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Account suspended

by Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL

Dear All,

Need help yesterday i received email from Amazon mentioned they are going to call me to discuss about my account health and after few Minuit i got voice mail saying amazon trying yo reach me not reachable and they are suspending my account i have not received any call from amazon just voice message.
i do not know why amazon reacting like this now i am trying to reach i am not reachable no call back service available and they are not responding my message.

reason for suspend because of two negative feedback both the case delivery delayed by courier and customer enquirer the item with negative feedback.

any advice for this how to approach.


Tags: Fees, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_iBrSIJDZKlsXi’s post

There have never been any issues with Account Health Support Team, whenever I request a callback from them, I use my regular mobile phone.

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Unfortunately, since you didn’t take the phone call, you will need to appeal the suspension.

From your post it sounds like the defects were due to non-receipt and late-receipt complaints.

You will need to write a Plan of Action, in which you tell Amazon, what you have done to address the issue and how will you prevent this from happening again.

The appeal shouldn’t focus on specific orders but talk about the issue in general.

Here is an example POA for a suspension due to the Order Defect Rate exceeding the 1% target. You can write a similar one based on it and then post it here for feedback. Don’t copy entire sentences but use your own words:

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Thanks Kika for your advice i will do same and let you know

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Dear Kika

i do not know what to do one of worst seller support ever seen i am submitted my action plan but still my account not activated also they are not asking any information as well simply asking submit additional information i do not know what addition information asking.
any help


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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Thanks for your reply,

however amazon not responding simply saying submit addition information i do not know what information additionally asking

please advice

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

please find screen shot

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

ok will wait and escalate if not received solution


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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

hi kika

amazon come back and asking below detail

Please also address the following issue in your plan of action:

  • Identify the root cause of the issue: damaged product
  • Explain what actions you have taken to remedy the root cause.
  • Outline what proactive actions you will take to ensure the issue does not recur.
  • Provide a plan for evaluating the success of your remedy actions.
  • Provide a timeline for these actions

if you can help to address please

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

My account has suspended
I have Appeal for The suspension of my account
but Amazon seller center dosn’t reply

What i can do for Reactivation of my account

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Hi @Online_shopping_UK

Arthur here to assist.

Based on my observations, it looks like your account has been deactivated for order defect rate calculated by the claims you received from buyers. I want to go over the plan you submitted in order to give you a sense of direction moving forward.

Before diving into the fine details, at first glance your plan is very lengthy and not formatted in a way that is easy to read. Generally, the plan needs to be structured, concise, and definitive about the issues identified within your account. I suggest following these guidelines from now on:

  1. The root cause of the issue. (after reviewing your current business model and processes, why do you believe customers submitted claims about damaged items and orders not received?)

  2. The steps you immediately took to resolve the root cause(s) you identified. (what have you done, and what did you change within your business model or processes to eliminate those root causes?)

  3. How you will avoid similar issues from happening again (Provide a timeline. Think long-term.)

This root cause is confusing and doesn’t identify all of the issues in your account. Your first sentence states information we already know about why your selling privileges were removed.

How does a courier delay have anything to do with items being damaged? What is your quality assurance process? How are you ensuring your product is in perfect condition when you prepare for shipment? Are there any other processes or methods you may have overlooked that could have caused damages? Where are you sourcing your items and what does your inventory look like when received?

How will you be checking the condition of your items? Provide more detail and insight into your plans of remedying complaints concerning damaged goods.

How will you make sure your items are secure and safe for travel? What was your process previously? How were you packaging your product before and how does your new process make the buyer experience better?

Responding quickly to your buyers is a general customer service expectation. How does answering messages timely prevent shipments from being late? How does it ensure your items are not damaged on arrival?
What did you do to align your listings to our policies? How did you verify your products were correct and exactly as described on the product detail page?
Tracking should always be uploaded in reference to the order you are shipping. This does not address the issues your buyers voiced to you in the claims they filed.

What carrier did you end up choosing? What exactly can you describe about this new carrier in reference to the improvements they will provide to your company? How did you research and vet for possible carriers to suit your needs? How will the new carrier deliver orders on time? Is there anything you can detail about your business operations and what you have done to make sure your orders are in alignment to the expected ship date?

What policies specifically? What did you learn from the policies you read? How will you transfer your learning into the new standards of the business? How are you ensuring you won’t be in violation again?

I suggest revising your entire plan, and simplifying the language for a more straightforward approach. Once you have completed your review, please post your updates, questions, and newest submission in this topic so the forums community can continue to assist you with your goal of account reinstatement.

I hope this helps,

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In reply to: Seller_l6MQnwQYqDQtL’s post

Hello all,

need advice if i can escalate the issues any Sr Management for below replay form Amazon and what will happen my balance available in my account (one of the hopeless seller service)

Need help and advice please


Your Amazon selling account remains deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you and may be held for 90 days or longer. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
This decision was made after reviewing both your account and the information provided.

We may not respond to further emails about this issue.
Seller Performance Team

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