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Let's talk about Transparency!

Hello sellers!

Let´s talk about how Transparency works and how it can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeits both online and offline.

Who can enroll in Transparency?

  • Enroll in Brand Registry with a government-registered trademark. Trademarks with "pending" status are not eligible to enroll in Transparency. Click here to get enrolled in Brand Registry.
  • You also must have the role of Right’s Owner in Brand Registry. Please use your Right’s Owner credentials to log in and create a Transparency account.
  • Have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for your product, such as a UPC, ISBN, or EAN.
  • Have the ability to apply unique Transparency codes (a type of serial number) to every unit you manufacture, regardless of where the units are sold.

Why should I enroll in Transparency?

  • Verify product authenticity - Ensure that only authentic units are shipped to customers. Whether fulfilled by Amazon or shipped directly by selling partners, products cannot be listed on Amazon or shipped without valid Transparency codes.
  • Engage with customers - Connect with customers post-purchase, no matter where they bought your product. The Amazon Shopping app and the Transparency app both allow customers to scan Transparency codes to confirm authenticity and access content you provide.
  • Optimize your supply chain - Gain additional insights on your items at the batch or lot level, helping you identify supply chain or other issues, diagnose their root cause, implement solutions, and improve products with minimal disruption to your business.

The numbers:

  • More than 33,000 businesses rely on Transparency to prevent counterfeits
  • Over 1.6 Billion product units enrolled in Transparency have been authenticated as genuine through code scan verification, whether sold in Amazon’s store or elsewhere in the retail supply chain.
  • Transparency offers protection in 10 countries


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Let's talk about Transparency!

Hello sellers!

Let´s talk about how Transparency works and how it can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeits both online and offline.

Who can enroll in Transparency?

  • Enroll in Brand Registry with a government-registered trademark. Trademarks with "pending" status are not eligible to enroll in Transparency. Click here to get enrolled in Brand Registry.
  • You also must have the role of Right’s Owner in Brand Registry. Please use your Right’s Owner credentials to log in and create a Transparency account.
  • Have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for your product, such as a UPC, ISBN, or EAN.
  • Have the ability to apply unique Transparency codes (a type of serial number) to every unit you manufacture, regardless of where the units are sold.

Why should I enroll in Transparency?

  • Verify product authenticity - Ensure that only authentic units are shipped to customers. Whether fulfilled by Amazon or shipped directly by selling partners, products cannot be listed on Amazon or shipped without valid Transparency codes.
  • Engage with customers - Connect with customers post-purchase, no matter where they bought your product. The Amazon Shopping app and the Transparency app both allow customers to scan Transparency codes to confirm authenticity and access content you provide.
  • Optimize your supply chain - Gain additional insights on your items at the batch or lot level, helping you identify supply chain or other issues, diagnose their root cause, implement solutions, and improve products with minimal disruption to your business.

The numbers:

  • More than 33,000 businesses rely on Transparency to prevent counterfeits
  • Over 1.6 Billion product units enrolled in Transparency have been authenticated as genuine through code scan verification, whether sold in Amazon’s store or elsewhere in the retail supply chain.
  • Transparency offers protection in 10 countries


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Let's talk about Transparency!

by Spencer_Amazon

Hello sellers!

Let´s talk about how Transparency works and how it can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeits both online and offline.

Who can enroll in Transparency?

  • Enroll in Brand Registry with a government-registered trademark. Trademarks with "pending" status are not eligible to enroll in Transparency. Click here to get enrolled in Brand Registry.
  • You also must have the role of Right’s Owner in Brand Registry. Please use your Right’s Owner credentials to log in and create a Transparency account.
  • Have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for your product, such as a UPC, ISBN, or EAN.
  • Have the ability to apply unique Transparency codes (a type of serial number) to every unit you manufacture, regardless of where the units are sold.

Why should I enroll in Transparency?

  • Verify product authenticity - Ensure that only authentic units are shipped to customers. Whether fulfilled by Amazon or shipped directly by selling partners, products cannot be listed on Amazon or shipped without valid Transparency codes.
  • Engage with customers - Connect with customers post-purchase, no matter where they bought your product. The Amazon Shopping app and the Transparency app both allow customers to scan Transparency codes to confirm authenticity and access content you provide.
  • Optimize your supply chain - Gain additional insights on your items at the batch or lot level, helping you identify supply chain or other issues, diagnose their root cause, implement solutions, and improve products with minimal disruption to your business.

The numbers:

  • More than 33,000 businesses rely on Transparency to prevent counterfeits
  • Over 1.6 Billion product units enrolled in Transparency have been authenticated as genuine through code scan verification, whether sold in Amazon’s store or elsewhere in the retail supply chain.
  • Transparency offers protection in 10 countries


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