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Quick Tip: Edit or Delete Your Post ❌

Did you post a new discussion or reply and realize you want to make a change or remove it? 🤔

To delete or edit your post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the relevant action.

Please note that there are certain situations in which a post cannot be edited or deleted:

• If another selling partner has posted a response to the original post, the original post cannot be edited or deleted.

• If the post has been marked as a most helpful reply, it cannot be edited or deleted.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Quick Tip: Edit or Delete Your Post ❌

Did you post a new discussion or reply and realize you want to make a change or remove it? 🤔

To delete or edit your post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the relevant action.

Please note that there are certain situations in which a post cannot be edited or deleted:

• If another selling partner has posted a response to the original post, the original post cannot be edited or deleted.

• If the post has been marked as a most helpful reply, it cannot be edited or deleted.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Quick Tip: Edit or Delete Your Post ❌

Did you post a new discussion or reply and realize you want to make a change or remove it? 🤔

To delete or edit your post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the relevant action.

Please note that there are certain situations in which a post cannot be edited or deleted:

• If another selling partner has posted a response to the original post, the original post cannot be edited or deleted.

• If the post has been marked as a most helpful reply, it cannot be edited or deleted.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Quick Tip: Edit or Delete Your Post ❌

Did you post a new discussion or reply and realize you want to make a change or remove it? 🤔

To delete or edit your post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the relevant action.

Please note that there are certain situations in which a post cannot be edited or deleted:

• If another selling partner has posted a response to the original post, the original post cannot be edited or deleted.

• If the post has been marked as a most helpful reply, it cannot be edited or deleted.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Quick Tip: Edit or Delete Your Post ❌

by Simon_Amazon

Did you post a new discussion or reply and realize you want to make a change or remove it? 🤔

To delete or edit your post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the relevant action.

Please note that there are certain situations in which a post cannot be edited or deleted:

• If another selling partner has posted a response to the original post, the original post cannot be edited or deleted.

• If the post has been marked as a most helpful reply, it cannot be edited or deleted.


See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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