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by Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095

Just a post to let the mods know that since 2pm yesterday till 9:30AM today we have been unable to log into our seller central account due to it saying when prompted for an OTP ‘There was a problem. Please wait at least one minute before requesting an OTP’… one was never requested prior because it didn’t let you get one. We never got any. I’ve seen on the US forums that this was an issue in June…

This caused nothing but stress due to orders needing being fulfilled this morning and we didn’t think we could. As per usual the seller support we all pay for was useless & told me multiple times (because i kept ringing) to wait 2h, wait 1h, theres no error, nothing wrong with amazon, no updates… blah blah blah. Lack of investment into support showing through and through… Nothing new.

Just a post to report it really as SS refuse to acknowledge it and the mods here are better than SS… even if they are part of the same team.

@Winston_Amazon @Jessica

Tags: Seller Central
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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

We’ve since moved to the authenticator app to HOPEFULLY avoid this again. I’ll add a screenshot of the issue that was occurring -

We quite literally didn’t do anything to cause this, going about our daily Amazon shenanigans & as per at 2pm logged out to relog in & then this occurred. I think my poor dad has many missing hair follicles from the stress!!!

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

I’ve had the same problem - i managed to get in a few times, only for it to happen again. So when it let me in, i put my MF listings on holiday settings

I had to supply driving licence to access my account

I’m also now using Authy app to try to avoid it happening again. Seems okay at the moment but seemed okay yesterday as well… until it happened again!

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

Use Google authenticator once you managed to login i had this issue then i setup login option using Google authenticator.
I hope this will help .

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

hi this has happen toi em everyday since tesday i can inky log in from 8pm to 12am nit then i can nnot sign in for remaining day i ahve to wiat till eveing till it let me sign i again i have call seller suport everyday and no helo what so ever thi si so stessful and no action from amazon i seen anotehr forum where seller was also comlaoing i thought first is me but now i know is just nit me is many people.

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

Your account is at risk of deactivation
A critical event has occurred with your account that has caused it to be at risk of deactivation
View Account Health

at witts end now because I can’t get logged in ?Your account is at risk of deactivation
Your Late Dispatch Rate is 21.66%; the target is 4%

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

This has happened to three of the customers in our local group in the las t few days. As they can't get onto their site they have no solution. Has Amazon been hacked...there are people that really need help mods.

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

Today right now I can not login am lucky right now my mobile is login rest of computers I can not login this will start to work after 8pm so stressful this has happen to me since Tuesday and today is satursday amazon is not doing nothing to help us.

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

Whatever authenticator app you choose to use is fairly irrelevant. As long as you can get access to it when needed. AFAI remember, I get multiple options - whatever app I’ve set-up, a text to my phone or a call to my phone when I go to login.

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

I find it interesting that multiple of us have been facing this issue yet there is no reply from a mod to acknowledge. It’s a shame.

We’ve had no issues since moving to authentication app.

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In reply to: Seller_8Wsckn3UoR095’s post

Am having om imac this is now nearly a week that everyday I can not login in till 8 or 9pm for few hours then I can not login

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