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Quick Tip: Timestamps, views, and reply count in the Seller Forums


When navigating through a discussion, you may have noticed a few details that can provide context about the age and popularity of the post. In case you haven't, we wanted to bring them to your attention. You can follow along with the screenshot below the descriptions below.

  • Timestamp: Directly under the title of each discussion, you'll see a timestamp, which denotes when the discussion was created. Sometimes discussions are brand new, and other times ones from months ago are still active, so it can be helpful to see how long ago the discussion began. Each comment also includes a timestamp.
  • Views: Next look to the box in the bottom right-hand corner next to the Reply box, and you can see how active the discussion is, starting with how many times it's been viewed.
  • Replies: The number of replies a discussion has received is also located on the bottom right hand side between the view count and the reply button.
  • Resolution: We've read some comments about readability with the new Seller Forums. The forums is best viewed on desktop. To ensure you're formatted for the best desktop experience, please check to see if your screen resolution is set to 1280px or above, and ensure your browser window is set to the full width of the screen.

When you're reading a discussion thread, which details do you tend to notice the most?

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Quick Tip: Timestamps, views, and reply count in the Seller Forums


When navigating through a discussion, you may have noticed a few details that can provide context about the age and popularity of the post. In case you haven't, we wanted to bring them to your attention. You can follow along with the screenshot below the descriptions below.

  • Timestamp: Directly under the title of each discussion, you'll see a timestamp, which denotes when the discussion was created. Sometimes discussions are brand new, and other times ones from months ago are still active, so it can be helpful to see how long ago the discussion began. Each comment also includes a timestamp.
  • Views: Next look to the box in the bottom right-hand corner next to the Reply box, and you can see how active the discussion is, starting with how many times it's been viewed.
  • Replies: The number of replies a discussion has received is also located on the bottom right hand side between the view count and the reply button.
  • Resolution: We've read some comments about readability with the new Seller Forums. The forums is best viewed on desktop. To ensure you're formatted for the best desktop experience, please check to see if your screen resolution is set to 1280px or above, and ensure your browser window is set to the full width of the screen.

When you're reading a discussion thread, which details do you tend to notice the most?

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Tags:Quick tips
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Quick Tip: Timestamps, views, and reply count in the Seller Forums

by Spencer_Amazon


When navigating through a discussion, you may have noticed a few details that can provide context about the age and popularity of the post. In case you haven't, we wanted to bring them to your attention. You can follow along with the screenshot below the descriptions below.

  • Timestamp: Directly under the title of each discussion, you'll see a timestamp, which denotes when the discussion was created. Sometimes discussions are brand new, and other times ones from months ago are still active, so it can be helpful to see how long ago the discussion began. Each comment also includes a timestamp.
  • Views: Next look to the box in the bottom right-hand corner next to the Reply box, and you can see how active the discussion is, starting with how many times it's been viewed.
  • Replies: The number of replies a discussion has received is also located on the bottom right hand side between the view count and the reply button.
  • Resolution: We've read some comments about readability with the new Seller Forums. The forums is best viewed on desktop. To ensure you're formatted for the best desktop experience, please check to see if your screen resolution is set to 1280px or above, and ensure your browser window is set to the full width of the screen.

When you're reading a discussion thread, which details do you tend to notice the most?

See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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