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Selling application approved, then "We are not accepting applications to sell"

Can someone please advise me what to do here. I found like 5 products that all required invoices to sell. I submitted all of them and was approved, then I tried to sell these products and am met with "We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other Beauty category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)

Other product(s)"

The products are all in new condition and I really don't understand what has actually happened. I can't even submit a new selling application because I am already approved. Does anybody know the fix to this please?

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Selling application approved, then "We are not accepting applications to sell"

Can someone please advise me what to do here. I found like 5 products that all required invoices to sell. I submitted all of them and was approved, then I tried to sell these products and am met with "We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other Beauty category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)

Other product(s)"

The products are all in new condition and I really don't understand what has actually happened. I can't even submit a new selling application because I am already approved. Does anybody know the fix to this please?

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Selling application approved, then "We are not accepting applications to sell"

by Seller_CXPWSqpDIExiS

Can someone please advise me what to do here. I found like 5 products that all required invoices to sell. I submitted all of them and was approved, then I tried to sell these products and am met with "We are not accepting applications to sell:

Other Beauty category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)

Other product(s)"

The products are all in new condition and I really don't understand what has actually happened. I can't even submit a new selling application because I am already approved. Does anybody know the fix to this please?

Tags:Restricted Products
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