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Amazon vendor central

by Seller_03BQiiE7ZN4WL

Hello everyone, (I’m not native, sorry for my english)

I work for a company that has an account on Amazon Vendor central.

The previous manager didn’t do his job serioulsy and I’m facing several issues.

The first problem is that we have a list of best seller in our physical stores, but amazon does not purchase our best sellers.

I think it’s because the previous manager submitted our list and didn’t optimize the content.

Now I’m optmizing everything but if Amazon doesn’t purchase from me I’m doing this job for nothing…

So how can I say to amazon to purchase my product ?

Is it a solution to lower my sales prices temporarily for the product that I want to improve sales?

With this solution will Amazon send me purchases orders for the targeted product ?

I’m a little bit lost because I have to manage something like 6000 reference and I’m totally new in the business…

Tags: Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_03BQiiE7ZN4WL’s post

You need to check the actual status of the Vendor Central Account ideally with the category manager, Amazon will block an account if there has been a previous issue, you may need to indentify if this is the case as the account remains entirely live they will simply not buy from you.

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In reply to: Seller_03BQiiE7ZN4WL’s post

Vendor central has been a nightmare for us. We are in the process of closing it. Amazon purchased all the “wrong” products from us, then after three months sent them back , and ordered them again.

Simple answer is yes you can add products to vendor central, and yes you can change the price. There help systems are quite good with the process for doing that. BUT there is nothing you can do to change Amazon’s view on what to purchase.

It is not just about price and sales, but what they perceive of as most profitable for them and they take account of physical dimensions. But you have to make those phsyical dimensions correct. They had all of our dimensiosn about 10 times bigger than they actually were which meant their storage and postage costs were out of whack. Again these can be changed - in theory!

In practice, since September our dimensions are still wrong, they refused our price changes (even the price decreases) and adding new product lines was impossible

In theory you do have a vendor manager, ours promised she would be with us for the duration. In practice they disappear after a couple of weeks and leave you with the vendor support team who are just as good as the seller support team

I am sure vendor central is great for some businesses but for our product range an absolute nightmare. For example their AI looks at potential sales so if someone searches for a “bolt” because they want an M6 bolt, then surely they would also buy an M42 bolt? So Amazon think M42 is more profitable than M6 so we will get loads of M42’s . Err no. That would work with say A Stephen King book, but not hardware.

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In reply to: Seller_03BQiiE7ZN4WL’s post

connect with support and arrange a call with dedicated manager. they will explain the reason.
I believe your item does not have much traffic and conversion chances on amazon for now which it why you are not able to get any POs at all.
You gotta optimize, rank and sell that well so amazon automated system can recognize the listing as profitable

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