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Genuine or not? - '' the e-mail address in your seller account is associated to a personal account''

Hi All

Bit worried by this one, just had a phone call from 'Amazon Business' saying the e-mail address I use for my Seller account is also associated with a personal account and they want to change that personal account to a 'business account'.

I have no kowledge of that whatsoever. To my knowledge the e-maill address used in my seller account is ONLY used in my seller account and no other. I do have an Amazon 'Business acount' where I buy stationary etc for the business but it doesn't use the seller account e-mail. I also have a personal account but again different e-mail completely. I told them I couldn't do anything straight away as I wanted to check things out first.

I have had my professional seller account for about 10 years using the same e-mail address. I can think of no reason why I would have used the same e-mail to set up a personal amazon account unless I have forgotten. I am concerned as I have read on these forums about accounts being deactivated due to having multiple accounts and if what I am being told is true I have another account out there that I know nothing about (albeit a personal one).

Any help or suggestions, should I call seller support and check with them, although the person on the phone said i would have to call normal Amazon help as it's a personal account.?????

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Genuine or not? - '' the e-mail address in your seller account is associated to a personal account''

Hi All

Bit worried by this one, just had a phone call from 'Amazon Business' saying the e-mail address I use for my Seller account is also associated with a personal account and they want to change that personal account to a 'business account'.

I have no kowledge of that whatsoever. To my knowledge the e-maill address used in my seller account is ONLY used in my seller account and no other. I do have an Amazon 'Business acount' where I buy stationary etc for the business but it doesn't use the seller account e-mail. I also have a personal account but again different e-mail completely. I told them I couldn't do anything straight away as I wanted to check things out first.

I have had my professional seller account for about 10 years using the same e-mail address. I can think of no reason why I would have used the same e-mail to set up a personal amazon account unless I have forgotten. I am concerned as I have read on these forums about accounts being deactivated due to having multiple accounts and if what I am being told is true I have another account out there that I know nothing about (albeit a personal one).

Any help or suggestions, should I call seller support and check with them, although the person on the phone said i would have to call normal Amazon help as it's a personal account.?????

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Genuine or not? - '' the e-mail address in your seller account is associated to a personal account''

Hi All

Bit worried by this one, just had a phone call from 'Amazon Business' saying the e-mail address I use for my Seller account is also associated with a personal account and they want to change that personal account to a 'business account'.

I have no kowledge of that whatsoever. To my knowledge the e-maill address used in my seller account is ONLY used in my seller account and no other. I do have an Amazon 'Business acount' where I buy stationary etc for the business but it doesn't use the seller account e-mail. I also have a personal account but again different e-mail completely. I told them I couldn't do anything straight away as I wanted to check things out first.

I have had my professional seller account for about 10 years using the same e-mail address. I can think of no reason why I would have used the same e-mail to set up a personal amazon account unless I have forgotten. I am concerned as I have read on these forums about accounts being deactivated due to having multiple accounts and if what I am being told is true I have another account out there that I know nothing about (albeit a personal one).

Any help or suggestions, should I call seller support and check with them, although the person on the phone said i would have to call normal Amazon help as it's a personal account.?????

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Genuine or not? - '' the e-mail address in your seller account is associated to a personal account''

Hi All

Bit worried by this one, just had a phone call from 'Amazon Business' saying the e-mail address I use for my Seller account is also associated with a personal account and they want to change that personal account to a 'business account'.

I have no kowledge of that whatsoever. To my knowledge the e-maill address used in my seller account is ONLY used in my seller account and no other. I do have an Amazon 'Business acount' where I buy stationary etc for the business but it doesn't use the seller account e-mail. I also have a personal account but again different e-mail completely. I told them I couldn't do anything straight away as I wanted to check things out first.

I have had my professional seller account for about 10 years using the same e-mail address. I can think of no reason why I would have used the same e-mail to set up a personal amazon account unless I have forgotten. I am concerned as I have read on these forums about accounts being deactivated due to having multiple accounts and if what I am being told is true I have another account out there that I know nothing about (albeit a personal one).

Any help or suggestions, should I call seller support and check with them, although the person on the phone said i would have to call normal Amazon help as it's a personal account.?????

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Genuine or not? - '' the e-mail address in your seller account is associated to a personal account''

by Seller_7G4mTOFwvnAjo

Hi All

Bit worried by this one, just had a phone call from 'Amazon Business' saying the e-mail address I use for my Seller account is also associated with a personal account and they want to change that personal account to a 'business account'.

I have no kowledge of that whatsoever. To my knowledge the e-maill address used in my seller account is ONLY used in my seller account and no other. I do have an Amazon 'Business acount' where I buy stationary etc for the business but it doesn't use the seller account e-mail. I also have a personal account but again different e-mail completely. I told them I couldn't do anything straight away as I wanted to check things out first.

I have had my professional seller account for about 10 years using the same e-mail address. I can think of no reason why I would have used the same e-mail to set up a personal amazon account unless I have forgotten. I am concerned as I have read on these forums about accounts being deactivated due to having multiple accounts and if what I am being told is true I have another account out there that I know nothing about (albeit a personal one).

Any help or suggestions, should I call seller support and check with them, although the person on the phone said i would have to call normal Amazon help as it's a personal account.?????

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