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Unresolved Payment Issue with Amazon - Seeking Advice for External Dispute Resolution

by Seller_SV97fgdkWAJWL

Dear Forum Members,

I am reaching out to seek advice and share our ongoing struggle with Amazon regarding a significant payment issue. For over a year now, we have been trying to get Amazon to release a payment of €16,000. Despite our continuous efforts and having initiated 10 different cases, we have yet to receive the payment.

Every time we contact Amazon support, the representatives assure us that they will investigate the matter, but we never receive any follow-up or resolution. This situation has become incredibly frustrating and seems highly unfair, especially considering that we have not committed any violations.

Interestingly, our new sales are being paid out without issue, yet this particular amount remains withheld.

We are at a loss for what to do next and are considering escalating the matter to an external dispute resolution body. Could anyone provide guidance on how to initiate a claim with such an entity? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_SV97fgdkWAJWL’s post

Amazon do have their own Mediation service - type it into blue search box at top and you will see some info there.

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In reply to: Seller_SV97fgdkWAJWL’s post

Hello @Seller_SV97fgdkWAJWL,

Can you share one of those case ids with me please?

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