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Hey there New Sellers,

Happy Monday!

When posting a new topic on the Seller Forums, you’ll be required to select one category and up to 5 tags (a minimum of one tag must be selected). Categories and tags keep the Seller Forums organised so that you can find answers to questions faster. These also help in filtering search results by topic.

Imagine you need to discuss shipping a new inventory shipment to one of the fulfillment centers. In that case, you might select the following relevant topics and associated tags:


For more information check out Seller Forums FAQs!

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Tags:Engage with Amazon
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Categories & Tags

Hey there New Sellers,

Happy Monday!

When posting a new topic on the Seller Forums, you’ll be required to select one category and up to 5 tags (a minimum of one tag must be selected). Categories and tags keep the Seller Forums organised so that you can find answers to questions faster. These also help in filtering search results by topic.

Imagine you need to discuss shipping a new inventory shipment to one of the fulfillment centers. In that case, you might select the following relevant topics and associated tags:


For more information check out Seller Forums FAQs!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
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Categories & Tags

Hey there New Sellers,

Happy Monday!

When posting a new topic on the Seller Forums, you’ll be required to select one category and up to 5 tags (a minimum of one tag must be selected). Categories and tags keep the Seller Forums organised so that you can find answers to questions faster. These also help in filtering search results by topic.

Imagine you need to discuss shipping a new inventory shipment to one of the fulfillment centers. In that case, you might select the following relevant topics and associated tags:


For more information check out Seller Forums FAQs!

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Tags:Engage with Amazon
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Categories & Tags

Hey there New Sellers,

Happy Monday!

When posting a new topic on the Seller Forums, you’ll be required to select one category and up to 5 tags (a minimum of one tag must be selected). Categories and tags keep the Seller Forums organised so that you can find answers to questions faster. These also help in filtering search results by topic.

Imagine you need to discuss shipping a new inventory shipment to one of the fulfillment centers. In that case, you might select the following relevant topics and associated tags:


For more information check out Seller Forums FAQs!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
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Categories & Tags

by Winston_Amazon

Hey there New Sellers,

Happy Monday!

When posting a new topic on the Seller Forums, you’ll be required to select one category and up to 5 tags (a minimum of one tag must be selected). Categories and tags keep the Seller Forums organised so that you can find answers to questions faster. These also help in filtering search results by topic.

Imagine you need to discuss shipping a new inventory shipment to one of the fulfillment centers. In that case, you might select the following relevant topics and associated tags:


For more information check out Seller Forums FAQs!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
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