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Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

Did you find this content helpful? Share your feedback and suggestions for future topics related to managing your Amazon seller account effectively.

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Good afternoon,

Maybe somebody can help me here please.

Just got this email 3 hours ago after 4 weeks for my account to transfer from a Sole Trader to a Ltd Co.

'Thank you for completing your video appointment. We have completed our review and no further action is required on your part.

You are now eligible to sell on



Repeat Contact Management Team'

However my account selling privilges are still blocked.

Is this normal? How long does this normally take?


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Cancel Legal Entity Transfer
by Seller_8B9mYWcA6mVHa

I have click on to transfer legal entity but have not click agree as I do not want to do this. It was a mistake. But now I cannot get back into my account. I just need to cancel this transfer request (although I have not agreed to it).

Help needed

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Funds Available - 0
by Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6

I normally withdraw money once a week, I just checked and I have funds in my account, also a reserve.

Example I have 20k, deferred 8k, available 12k

However the request button says 0.00 and not 12k

In the drop down is it says now or settlement date, its set to now.

So I dont understand why I can't take the money? Glitch?

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Amazon US ask for my Tax and credit card info
by Seller_wcSgVrgYzoHcB

Hi all,

I just registered an amazon UK seller account, but there is a message showing in my account info section stating tax info and credit card required by amazon US.

I have never registered with US, why they ask for tax info? of course I don't have US tax info at all.

What should I do? ignor it ? if so, can I sell in UK normally?

Any idea will be appreciated.


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disbursement blocked
by Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl
Amazon replied

I received a request from Amazon for documents to verify my UK residency and to confirm that the company is authorized to pay VAT in the UK. All the required documents have been submitted, but Amazon has blocked the disbursement.

It has been over a week now and I still cannot access the funds. The application status is: We received your submission. Our evaluation is in progress.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Who should I contact and where should I write to expedite the payment process? I am unable to place new orders, pay invoices and cover expenses. They are killing my business. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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Dear Forum Members,

I am reaching out to seek advice and share our ongoing struggle with Amazon regarding a significant payment issue. For over a year now, we have been trying to get Amazon to release a payment of €16,000. Despite our continuous efforts and having initiated 10 different cases, we have yet to receive the payment.

Every time we contact Amazon support, the representatives assure us that they will investigate the matter, but we never receive any follow-up or resolution. This situation has become incredibly frustrating and seems highly unfair, especially considering that we have not committed any violations.

Interestingly, our new sales are being paid out without issue, yet this particular amount remains withheld.

We are at a loss for what to do next and are considering escalating the matter to an external dispute resolution body. Could anyone provide guidance on how to initiate a claim with such an entity? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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My account has been closed for over a year. Before that, I was selling in Mexico.

I made 4.5K dollars in sales. Then I applied to sell in the European market. My account was closed and I was asked for documents.

The documents they asked for were a business license and an invoice. Although I sent these, it does not open in any way.

My company is based in the United Kingdom and everything legal. I can't change my address or any other information.

No verification code etc. came to my address. My account was closed without verification.

I don't know what to do. I'm waiting for someone to help me.

I've added a performance report

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My Amazon Account has been restricted


My Amazon Account has been restricted. I want to submit documents to reactivate my account but the buttons are disable. Please check the attachments. please help


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disbursements on hold
by Seller_TRgjfKQPJcEo7

hi, my disbursements were put on hold to verify my VAT status on the 11th June

i haven't recieved a disbursement since and they are sill on hold,

however when i call amazon they confirm i have submitted all the correct information and its been verified but still my disbursements are on hold

this is affecting my business hugely and i would appreciate help with the matter



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Attempting to update my information in order to get this blasted account verification to go through, but it's not letting me add the info for the above section, keeps telling me the info I'm submitting is 'Invalid' despite it being very valid, is on our documents and the like.

Why does it have to be so annoying to update information on Amazon?

Thanks for any help!

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