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If you choose to permanently close your account…

Dear Sellers,

Please note, once you close your seller account, you can't view order history, process returns, issue refunds, respond to A-to-z Guarantee claims, or communicate with buyers.

Also, if you have an Amazon Europe Stores Account and close your seller account, your account will be shut down across all Amazon European stores. To learn more, see Amazon EU and UK stores (this page is only available to sellers with an EU account).

Follow these steps if you wish to proceed with closing your account:

  • Go to Settings and click Account Info.
  • In the Account Management section, click Close Account.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click Send to submit your request.

You’ll receive a confirmation email once your account has been closed, or an email detailing why your account can't be closed at this time and additional steps required.


  • You must close each regional account individually: North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.
  • If you keep any accounts open with a Professional selling plan and have buy-able listings, you will still be subject to a monthly subscription fee.
  • Amazon can’t reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Therefore, if you want to sell on Amazon in the future, you have to sign up again.

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If you choose to permanently close your account…

Dear Sellers,

Please note, once you close your seller account, you can't view order history, process returns, issue refunds, respond to A-to-z Guarantee claims, or communicate with buyers.

Also, if you have an Amazon Europe Stores Account and close your seller account, your account will be shut down across all Amazon European stores. To learn more, see Amazon EU and UK stores (this page is only available to sellers with an EU account).

Follow these steps if you wish to proceed with closing your account:

  • Go to Settings and click Account Info.
  • In the Account Management section, click Close Account.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click Send to submit your request.

You’ll receive a confirmation email once your account has been closed, or an email detailing why your account can't be closed at this time and additional steps required.


  • You must close each regional account individually: North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.
  • If you keep any accounts open with a Professional selling plan and have buy-able listings, you will still be subject to a monthly subscription fee.
  • Amazon can’t reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Therefore, if you want to sell on Amazon in the future, you have to sign up again.

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If you choose to permanently close your account…

Dear Sellers,

Please note, once you close your seller account, you can't view order history, process returns, issue refunds, respond to A-to-z Guarantee claims, or communicate with buyers.

Also, if you have an Amazon Europe Stores Account and close your seller account, your account will be shut down across all Amazon European stores. To learn more, see Amazon EU and UK stores (this page is only available to sellers with an EU account).

Follow these steps if you wish to proceed with closing your account:

  • Go to Settings and click Account Info.
  • In the Account Management section, click Close Account.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click Send to submit your request.

You’ll receive a confirmation email once your account has been closed, or an email detailing why your account can't be closed at this time and additional steps required.


  • You must close each regional account individually: North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.
  • If you keep any accounts open with a Professional selling plan and have buy-able listings, you will still be subject to a monthly subscription fee.
  • Amazon can’t reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Therefore, if you want to sell on Amazon in the future, you have to sign up again.

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If you choose to permanently close your account…

Dear Sellers,

Please note, once you close your seller account, you can't view order history, process returns, issue refunds, respond to A-to-z Guarantee claims, or communicate with buyers.

Also, if you have an Amazon Europe Stores Account and close your seller account, your account will be shut down across all Amazon European stores. To learn more, see Amazon EU and UK stores (this page is only available to sellers with an EU account).

Follow these steps if you wish to proceed with closing your account:

  • Go to Settings and click Account Info.
  • In the Account Management section, click Close Account.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click Send to submit your request.

You’ll receive a confirmation email once your account has been closed, or an email detailing why your account can't be closed at this time and additional steps required.


  • You must close each regional account individually: North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.
  • If you keep any accounts open with a Professional selling plan and have buy-able listings, you will still be subject to a monthly subscription fee.
  • Amazon can’t reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Therefore, if you want to sell on Amazon in the future, you have to sign up again.

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If you choose to permanently close your account…

by Spencer_Amazon

Dear Sellers,

Please note, once you close your seller account, you can't view order history, process returns, issue refunds, respond to A-to-z Guarantee claims, or communicate with buyers.

Also, if you have an Amazon Europe Stores Account and close your seller account, your account will be shut down across all Amazon European stores. To learn more, see Amazon EU and UK stores (this page is only available to sellers with an EU account).

Follow these steps if you wish to proceed with closing your account:

  • Go to Settings and click Account Info.
  • In the Account Management section, click Close Account.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click Send to submit your request.

You’ll receive a confirmation email once your account has been closed, or an email detailing why your account can't be closed at this time and additional steps required.


  • You must close each regional account individually: North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.
  • If you keep any accounts open with a Professional selling plan and have buy-able listings, you will still be subject to a monthly subscription fee.
  • Amazon can’t reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Therefore, if you want to sell on Amazon in the future, you have to sign up again.

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