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A-Z claims

Hi, I have to A-Z claims against me that are effecting my account health and the ability to sell. Both orders have been delivered to the customer and unfortunately left outside of their houses by postal services. They haven't received their products. I am happy to cover the financial loss of both these orders but in both cases the customers did not try to contact me regarding finding a solution before making A-Z claims which is part of the amazon rules . What can I do ?

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Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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A-Z claims

Hi, I have to A-Z claims against me that are effecting my account health and the ability to sell. Both orders have been delivered to the customer and unfortunately left outside of their houses by postal services. They haven't received their products. I am happy to cover the financial loss of both these orders but in both cases the customers did not try to contact me regarding finding a solution before making A-Z claims which is part of the amazon rules . What can I do ?

Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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You should not get ODR if buyer didn't contacted you first and opening A-Z Claim, when appealing you should pointed this out, you are not given opportunity to fix the issue which you happily to do so if buyer let you know first there is problem with their order

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A-Z claims

Hi, I have to A-Z claims against me that are effecting my account health and the ability to sell. Both orders have been delivered to the customer and unfortunately left outside of their houses by postal services. They haven't received their products. I am happy to cover the financial loss of both these orders but in both cases the customers did not try to contact me regarding finding a solution before making A-Z claims which is part of the amazon rules . What can I do ?

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Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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A-Z claims

Hi, I have to A-Z claims against me that are effecting my account health and the ability to sell. Both orders have been delivered to the customer and unfortunately left outside of their houses by postal services. They haven't received their products. I am happy to cover the financial loss of both these orders but in both cases the customers did not try to contact me regarding finding a solution before making A-Z claims which is part of the amazon rules . What can I do ?

Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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A-Z claims

by Seller_M53ED4UJO9rQf

Hi, I have to A-Z claims against me that are effecting my account health and the ability to sell. Both orders have been delivered to the customer and unfortunately left outside of their houses by postal services. They haven't received their products. I am happy to cover the financial loss of both these orders but in both cases the customers did not try to contact me regarding finding a solution before making A-Z claims which is part of the amazon rules . What can I do ?

Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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You should not get ODR if buyer didn't contacted you first and opening A-Z Claim, when appealing you should pointed this out, you are not given opportunity to fix the issue which you happily to do so if buyer let you know first there is problem with their order

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You should not get ODR if buyer didn't contacted you first and opening A-Z Claim, when appealing you should pointed this out, you are not given opportunity to fix the issue which you happily to do so if buyer let you know first there is problem with their order

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You should not get ODR if buyer didn't contacted you first and opening A-Z Claim, when appealing you should pointed this out, you are not given opportunity to fix the issue which you happily to do so if buyer let you know first there is problem with their order

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