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Amazon account deactivated

Hello, unfortunately I was given the news by Amazon that I won't be able to reactivate my account id need to reactivate my marketplace account first but unfortunately the team that deactivated my USA marketplace account made a permanent decision in banning my account which essentially means that my Amazon account is completely banned and can't be unlocked. I wanted to know if I were to give my brand "XYZ" to one of my friends who also wants to open up a Amazon seller account would that be okay with Amazon because I don't want any problems in the future because I saw that if your Amazon account gets banned you can't open up another one but I am not the one opening the account, my friend is and all I'm doing is giving him my brand because I don't need it.

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Tags:Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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Amazon account deactivated

Hello, unfortunately I was given the news by Amazon that I won't be able to reactivate my account id need to reactivate my marketplace account first but unfortunately the team that deactivated my USA marketplace account made a permanent decision in banning my account which essentially means that my Amazon account is completely banned and can't be unlocked. I wanted to know if I were to give my brand "XYZ" to one of my friends who also wants to open up a Amazon seller account would that be okay with Amazon because I don't want any problems in the future because I saw that if your Amazon account gets banned you can't open up another one but I am not the one opening the account, my friend is and all I'm doing is giving him my brand because I don't need it.

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Tags:Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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Amazon account deactivated

by Seller_ed2M548jjZVmn

Hello, unfortunately I was given the news by Amazon that I won't be able to reactivate my account id need to reactivate my marketplace account first but unfortunately the team that deactivated my USA marketplace account made a permanent decision in banning my account which essentially means that my Amazon account is completely banned and can't be unlocked. I wanted to know if I were to give my brand "XYZ" to one of my friends who also wants to open up a Amazon seller account would that be okay with Amazon because I don't want any problems in the future because I saw that if your Amazon account gets banned you can't open up another one but I am not the one opening the account, my friend is and all I'm doing is giving him my brand because I don't need it.

Tags:Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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