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My Amazon Ads are suspended

by Seller_3IPFodpOedHBS


Our amazon ad campaigns were suspended last month due the the reason of prohibited product(Knife), But in actual my product is not knife.

I have opened many cases with amazon advertiser support and they have re moderated my amazon ads campaigns many times but it get suspended again and again after 2-3 days. And amazon advertising team is unable to resolve my issue. Some of amazon support says my campaigns are compliant with amazon guidelines and some says its violating amazon guidelines because I'm advertising knife but in actual, I sell "tile cutting discs" and I have been selling this product from last 3-4 years and this issue arise all sudden and amazon advertising team has no clue on how to resolve it. I need help please.


Tags: Advertising, Pay per click, Reporting, Sponsored Products
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In reply to: Seller_3IPFodpOedHBS’s post

Hello @Seller_3IPFodpOedHBS,

This is Sakura from Amazon.

Did your listing appear as a Product violation on the Account Health Dashboard as well ?

Could you share the case ID?



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