposed new Seller Central Home Page? If so what do you think
Last night my home page started defaulting to the new format, and I can’t figure out how to switch it back.
Personally I hate having the news / restock inventory widgets stuck to the top of the dashboard. I wish I could move them.
Haven’t seen it yet, but why, oh why do they need to keep changing things. It doesn’t seem that long since it was changed before and it took us all a while to get used to the new interface.
At the moment, the ‘NEWS’ box is taking up over a third of the screen in the top left corner.
Have to scroll down every time to see info that is more relevant to home screen.
Anyone else see it that way?
There is a banner on my home page inviting me to try the new look. I am scared to accept the invitation…
I have tried this but although I can drag the lower boxes up to the top of the page, they do not stick in the new location.
I can alter them at the bottom of the page. This does not help much because it means I have to scroll down every time to see what is to me, the priority info.
Why is there a HUGE blank space above the fold while a lot of the important stuff is below the fold?
Don’t these idiots ever use their brain?
First impressions are underwhelming. Just looks like they’ve made the selling coach as a big banner at the top. Didn’t immediately notice any other changes.
I have not seen it yet nor have the option to try it. However from the screenshot above the new page looks plain idiotic.
Good page design has input from users but as usual it looks like the IT guys have free reign
Has anyone had a look at the proposed new Seller Central Home Page? If so what do you think
Has anyone had a look at the proposed new Seller Central Home Page? If so what do you think
Has anyone had a look at the proposed new Seller Central Home Page? If so what do you think
Last night my home page started defaulting to the new format, and I can’t figure out how to switch it back.
Personally I hate having the news / restock inventory widgets stuck to the top of the dashboard. I wish I could move them.
Haven’t seen it yet, but why, oh why do they need to keep changing things. It doesn’t seem that long since it was changed before and it took us all a while to get used to the new interface.
At the moment, the ‘NEWS’ box is taking up over a third of the screen in the top left corner.
Have to scroll down every time to see info that is more relevant to home screen.
Anyone else see it that way?
There is a banner on my home page inviting me to try the new look. I am scared to accept the invitation…
I have tried this but although I can drag the lower boxes up to the top of the page, they do not stick in the new location.
I can alter them at the bottom of the page. This does not help much because it means I have to scroll down every time to see what is to me, the priority info.
Why is there a HUGE blank space above the fold while a lot of the important stuff is below the fold?
Don’t these idiots ever use their brain?
First impressions are underwhelming. Just looks like they’ve made the selling coach as a big banner at the top. Didn’t immediately notice any other changes.
I have not seen it yet nor have the option to try it. However from the screenshot above the new page looks plain idiotic.
Good page design has input from users but as usual it looks like the IT guys have free reign
Last night my home page started defaulting to the new format, and I can’t figure out how to switch it back.
Personally I hate having the news / restock inventory widgets stuck to the top of the dashboard. I wish I could move them.
Last night my home page started defaulting to the new format, and I can’t figure out how to switch it back.
Personally I hate having the news / restock inventory widgets stuck to the top of the dashboard. I wish I could move them.
Haven’t seen it yet, but why, oh why do they need to keep changing things. It doesn’t seem that long since it was changed before and it took us all a while to get used to the new interface.
Haven’t seen it yet, but why, oh why do they need to keep changing things. It doesn’t seem that long since it was changed before and it took us all a while to get used to the new interface.
At the moment, the ‘NEWS’ box is taking up over a third of the screen in the top left corner.
Have to scroll down every time to see info that is more relevant to home screen.
Anyone else see it that way?
At the moment, the ‘NEWS’ box is taking up over a third of the screen in the top left corner.
Have to scroll down every time to see info that is more relevant to home screen.
Anyone else see it that way?
There is a banner on my home page inviting me to try the new look. I am scared to accept the invitation…
There is a banner on my home page inviting me to try the new look. I am scared to accept the invitation…
I have tried this but although I can drag the lower boxes up to the top of the page, they do not stick in the new location.
I can alter them at the bottom of the page. This does not help much because it means I have to scroll down every time to see what is to me, the priority info.
I have tried this but although I can drag the lower boxes up to the top of the page, they do not stick in the new location.
I can alter them at the bottom of the page. This does not help much because it means I have to scroll down every time to see what is to me, the priority info.
Why is there a HUGE blank space above the fold while a lot of the important stuff is below the fold?
Don’t these idiots ever use their brain?
Why is there a HUGE blank space above the fold while a lot of the important stuff is below the fold?
Don’t these idiots ever use their brain?
First impressions are underwhelming. Just looks like they’ve made the selling coach as a big banner at the top. Didn’t immediately notice any other changes.
First impressions are underwhelming. Just looks like they’ve made the selling coach as a big banner at the top. Didn’t immediately notice any other changes.
I have not seen it yet nor have the option to try it. However from the screenshot above the new page looks plain idiotic.
Good page design has input from users but as usual it looks like the IT guys have free reign
I have not seen it yet nor have the option to try it. However from the screenshot above the new page looks plain idiotic.
Good page design has input from users but as usual it looks like the IT guys have free reign