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Customise Your Seller Forum Notifications for Relevant Updates ✉

Hello Sellers,

Today, I'd like to highlight the Notifications and Preferences tabs on our Seller Forums platform. These settings allow you to customise your experience and stay informed about the topics and discussions most relevant to you.

Notification Tab Features:

  • Choose All Notifications: Receive alerts for all new activity across the forums.
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Preferences Tab Features:

  1. Personalisation: Select relevant categories to receive tailored content.
  2. Notifications: Choose the actions you'd like to be notified about, such as:
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We welcome your feedback to help enhance your experience on our Seller Forums.

Are you utilising these sections? Is there any feature or option you feel is missing?


5 replies
Tags:Quick tips
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Thanks but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Until you ditch nested replies and fix all the other issues that have been highlighted already a great many times, the forum, will remain what it is. A real pain to use and a waste of a great opportunity.

Just think how more money Amazon will save by having it's unpaid sellers giving even more free support?

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Just to echo what has already been posted - until Amazon removes the nested replies, reading long[er] threads will remain almost impossible.

As it is, there is a lot of repetion and multiple posting of the same issues. Largely, I suspect because people find it too much of a chore reading existing threads with their nested/ 'hidden by default' replies.

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Re: Amazon seller forum

Amazon have the unenviable track record of improving what was perfectly good in the first place and fixing things that were never broken.

The seller forum is just another fine example.

Still Amazon have to find work for all those colleagues in the IT and research and development departments to do.

user profile

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for sharing your feedback here. As I checked, the tech team is already aware of the nested replies. I have additionally added your feedback for the Tech Team to review it, and I included your comments about the nested replies and discussion page.

Thank you for bringing up here all those topics.



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Customise Your Seller Forum Notifications for Relevant Updates ✉

Hello Sellers,

Today, I'd like to highlight the Notifications and Preferences tabs on our Seller Forums platform. These settings allow you to customise your experience and stay informed about the topics and discussions most relevant to you.

Notification Tab Features:

  • Choose All Notifications: Receive alerts for all new activity across the forums.
  • Choose Unread Notifications: Focus on conversations you haven't viewed yet.
  • Mark all visible as read: Declutter your notifications with a single click.

Preferences Tab Features:

  1. Personalisation: Select relevant categories to receive tailored content.
  2. Notifications: Choose the actions you'd like to be notified about, such as:
  • Replies to your discussions
  • Votes received on your posts
  • Discussions marked as most helpful

We welcome your feedback to help enhance your experience on our Seller Forums.

Are you utilising these sections? Is there any feature or option you feel is missing?


5 replies
Tags:Quick tips
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Customise Your Seller Forum Notifications for Relevant Updates ✉

by Sakura_Amazon_

Hello Sellers,

Today, I'd like to highlight the Notifications and Preferences tabs on our Seller Forums platform. These settings allow you to customise your experience and stay informed about the topics and discussions most relevant to you.

Notification Tab Features:

  • Choose All Notifications: Receive alerts for all new activity across the forums.
  • Choose Unread Notifications: Focus on conversations you haven't viewed yet.
  • Mark all visible as read: Declutter your notifications with a single click.

Preferences Tab Features:

  1. Personalisation: Select relevant categories to receive tailored content.
  2. Notifications: Choose the actions you'd like to be notified about, such as:
  • Replies to your discussions
  • Votes received on your posts
  • Discussions marked as most helpful

We welcome your feedback to help enhance your experience on our Seller Forums.

Are you utilising these sections? Is there any feature or option you feel is missing?


Tags:Quick tips
5 replies
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Thanks but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Until you ditch nested replies and fix all the other issues that have been highlighted already a great many times, the forum, will remain what it is. A real pain to use and a waste of a great opportunity.

Just think how more money Amazon will save by having it's unpaid sellers giving even more free support?

user profile

Just to echo what has already been posted - until Amazon removes the nested replies, reading long[er] threads will remain almost impossible.

As it is, there is a lot of repetion and multiple posting of the same issues. Largely, I suspect because people find it too much of a chore reading existing threads with their nested/ 'hidden by default' replies.

user profile


Re: Amazon seller forum

Amazon have the unenviable track record of improving what was perfectly good in the first place and fixing things that were never broken.

The seller forum is just another fine example.

Still Amazon have to find work for all those colleagues in the IT and research and development departments to do.

user profile

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for sharing your feedback here. As I checked, the tech team is already aware of the nested replies. I have additionally added your feedback for the Tech Team to review it, and I included your comments about the nested replies and discussion page.

Thank you for bringing up here all those topics.



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Thanks but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Until you ditch nested replies and fix all the other issues that have been highlighted already a great many times, the forum, will remain what it is. A real pain to use and a waste of a great opportunity.

Just think how more money Amazon will save by having it's unpaid sellers giving even more free support?

user profile

Thanks but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Until you ditch nested replies and fix all the other issues that have been highlighted already a great many times, the forum, will remain what it is. A real pain to use and a waste of a great opportunity.

Just think how more money Amazon will save by having it's unpaid sellers giving even more free support?

user profile

Just to echo what has already been posted - until Amazon removes the nested replies, reading long[er] threads will remain almost impossible.

As it is, there is a lot of repetion and multiple posting of the same issues. Largely, I suspect because people find it too much of a chore reading existing threads with their nested/ 'hidden by default' replies.

user profile

Just to echo what has already been posted - until Amazon removes the nested replies, reading long[er] threads will remain almost impossible.

As it is, there is a lot of repetion and multiple posting of the same issues. Largely, I suspect because people find it too much of a chore reading existing threads with their nested/ 'hidden by default' replies.

user profile


Re: Amazon seller forum

Amazon have the unenviable track record of improving what was perfectly good in the first place and fixing things that were never broken.

The seller forum is just another fine example.

Still Amazon have to find work for all those colleagues in the IT and research and development departments to do.

user profile


Re: Amazon seller forum

Amazon have the unenviable track record of improving what was perfectly good in the first place and fixing things that were never broken.

The seller forum is just another fine example.

Still Amazon have to find work for all those colleagues in the IT and research and development departments to do.

user profile

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for sharing your feedback here. As I checked, the tech team is already aware of the nested replies. I have additionally added your feedback for the Tech Team to review it, and I included your comments about the nested replies and discussion page.

Thank you for bringing up here all those topics.



user profile

Hello Sellers,

Thank you for sharing your feedback here. As I checked, the tech team is already aware of the nested replies. I have additionally added your feedback for the Tech Team to review it, and I included your comments about the nested replies and discussion page.

Thank you for bringing up here all those topics.



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