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Quick Tip: Voting in the Forums 👍👎

Hello Sellers,

For our new and experienced Selling Partners, let's review the voting functionality in our community forums.

You can upvote posts or replies that you find particularly helpful or informative. Upvotes are a way to show your appreciation for valuable content that supports the Selling Partner community.

Downvotes, on the other hand, should be used judiciously – reserve them for posts that are truly unhelpful or inappropriate, not simply because you disagree with the viewpoint expressed.

  • You can vote by clicking one of the two voting icons at the bottom of the discussion or reply.

  • Want to see how many votes you’ve received so far? Visit your profile for a summary of your forums stats.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.


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Quick Tip: Voting in the Forums 👍👎

Hello Sellers,

For our new and experienced Selling Partners, let's review the voting functionality in our community forums.

You can upvote posts or replies that you find particularly helpful or informative. Upvotes are a way to show your appreciation for valuable content that supports the Selling Partner community.

Downvotes, on the other hand, should be used judiciously – reserve them for posts that are truly unhelpful or inappropriate, not simply because you disagree with the viewpoint expressed.

  • You can vote by clicking one of the two voting icons at the bottom of the discussion or reply.

  • Want to see how many votes you’ve received so far? Visit your profile for a summary of your forums stats.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.


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Quick Tip: Voting in the Forums 👍👎

by Sakura_Amazon_

Hello Sellers,

For our new and experienced Selling Partners, let's review the voting functionality in our community forums.

You can upvote posts or replies that you find particularly helpful or informative. Upvotes are a way to show your appreciation for valuable content that supports the Selling Partner community.

Downvotes, on the other hand, should be used judiciously – reserve them for posts that are truly unhelpful or inappropriate, not simply because you disagree with the viewpoint expressed.

  • You can vote by clicking one of the two voting icons at the bottom of the discussion or reply.

  • Want to see how many votes you’ve received so far? Visit your profile for a summary of your forums stats.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the Forums.


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