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EVRI strike again

EVRI lost one of my returns, a fairly expensive one for me as well returned, for a stupid reason (because the plug is white and not brown like the lamp!). Is there any updated method to get some money back? EVRI say that I need to contact Amazon but I know what will happen...thanks

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Tags:Return shipment
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nope for lost returns you are still supposed to claim via Evri via their hollybot chat bot.

@Winston_Amazon unless anything has been done about this expletive fest of a policy?

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We put a claim in against Evri in the small claims court, won and then had the High court sheriffs collect.

Sadly their Holly bot kept giving us duff claim links, then when you eventually managed to get a proper claim form they said it was out of time, over and over again.

So we took action against them and won

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EVRI strike again

EVRI lost one of my returns, a fairly expensive one for me as well returned, for a stupid reason (because the plug is white and not brown like the lamp!). Is there any updated method to get some money back? EVRI say that I need to contact Amazon but I know what will happen...thanks

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Tags:Return shipment
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EVRI strike again

by Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

EVRI lost one of my returns, a fairly expensive one for me as well returned, for a stupid reason (because the plug is white and not brown like the lamp!). Is there any updated method to get some money back? EVRI say that I need to contact Amazon but I know what will happen...thanks

Tags:Return shipment
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nope for lost returns you are still supposed to claim via Evri via their hollybot chat bot.

@Winston_Amazon unless anything has been done about this expletive fest of a policy?

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We put a claim in against Evri in the small claims court, won and then had the High court sheriffs collect.

Sadly their Holly bot kept giving us duff claim links, then when you eventually managed to get a proper claim form they said it was out of time, over and over again.

So we took action against them and won

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nope for lost returns you are still supposed to claim via Evri via their hollybot chat bot.

@Winston_Amazon unless anything has been done about this expletive fest of a policy?

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nope for lost returns you are still supposed to claim via Evri via their hollybot chat bot.

@Winston_Amazon unless anything has been done about this expletive fest of a policy?

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We put a claim in against Evri in the small claims court, won and then had the High court sheriffs collect.

Sadly their Holly bot kept giving us duff claim links, then when you eventually managed to get a proper claim form they said it was out of time, over and over again.

So we took action against them and won

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We put a claim in against Evri in the small claims court, won and then had the High court sheriffs collect.

Sadly their Holly bot kept giving us duff claim links, then when you eventually managed to get a proper claim form they said it was out of time, over and over again.

So we took action against them and won

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