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Can anyone help

I have been running round in circles since the 5th of this month

Having received and order for 6 variation of the same product I realised that I was been charge a higher rate for 5 of them

When checking it showed that the lower costs was for grocery items and the higher for Home and Kitchen

I sell under the department Grocery

With sub categories Food Cupboard > Baking Supplies > Icing & Decorations > Decorations > Cake Toppers > Cupcake Toppers

I have a product Tax Code: A_FOOD_CAKEDECOR

I do not own any ASINS just SKU’s and the ASIN’s were assigned via Amazon at upload.

I have been told that the products should all be in Home and Kitchen under cake topper

Why is it then that as I was approved to sell under Grocery, have all my products listed under grocery I should be paying the higher rate under Home and Kitchen.

Apparently, it’s because- that they feel Home and Kitchen is the right category for me to be billed under despite my listing under grocery.

I did sent a more detailed reply to @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP Post 5 days ago though no reply so am reaching out to see if anyone can help at all

I own the brand and all products are branded and 100% edible

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I was automatically enrolled in remote fulfillment with only Canada as an option. All of my US FBA listings are marked "inactive" with no stock when I check my Germany account.

When I checked the "Remote Fulfillment ASIN Status Report", it says this:

"There's an issue with your offer in the target store. To identify and fix the issue, go to the Listing Quality dashboard in the target store account. Once the issue is fixed, the offer will be automatically added to Remote Fulfillment."

How can I make all of my UK FBA listings active listings in Germany?

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
by Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK
Amazon replied

As the title suggests, we have had many of our products blocked for being in breach of Amazon's bladed policy in the UK, despite the products that we sell not being sold with blades, and despite the products being live on the platform for many years prior. As I understand, the UK has laws on bladed products which is forcing Amazon to block products containing baldes that do not comply with the guidelines stated here:

The products we sell are safety razors, yet these products do not contain blades. They are to be purchased separately. Permitted products as per the policy guidelines:

"Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed"

As these products do not contain blades, we believe that they can be sold - we still have variations available for sale along with other sellers who have not yet been blocked.

We cannot get past the first level support at Amazon and the issue has been ongoing for months. No matter how much we prove that the products are in essence, a lump of metal and contain no blades, they keep on hitting us with the bladed policy guidelines and we cannot proceed any further in having them unrestricted.

Is there any common sense to be had here?

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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We create listing for the brand after error5461 and 8040 with variation them and send them to FBA. I've been doing this since 2013 on amazon.

After units received at FBA, amazon randomly break the relationship and turns ASINs in to search suppressed. - There is literly NO Change or nothing in these ASINs.

And thn the nightmare begins -

When try to recreate the variation it start giving me same error 5461 and after clearing that one more time, it gives me erro8040 and seller support disapprove the variation which was on the first hand created after approval.

There is literly no help and each answer from seller support makes me feel like crap.

It seems there are some glitches in amazon inventory system and without any concern small seller like me is punished.

@Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA I saw your forrum post and hope you can help me here.


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Amazon refusing to change inaccurrate title
by Seller_rluydfDQ8rGNc
Amazon replied

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccMhoping you will be able to assist here, as you've been so helpful in the past.

ASIN B002SMJQT4 in the marketplace. Title is inaccurate (says it contains only GB plug, when it contains EU plug, for a start). Seller support has given multiple suggestions and excuses, none of which work, and their final response is that 'there is no way to acheive what I am trying to accomplish'.

I honestly cannot beleive that Amazon actually have no way of correcting titles.

I have tried the whole delete/ re-list approach, but with no luck. Case ID 9856338792 and 9884277262.

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Amazons titles costing us money.
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had 2 returns initiated recently due to errors in the titles of an item.


Amazon Title - Annie Pattern, with Zip

Title should be IMHO - ByAnnie Out and About PBA282 sewing instructions to make your own Rucksack / Backpack / Knapsack in two sizes. Clear concise instructions

We listed on this item via the upc format.

However the title is incorrect both grammaticaly and factually which has caused one of the returns (amazon automatically issued a return label costing us £3.30 for a letter sized item below 100g on an item that we are selling for £12.50 inc postage))

We have tried many times to correct several of these but as on this one where someone has lited it as a brand called annie instead of the correct ByAnnies you get stumped when trying to get anything changed. Have tried today to add some bullet points to possibly reduce the amount of returns bt they have not come through yet.

There seams to be a policy of just blocking/making a simple operation very difficult any changes asking for hi res photos etc or supplier details and when we look through our listing we probably have 100+ of these that we would like to change the name to the correct one but dont have the time to jump through all the hoops that amazon want to put in the way when it is obvious that the original poster has made a mistake on the listing.

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Video Rejection
by Seller_8poFPfArgAZgS
Amazon replied


I hope all is well.

I've raised 3 cases on this and still haven't had a helpful response, so I thought I'd give it a try here.

My product video keeps getting rejected due to medical claims, so I took out the medical claims and re-uploaded, only for it to be rejected for the same reason again.

So instead of me guessing what Amazons problem is with my video, I raised the issue with seller support, who advised to email with the following:

• Inquiry type: video rejection dispute or general video moderation inquiry

• Marketplace


• Video ID

As you can imagine, they were extremely unhelpful and emailed me back thinking I was trying to remove a review!

It clearly states the inquiry type, so how they came back to me 3 times with the same response is crazy. Incompetence at its finest.

I'm not getting anywhere with seller support, can anyone here help please?

I shouldn't have to guess what Amazons problem with my video is, why is it so difficult to tell me what the issue is?

All the best,

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Issue With Listings
by Seller_Jw1oVOXG9P6TZ

Hello i am facing an issue where my listings have been search suppressed by amazon. despite amazon reassuring that i am able to lift the suppression from listings my issue is still persisting. Amazon is not responding to cases. leadership team has not responded to case from last 20 days. amazon representatives attend the calls but put cut the calls after answering them

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Search Suppresion and the AI bot.
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had a couple recently asking for the colour to be added. These are on patterns to be made into bags where you choose your own fabric. We have just linked onto the item via the upc and listed that way. Is it possible to have the suppressions picked by the bot overseen by a human to prevent us from wasting time.

asin B07S1B31CP

@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Simon_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

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