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On October 29, 2024, we’ll have an Ask Amazon event from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT with Veeqo’s CEO, who will answer your posted questions on UK Amazon Seller Forums.

Veeqo is our free multichannel shipping software that allows you to fulfill orders across multiple online stores. You can import your orders from multiple stores and manage them in one place. Veeqo connects with a number of different stores.

To post your questions, go to UK Amazon Seller Forums.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Amazon UK account deactivated with no help
by Seller_isW8lmKbLFI1b

We have been selling on Amazon for almost 5 years. We have provided all the documents necessary to Amazon however for over 8 weeks now our Amazon uk account remains deactivated based on ID verification grounds. We attended a video call which was rejected despite showing valid ID and we have sent over loads of offical documents.

We are making absolutely no progress with getting our account reactivated and we need urgent help from senior leadership at amazon as this is dramatically affecting our business. What are the next steps.

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GPSR- Attest to product safety
by Seller_kfjohPNVlkjtJ
Amazon replied

Hi all,

If i attest to product safety for one of my products as i doesnt require a warning or safety info, will i still be able to sell this in the EU. I have updated the responsible and manufacturer details as requested?


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My fba orders on 6-7 asins seem to be selling for 70-90% cheaper- we immediately changed the price manually but many business customers have swooped all my stock leaving me with hefty losses

Support have said to wait 24hrs but what if they ship, can we still cancel?

Can we still cancel right now?

Any assistance would be helpful.

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Abuse of power by Amazon
by Seller_bz0zy47sScL87

Amazon blocked our product, claiming that the document allegedly doesn't meet their standards, though it seems like only Bezos knows what those standards actually are. The useless support team hasn't been able to give a clear answer about what's wrong for three months. We showed this document to a specialist, and the exact same document works for other products, but not for this one. For three months, these salary-earning employees haven't been able to provide a simple answer on WHAT EXACTLY IS INCORRECT, giving us the same response every time: "it doesn't meet the standards."

They've essentially destroyed our successful product, causing us massive damage without explaining the reason. We're giving up because we've invested so much time and effort into both the product and the attempts to restore it that, in the same amount of time, we could have built a new successful business out of Amazon. But here, the result is zero! We're not expecting a miracle that suddenly a sensible person at Amazon will solve our problem; we just want to warn new sellers about what awaits them on Amazon if they create a best-selling product: permanent listing block and deactivation, and you’ll never even know the reason.

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Refund from months ago
by Seller_eCQz2XXxoVxAS


I’ve got a refund deducted for something that was bought back in June , it’s a hygiene product , no reason for sending it basic months later ?

I got automatically charged for it ..

is this normal to give refund months later ?

Tia x

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Hi is there a team I can contact about this. I set up an account today (10/09/24) and was instantly charged £30. My account appears to be deactivated and I have pressed to downgrade to an individual plan.

Is there a team I can contact to get this charge reversed, I do not need a pro plan.

Thank you.

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New recyclable packaging in Europe
by News_Amazon

We’ve worked with partners to invent a shock-proof, lightweight paper envelope that’s designed to be recycled at home. The new envelopes, which have started to land on doorsteps, protect deliveries without the use of any plastic content – unlike envelopes lined with bubble wrap, which had been used previously.

Customers want right-sized, recyclable packaging that minimises waste and ensures damage-free delivery. That’s why we aim to avoid unnecessary packaging whenever possible. When this isn’t an option, we optimise the type, material and weight of our packaging to increase circularity, avoid waste and reduce carbon emissions, without sacrificing safety or functionality.

This new envelope is simple and effective and designed to keep products securely in place, while it simultaneously absorbs stress put on the parcel in the journey to buyers.

More than 50% of Amazon European deliveries now come in reduced, recyclable packaging, such as a paper bag or cardboard envelope or, in the case of 700 million deliveries since 2019, no added packaging at all through our Ships in Product Packaging programme.

To find out more about how we work to reduce packaging, go to About Amazon.

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I was signed up to a professional seller plan without my knowledge. I cancelled the account straight away and was advised to wait until the 30 day period had ended and not use the account.

I did this around 2 weeks ago (Case ID 10391722812) and yet to have any update other than it was transferred. Is there anyway I can chase this up? Amazon support it usually so good but i'm really struggling on this one.

As my account is deactivated the only support case I can raise is the attached so stuck in limbo a bit i feel.

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Negativ feedback
by Seller_oCwYfwNQZwFJk
Amazon replied

@Maja_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Simon_Amazon

I have received negative feedback on order 204-5662494-2999530 stating it was late delivered, however it was actually delivered 2 days earlier than the estimated delivery date. I have tried to get this feedback removed but Amazon just keep closing down the case with no action and I'm not able to to contact the customer either. This is just so unfair. Can you please see if you can help get this removed.

Many thanks.


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When uploading the product B08G51MCK8, the brand registered in the store was Skylity, so its correct brand should be Skylity. The brand attribute value on the product editing page is also Skylady, but the brand displayed on the front-end details page is' sufe ', which is an incorrect brand name.

I have used templates multiple times to refresh and contacted Amazon for assistance (Case ID: 101753812121021830035210360391002), and provided real-life photos with brand tags to prove that the correct brand for this product is Skylity. However, Amazon did not provide any useful assistance, and as a result, the product's front-end detail page still displays the wrong brand: sufe.

Malicious tampering with the front-end brand of the product is a violation of the seller's rights and can also affect the sales of the store's products!!!!!!!! So I hope to find a way to change the wrong brand name on the details page to the correct one, and I also request the relevant Amazon team to provide assistance in removing the wrong brand name!!!!!!!

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