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Help Needed: VAT Refund From HMRC - Non-UK Established Company & Amazon VAT Liability

Hello everyone,

I’m facing a challenging VAT issue and could really use some expert advice or recommendations for a VAT specialist.

My company has been VAT registered in the UK since 2021 under the flat rate scheme, and I have been regularly paying VAT to HMRC. Recently, Amazon classified my company as "non-UK established" and is now asking me to pay VAT again from 2021 at the standard 20% rate. I have agreed to pay this liability in installments to Amazon.

The problem is, this creates a potential overlap, as I’ve already paid VAT to HMRC under the flat rate scheme. I need guidance on how to obtain a refund for the VAT that has already been paid to HMRC. Unfortunately, my current accountant is not familiar with resolving such issues, and I’m looking for a VAT expert who can help me navigate this situation.

Can anyone recommend a reliable VAT consultant or firm experienced in e-commerce and handling disputes between VAT paid to HMRC and marketplace platforms like Amazon?

Thanks in advance!

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Help Needed: VAT Refund From HMRC - Non-UK Established Company & Amazon VAT Liability

Hello everyone,

I’m facing a challenging VAT issue and could really use some expert advice or recommendations for a VAT specialist.

My company has been VAT registered in the UK since 2021 under the flat rate scheme, and I have been regularly paying VAT to HMRC. Recently, Amazon classified my company as "non-UK established" and is now asking me to pay VAT again from 2021 at the standard 20% rate. I have agreed to pay this liability in installments to Amazon.

The problem is, this creates a potential overlap, as I’ve already paid VAT to HMRC under the flat rate scheme. I need guidance on how to obtain a refund for the VAT that has already been paid to HMRC. Unfortunately, my current accountant is not familiar with resolving such issues, and I’m looking for a VAT expert who can help me navigate this situation.

Can anyone recommend a reliable VAT consultant or firm experienced in e-commerce and handling disputes between VAT paid to HMRC and marketplace platforms like Amazon?

Thanks in advance!

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Help Needed: VAT Refund From HMRC - Non-UK Established Company & Amazon VAT Liability

by Seller_4ph4AIfNUqWk5

Hello everyone,

I’m facing a challenging VAT issue and could really use some expert advice or recommendations for a VAT specialist.

My company has been VAT registered in the UK since 2021 under the flat rate scheme, and I have been regularly paying VAT to HMRC. Recently, Amazon classified my company as "non-UK established" and is now asking me to pay VAT again from 2021 at the standard 20% rate. I have agreed to pay this liability in installments to Amazon.

The problem is, this creates a potential overlap, as I’ve already paid VAT to HMRC under the flat rate scheme. I need guidance on how to obtain a refund for the VAT that has already been paid to HMRC. Unfortunately, my current accountant is not familiar with resolving such issues, and I’m looking for a VAT expert who can help me navigate this situation.

Can anyone recommend a reliable VAT consultant or firm experienced in e-commerce and handling disputes between VAT paid to HMRC and marketplace platforms like Amazon?

Thanks in advance!

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