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Tip for New Sellers: Locked discussions 🔒

Hello Sellers!

Have you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.



We lock certain discussions in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see theSeller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Tip for New Sellers: Locked discussions 🔒

Hello Sellers!

Have you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.



We lock certain discussions in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see theSeller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Thanks for this tip @Simon_Amazon!

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Tip for New Sellers: Locked discussions 🔒

Hello Sellers!

Have you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.



We lock certain discussions in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see theSeller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Tip for New Sellers: Locked discussions 🔒

Hello Sellers!

Have you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.



We lock certain discussions in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see theSeller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Tip for New Sellers: Locked discussions 🔒

by Simon_Amazon

Hello Sellers!

Have you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.



We lock certain discussions in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see theSeller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Thanks for this tip @Simon_Amazon!

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Thanks for this tip @Simon_Amazon!

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Thanks for this tip @Simon_Amazon!

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