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disbursement blocked

I received a request from Amazon for documents to verify my UK residency and to confirm that the company is authorized to pay VAT in the UK. All the required documents have been submitted, but Amazon has blocked the disbursement.

It has been over a week now and I still cannot access the funds. The application status is: We received your submission. Our evaluation is in progress.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Who should I contact and where should I write to expedite the payment process? I am unable to place new orders, pay invoices and cover expenses. They are killing my business. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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Tags:Payments, Tax documents, Taxes
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Hello @Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked with our partner team and your disbursements were released. and acknowledged by your bank yesterday.

Can you please confirm?

Regards, Spencer

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disbursement blocked

I received a request from Amazon for documents to verify my UK residency and to confirm that the company is authorized to pay VAT in the UK. All the required documents have been submitted, but Amazon has blocked the disbursement.

It has been over a week now and I still cannot access the funds. The application status is: We received your submission. Our evaluation is in progress.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Who should I contact and where should I write to expedite the payment process? I am unable to place new orders, pay invoices and cover expenses. They are killing my business. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

2 replies
Tags:Payments, Tax documents, Taxes
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disbursement blocked

by Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl

I received a request from Amazon for documents to verify my UK residency and to confirm that the company is authorized to pay VAT in the UK. All the required documents have been submitted, but Amazon has blocked the disbursement.

It has been over a week now and I still cannot access the funds. The application status is: We received your submission. Our evaluation is in progress.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Who should I contact and where should I write to expedite the payment process? I am unable to place new orders, pay invoices and cover expenses. They are killing my business. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Tags:Payments, Tax documents, Taxes
2 replies
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Hello @Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked with our partner team and your disbursements were released. and acknowledged by your bank yesterday.

Can you please confirm?

Regards, Spencer

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Hello @Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked with our partner team and your disbursements were released. and acknowledged by your bank yesterday.

Can you please confirm?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hello @Seller_9nl1ehE9JplYl,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked with our partner team and your disbursements were released. and acknowledged by your bank yesterday.

Can you please confirm?

Regards, Spencer

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