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My Detailed Response To Generic Amazon Scripted Message. Can We stop Them?

by Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

After receiving scripted updates, I thought I would post a sample response to an ongoing case.

For the Amazon bots - I have removed all personal information apart from the information that you now insist that every poster has to be identified . Below is the Amazon case update in quotations and my hyphoned responses.

Dear ********************

In response to your last message to me

"Dear Selling Partner," -You can't even be bothered to look up my name and just posted a generic lazy response, probably scripted

"Greetings from Amazon Selling Partner Support Executive Escalation Department." -Not sure why escalation? Doesn't appear you have any clout since you're failing to get responses from your team

"We regret the inconvenience faced by you." - No you don't, you have been complicit in not giving a proper response or progress to resolution since December last year

"We are working with our internal team regarding your concern." Doubt you have been working on this, I am pretty sure it would take a matter of minutes to actually resolve and generate progress. Either that or your team is not listening to you.

"As soon as there is any update, I will notify you." pointless response really as you haven't had a real update since December last year when I first notified you of the overcharges.

"Thank you for your understanding." - As per the last message, I asked you not to thank me for my understanding as I do not understand it. I find it patronising, thoughtless and doesn't add anything to get the matter resolved. I am however glad you have not mentioned my patience and took on board that this has already run out.


"Selling Partner Support Executive Escalation Department" Very impressed with the title, not so impressed with the action or should I say lack of action from the department.

Tags: Policy
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In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s post

Below is the seller support training manual in full.

1- Keep the seller going around in circles until they give up.

2 - There is no number 2.

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In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s post

I wonder which template you got in response ha ha

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In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s post

haha this is brilliant. I have now actually stopped expecting anything from the seller support after years of useless, generic responses. If there is an issue I cannot resolve on my own, I just move on despite potential losses. I have accepted absence of any help from SS is a part of the package we get as Amazon sellers.

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