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Lost inventory of £600 - confirmed delivered by UPS

by Seller_2H0qZ7q0Fd0Us

Hello, I have been talking to amazon for weeks now about inventory that we sent that they claim the contents didnt arrive.

The next step would be to take them to small claims court. Has anyone done this before?

Just to explain what happened: we send boxes to Amazon on 1 May 2024 via their own UPS service. They were tracked and delivered. The boxes were 15kg each (two inner cartons) with 32 units per box (around 330g each). Totalling 64 units.

They started checking them in, then weeks passed and the checked in quantity stayed on 0. It then eventually said that the shipment was complete and that it was short by 64 units(!).

I made the online request on the shipment for a review, and they said they recounted the stock across the warehouse and found 3 extra products of ours, but a different SKU (I assume this was nothing to do with the shipment, but just three extra items after a re-count)

I contacted them and asked them to investigate, after two weeks they came back and said that the investigation was complete and that they didnt receive any goods. They scanned in the boxes, the boxes were 15kg each. So how on earth have no items been checked off. According to their logic the boxes must have been empty because, of course, they cant possibly have lost the stock or boxes somewhere.

Is the next step making a claim through the courts? Any advice would be appreciated.

Tags: Inventory, Missing
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In reply to: Seller_2H0qZ7q0Fd0Us’s post

I have recently had the same experience. A box of 200 units which I regularly to FBA was booked in/received from UPS to the FBA warehouse and then the 200 units were booked in as 200 and then -200. An investigation took place with Amazon saying that they had looked into it and now the case was closed.

I don't know what to do or why this would have happened. The box had the 200 units as usual, the box was received at the FBA warehouse, but had nothing in it?

How could this be? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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In reply to: Seller_2H0qZ7q0Fd0Us’s post

I recommend that you first contact with a brief but to the point summary of the problem and ask them to investigate again.

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Is the next step making a claim through the courts?

If nothing after that, definitely take them to the small claims court. Don't even think about it, just do it. I've done it a few times, successful every time. Add a small fee for your time in dealing with the claim.

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