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Negative feedback left for buyer missing their delivery

Hi, I recently had an order which shipped out correctly with Evri and when they attempted to deliver, no one was in so it was returned to the depot. They tried 3 more times before they then returned it back to me. The buyer later left negative feedback out of the blue and sent me a message stating they and been on holiday? I don't get how this is my fault and why hey have left negative seller feedback? I requested for Amazon to remove it but the automated checker thing denied it. I was wondering if anyone could help? Thank you

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Tags:Buyer messages, Negative reviews
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Negative feedback left for buyer missing their delivery

Hi, I recently had an order which shipped out correctly with Evri and when they attempted to deliver, no one was in so it was returned to the depot. They tried 3 more times before they then returned it back to me. The buyer later left negative feedback out of the blue and sent me a message stating they and been on holiday? I don't get how this is my fault and why hey have left negative seller feedback? I requested for Amazon to remove it but the automated checker thing denied it. I was wondering if anyone could help? Thank you

Tags:Buyer messages, Negative reviews
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Negative feedback left for buyer missing their delivery

Hi, I recently had an order which shipped out correctly with Evri and when they attempted to deliver, no one was in so it was returned to the depot. They tried 3 more times before they then returned it back to me. The buyer later left negative feedback out of the blue and sent me a message stating they and been on holiday? I don't get how this is my fault and why hey have left negative seller feedback? I requested for Amazon to remove it but the automated checker thing denied it. I was wondering if anyone could help? Thank you

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Tags:Buyer messages, Negative reviews
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Negative feedback left for buyer missing their delivery

Hi, I recently had an order which shipped out correctly with Evri and when they attempted to deliver, no one was in so it was returned to the depot. They tried 3 more times before they then returned it back to me. The buyer later left negative feedback out of the blue and sent me a message stating they and been on holiday? I don't get how this is my fault and why hey have left negative seller feedback? I requested for Amazon to remove it but the automated checker thing denied it. I was wondering if anyone could help? Thank you

Tags:Buyer messages, Negative reviews
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Negative feedback left for buyer missing their delivery

by Seller_9B7RXTh2FnfNg

Hi, I recently had an order which shipped out correctly with Evri and when they attempted to deliver, no one was in so it was returned to the depot. They tried 3 more times before they then returned it back to me. The buyer later left negative feedback out of the blue and sent me a message stating they and been on holiday? I don't get how this is my fault and why hey have left negative seller feedback? I requested for Amazon to remove it but the automated checker thing denied it. I was wondering if anyone could help? Thank you

Tags:Buyer messages, Negative reviews
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