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Greedy Seller
by Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx

Fellow sellers, I'm seeking some advice on a frustrating situation I've encountered with another seller undercutting repeatedly.

I initially found a product with great profit margins over 100% ROI and there is about 10-15 sellers. I matched the current Buy Box price and sales were going well for about a month. Then yesterday, another seller started hugging the Buy Box, going just 1p below the current buy box.

It's evident they are using a repricing tool to constantly undercut the lowest price by 1p in order to solely maintain the Buy Box themselves. While I understand the motivation to capture all the Buy Box sales, it's exasperating when sellers configure repricers so aggressively just to box others out.

This particular seller has over 200 seller feedbacks, so they are an experienced seller who surely understands pricing strategies. As a result of their relentless undercutting, my potential ROI on this product has plummeted from over 100% down to only 5-10%.

I've now sold out of my inventory for this item. My question for everyone reading is would you continue sourcing more of this product knowing you'll likely just enter another Buy Box battle? Or would you cut your losses and move on to other products?

I'm all for healthy price competition, but it feels unethical when sellers setup repricers to continuously undercut by the smallest increments just to own the Buy Box. I wish we could agree as a seller community to share the Buy Box rather than trying to monopolize it. But I realize that's unlikely to happen.

Any thoughts or advice on how to approach this type of situation would be appreciated.

Here's to better seller karma for all of us.

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Offload inventory thats not selling
by Seller_2EVfyY1hhL3UE

Hi all

I just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas for how to get red of inventory thats not selling?

I am currently not selling my product very much and i am making a loss on it because of advertising fees on amazon.

Ive got to a point where i would like to cut my losses. Is there any way i can sell the remaining inventory to someone else or to amazon? Or any other method that i can recoup some money but be done with the product i am selling?


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Do poor and very poor rating on "Voice of the Customer" affect listings negatively?

I.e. you go down in search results?

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I am having a hard time trying to disconnect our stock from Italy FBA from being "available" on listings in France storefront. We've been receiving orders on France that are using italy FBA inventory.

I've disabled export settings under fulfilment by amazon

I've disabled BIL listings / International Listings

Inventory storage is marked only in UK

Pan European Inventory is Turned off aswell as EFN

Not sure what else to do at this point except close all the France listings and creating a new account.

Any insight into why the listings are still connected?

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Can I ask if at the bottom of your FBA dashboard it states:;

"The storage utilisation surcharge is not applicable to you because your average daily inventory volume is less than 25 cubic feet (0.7079 cubic meters)"

does this mean i will not be charged any Aged Inventory fees as well even after 270 or 300 days of a small amount of items in Amazons warehouses?

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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I have had to report this issue again . Amazon keeping Sellers money - always check your payments this is another month that money has not been added to my seller account the product is completely missing from my payments - and no i am aware that sometimes payments do get held back - THIS IS NOT THE CASE - SO AS A WARNING ALL SELLERS PLEASE CHECK YOUR AMAZON PAYMENTS AGAINST YOUR ORDERS.

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Does Amazon return items
by Seller_aAC95DDYCauM4

how you are selling items on Amazon.

will Amazon return your items to you or done of them?

Is there a cost?

I assume they charge a delivery charge but do they change anything else?

When you close your account does Amazon return your all your items or fo they dump them?

If someone could please help,I would very much appreciate it

Thank you


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Hello, I have been talking to amazon for weeks now about inventory that we sent that they claim the contents didnt arrive.

The next step would be to take them to small claims court. Has anyone done this before?

Just to explain what happened: we send boxes to Amazon on 1 May 2024 via their own UPS service. They were tracked and delivered. The boxes were 15kg each (two inner cartons) with 32 units per box (around 330g each). Totalling 64 units.

They started checking them in, then weeks passed and the checked in quantity stayed on 0. It then eventually said that the shipment was complete and that it was short by 64 units(!).

I made the online request on the shipment for a review, and they said they recounted the stock across the warehouse and found 3 extra products of ours, but a different SKU (I assume this was nothing to do with the shipment, but just three extra items after a re-count)

I contacted them and asked them to investigate, after two weeks they came back and said that the investigation was complete and that they didnt receive any goods. They scanned in the boxes, the boxes were 15kg each. So how on earth have no items been checked off. According to their logic the boxes must have been empty because, of course, they cant possibly have lost the stock or boxes somewhere.

Is the next step making a claim through the courts? Any advice would be appreciated.

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Customised listings / hazardous shipping
by Seller_giVJbJ6YEJ144


I've noticed that many other sellers create customized listings. We use Linnworks to ship our orders, but we can't figure out how others manage the stock for these customized listings since it cannot be mapped. Can you provide any insights or solutions for this? Also what shipping services do you use for hazardous items such as bleach?

Thank you

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