Dear community & moderators
We have been unsuccessfully appealing a design right issue of Compatible Apple Watch Bands and would be grateful of assistance.
After seeing many sellers listing watch bands compatible with Apple Watches, we bought some through a Chinese supplier to list on the market place. Unfortunately our lack of IP Knowledge meant that we didn't research potential infringement of design right. Subsequently Apple Inc raised a complaint which has resulted in a selling suspension. We have accepted the violation and take full responsibility for our naïve mistake due to lack of knowledge of intellectual property and design rights.
We have since researched information on Gov.UK IPO and amazon IP policies Seller University, which has educated us on the infringement. We now understand that the straps were a direct copy with no deviations from the registered Apples Design Right Registration on Gov.UK IPO.
We have completed the tick box questionnaire to accept and take full responsibility in account health and the account health is green and at200
We have submitted multiple appeals and consulted with account health specialists who advised that the appeal is strong. The appeal covers the following categories.
Root cause :lack of IP knowledge and and amazon policy and failing to request licenses or proof of eligibility)
Corrective measure: Removing the listings and destroying the inventory.
Preventative measure: Education of amazon policy, understanding intellectual property policy, ensuring that product suppliers can provide documents of compliance.
Each time the appeal has been rejected and then a different account specialist gives a different reason and more advice. We have covered many variation of the appeal but no success.
We don't understand why and when we ask the specialist the full reasons they say that they do not actually know how the internal team validate the appeal so they can only guide.
We are running out of ideas.... can we please get some help.
Kind regards
Dear community & moderators
We have been unsuccessfully appealing a design right issue of Compatible Apple Watch Bands and would be grateful of assistance.
After seeing many sellers listing watch bands compatible with Apple Watches, we bought some through a Chinese supplier to list on the market place. Unfortunately our lack of IP Knowledge meant that we didn't research potential infringement of design right. Subsequently Apple Inc raised a complaint which has resulted in a selling suspension. We have accepted the violation and take full responsibility for our naïve mistake due to lack of knowledge of intellectual property and design rights.
We have since researched information on Gov.UK IPO and amazon IP policies Seller University, which has educated us on the infringement. We now understand that the straps were a direct copy with no deviations from the registered Apples Design Right Registration on Gov.UK IPO.
We have completed the tick box questionnaire to accept and take full responsibility in account health and the account health is green and at200
We have submitted multiple appeals and consulted with account health specialists who advised that the appeal is strong. The appeal covers the following categories.
Root cause :lack of IP knowledge and and amazon policy and failing to request licenses or proof of eligibility)
Corrective measure: Removing the listings and destroying the inventory.
Preventative measure: Education of amazon policy, understanding intellectual property policy, ensuring that product suppliers can provide documents of compliance.
Each time the appeal has been rejected and then a different account specialist gives a different reason and more advice. We have covered many variation of the appeal but no success.
We don't understand why and when we ask the specialist the full reasons they say that they do not actually know how the internal team validate the appeal so they can only guide.
We are running out of ideas.... can we please get some help.
Kind regards
You need to actually tag in some forum moderators for them to see your post, and here is not the right place to be submitting your appeal - but good that you have done it in the required 3 point format !
you would need to get the infringement withdrawn by Apple……however….
Hi Kelly, can you please share the ASINs and summarize what was submitted? Are you the brand owner I mean you produce accessories for APple ?
Dear community & moderators
We have been unsuccessfully appealing a design right issue of Compatible Apple Watch Bands and would be grateful of assistance.
After seeing many sellers listing watch bands compatible with Apple Watches, we bought some through a Chinese supplier to list on the market place. Unfortunately our lack of IP Knowledge meant that we didn't research potential infringement of design right. Subsequently Apple Inc raised a complaint which has resulted in a selling suspension. We have accepted the violation and take full responsibility for our naïve mistake due to lack of knowledge of intellectual property and design rights.
We have since researched information on Gov.UK IPO and amazon IP policies Seller University, which has educated us on the infringement. We now understand that the straps were a direct copy with no deviations from the registered Apples Design Right Registration on Gov.UK IPO.
We have completed the tick box questionnaire to accept and take full responsibility in account health and the account health is green and at200
We have submitted multiple appeals and consulted with account health specialists who advised that the appeal is strong. The appeal covers the following categories.
Root cause :lack of IP knowledge and and amazon policy and failing to request licenses or proof of eligibility)
Corrective measure: Removing the listings and destroying the inventory.
Preventative measure: Education of amazon policy, understanding intellectual property policy, ensuring that product suppliers can provide documents of compliance.
Each time the appeal has been rejected and then a different account specialist gives a different reason and more advice. We have covered many variation of the appeal but no success.
We don't understand why and when we ask the specialist the full reasons they say that they do not actually know how the internal team validate the appeal so they can only guide.
We are running out of ideas.... can we please get some help.
Kind regards
Dear community & moderators
We have been unsuccessfully appealing a design right issue of Compatible Apple Watch Bands and would be grateful of assistance.
After seeing many sellers listing watch bands compatible with Apple Watches, we bought some through a Chinese supplier to list on the market place. Unfortunately our lack of IP Knowledge meant that we didn't research potential infringement of design right. Subsequently Apple Inc raised a complaint which has resulted in a selling suspension. We have accepted the violation and take full responsibility for our naïve mistake due to lack of knowledge of intellectual property and design rights.
We have since researched information on Gov.UK IPO and amazon IP policies Seller University, which has educated us on the infringement. We now understand that the straps were a direct copy with no deviations from the registered Apples Design Right Registration on Gov.UK IPO.
We have completed the tick box questionnaire to accept and take full responsibility in account health and the account health is green and at200
We have submitted multiple appeals and consulted with account health specialists who advised that the appeal is strong. The appeal covers the following categories.
Root cause :lack of IP knowledge and and amazon policy and failing to request licenses or proof of eligibility)
Corrective measure: Removing the listings and destroying the inventory.
Preventative measure: Education of amazon policy, understanding intellectual property policy, ensuring that product suppliers can provide documents of compliance.
Each time the appeal has been rejected and then a different account specialist gives a different reason and more advice. We have covered many variation of the appeal but no success.
We don't understand why and when we ask the specialist the full reasons they say that they do not actually know how the internal team validate the appeal so they can only guide.
We are running out of ideas.... can we please get some help.
Kind regards
Dear community & moderators
We have been unsuccessfully appealing a design right issue of Compatible Apple Watch Bands and would be grateful of assistance.
After seeing many sellers listing watch bands compatible with Apple Watches, we bought some through a Chinese supplier to list on the market place. Unfortunately our lack of IP Knowledge meant that we didn't research potential infringement of design right. Subsequently Apple Inc raised a complaint which has resulted in a selling suspension. We have accepted the violation and take full responsibility for our naïve mistake due to lack of knowledge of intellectual property and design rights.
We have since researched information on Gov.UK IPO and amazon IP policies Seller University, which has educated us on the infringement. We now understand that the straps were a direct copy with no deviations from the registered Apples Design Right Registration on Gov.UK IPO.
We have completed the tick box questionnaire to accept and take full responsibility in account health and the account health is green and at200
We have submitted multiple appeals and consulted with account health specialists who advised that the appeal is strong. The appeal covers the following categories.
Root cause :lack of IP knowledge and and amazon policy and failing to request licenses or proof of eligibility)
Corrective measure: Removing the listings and destroying the inventory.
Preventative measure: Education of amazon policy, understanding intellectual property policy, ensuring that product suppliers can provide documents of compliance.
Each time the appeal has been rejected and then a different account specialist gives a different reason and more advice. We have covered many variation of the appeal but no success.
We don't understand why and when we ask the specialist the full reasons they say that they do not actually know how the internal team validate the appeal so they can only guide.
We are running out of ideas.... can we please get some help.
Kind regards
You need to actually tag in some forum moderators for them to see your post, and here is not the right place to be submitting your appeal - but good that you have done it in the required 3 point format !
you would need to get the infringement withdrawn by Apple……however….
Hi Kelly, can you please share the ASINs and summarize what was submitted? Are you the brand owner I mean you produce accessories for APple ?
You need to actually tag in some forum moderators for them to see your post, and here is not the right place to be submitting your appeal - but good that you have done it in the required 3 point format !
You need to actually tag in some forum moderators for them to see your post, and here is not the right place to be submitting your appeal - but good that you have done it in the required 3 point format !
you would need to get the infringement withdrawn by Apple……however….
you would need to get the infringement withdrawn by Apple……however….
Hi Kelly, can you please share the ASINs and summarize what was submitted? Are you the brand owner I mean you produce accessories for APple ?
Hi Kelly, can you please share the ASINs and summarize what was submitted? Are you the brand owner I mean you produce accessories for APple ?