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Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

136 replies
Tags:Account Health
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Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

Tags:Account Health
136 replies
136 replies
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Hi All,

I am trying not to replicate other replies, so hopefully my personal uncertainty is real and not imagined.

I am confused / concerned with regard to Large Letter outcomes. It is often mentioned that there is variable delivery confirmation if purchased through RM Click & Drop and if purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping this will not impact VTR.

So, if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is cheaper than Amazon Buy Shipping
  • and produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • and is not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • and will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • it is more expensive than RM Click & Drop
  • and no tracking information is generated
  • and I cannot claim for lost items etc
  • and will not impact my VTR.

Am I missing something?


user profile

I would like to know how my customers are benefiting from these changes as they cannot currently purchase my items as I have put holiday setting on until someone from Amazon can provide a definitive PLAIN ENGLISH answer to the following two perfectly reasonable questions? I have been using my Click & Drop account to print & pay for postage with second class parcels & large letters using BPL without being penalised. Up until now Amazon has validated tracking numbers obtained from my Click & Drop account regardless of any delivery scan, will this still be the case? If I have to switch to Buy Shipping then I would have to increase my prices to cover the extra cost while the level of tracking information available to my customers would remain the same. In what way would that help them?

Many other sellers have asked similar questions without a clear reply. The inability or unwillingness of Amazon staff to provide straight answers to simple questions regarding an issue that affects thousands of sellers & helps nobody is beyond belief, even for here. I can only assume that this latest bright idea has been cooked up by AI bots with a collective IQ of 27 who see no need to explain the system to the human staff members at Amazon.

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Just had this regarding Royal Mail 24/48

Hello @thirtythreeandathird,

We received additional answers from our partner team:

You can continue to purchase Royal Mail 24/48 through click and drop.

  • For tracked services where we receive a scan it is counted towards valid VTR.
  • For untracked services/ services with only a delivery scan confirmation (ie, RM 24/48) the volume is exempted only if purchased through Buy Shipping as this would help us validate you are indeed using an untracked service.

You can directly link your Royal Mail account to Amazon to avail the same rates and services.

Regards, Spencer

So bascially - that says to me you use Royal Mail 24/48 at your own risk given the policy on validation of unscanned items is no longer present.

user profile

Well, it’s official.

Untracked post now has to be via Buy Shipping, or else. Apparently to ‘verify’ our use of untracked service.

Looks like an incoming sledgehammer in our account and frankly I am done. Not much wind left in these sails for Amazon.

(edit) To be clear, we will not be going over to Buy Shipping. I refuse point blank to pay Amazon the same as I pay Royal Mail for a service that we cannot claim from for in the event of a loss, whilst at the same time Amazon will be paying Royal Mail less, and profiting even more from the shipping price difference. We will upgrade all of our low cost items to use RM48 when we are suspended from selling in relevant categories. The result will be that most cases the shipping will cost the customer more than the product itself. So we will get less sales, Amazon will get less fee's and the customer experience and availability of the lower cost items will decline.

So the new VTR policy that enables a customer to be updated regarding tracking information (on a non tracked service...) will be pretty much irrelevant as we will see little to no sales of these low priced items.

On the bright side, as we compete with Amazon for these items on Gogole Ads, we will hopefully see a percentage of them purchase direct from us.

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Hello Sellers,

I'm returning to this thread to address all questions regarding the VTR policy change that weren't covered during the VTR Ask Amazon session.

Based on your feedback, we recognize that further clarification is needed. I would appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a clear FAQ on this topic.

I will tag sellers who have actively commented on the VTR policy change for visibility, but we welcome all sellers to participate in this collaboration.


Thank you for your cooperation,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Will Royal Mail 24/48 parcels that are not purchased via Buy Shipping and that do not get a doorstep delivery scan still going to be validated in the background (ie VTR will be affected BUT amazon know that a genuine Royal Mail label has been used and won't block the ability to sell in an affected category.

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Thank you @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh!

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In addition to @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh comments on Royal Mail 24/48.

We also need clarification on Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter's brought through Click and Drop.

Even when these have a delivery scan they don't count towards our VTR. Previous FAQ's have said Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter is valid for VTR but they have never counted.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


It is already the 4th of March, so we urgently need a clear answer.

Can you confirm if shipments sent after 25 February via Royal Mail 24/48 (CRL code), with labels purchased through Click & Drop and tracking uploaded to Amazon, will still be validated in some way if no delivery scan occurs? Or will they be exempt, or counted as invalid against the Valid Tracking Rate?

Thank you.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In my personal position when needing to send 1st or 2nd Class Large Letters for Amazon orders:

if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is significantly cheaper than using Amazon Buy Shipping as the RM negotiated pricing is not passed though to Amazon when the account is linked apart from RM24 & 48 Tracked Rates
  • Using Click & Drop automatically produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • I can claim for late / lost items from RM
  • This is now not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • And this will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • It is significantly more expensive than RM Click & Drop for 1st & 2nd Class Large Letters
  • No tracking information is automatically generated for the customer
  • I cannot claim for late / lost items from Amazon or RM
  • This will be validated in the background by Amazon
  • and will not impact my VTR

So, in summary:

  • it will cost me more
  • It will generate less customer information
  • I will have no ability to claim for late or lost deliveries
  • but my VTR will not be impacted.

Am I missing something?


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Thank you for your input @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn@Seller_xEpd0hQkG8wol@Seller_RTJNdLRVf9Zbe. Your questions have been noted, and I am working on responses.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Can you please confirm if Royal Mail 1st & 2nd Class LARGE LETTERS purchased through RM Click & Drop account (BPL CODE) and DON'T get a delivery confirmation scan will impact on VTR?

I have used this prior to this new VTR Policy and my VTR has always shown 0% and they also showed up on the VTR Report whether they were scanned or not, but my listings were never suspended as you validated the Tracking numbers behind the scenes. Would this still happen under the new VTR Policy?

Does this mean that the only way I can protect my account is to use Amazon Buy Shipping? As we can not guarantee that Royal Mail will scan 95% of our items- it is really unfair that us sellers are penalised for Royal Mail not scanning 95% of our items as this is something we have no control over.

You say in your new VTR policy that to use Amazon Buy Shipping for 1st & 2nd Class Royal Mail is at no extra cost but this is untrue as Amazon's Buy shipping price is more expensive then my Royal Mail BPL prices and you do not allow me to link my Royal Mail prices to Amazon as it is code BPL.

This means that the customer is now having to pay more for the same item and they now even get less tracking information as Amazon Buy Shipping does not send a tracking number to the order/customer (unlike RM C&D BPL which automatically sends the tracking number to the order/customer)- so how is this offering the customer a better service?

This new policy will also cause me cashflow problems as my RM BPL is on account so I get 30 days to pay where as with Amazon Buy Shipping this comes out of my funds immediately-this policy I am sure will hurt many small businesses. And all of this is happening for no benefit to the customer whatsoever.- Can you not do it so BPL is linked to Amazon like CRL?

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It should be a very straightforward YES or NO

- is this very important part of the old VTR policy still applicable ?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier.

Has it been removed from the new policy in error or has it been removed as its no longer applicable

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I will work on this until we agree it's clear for you and other sellers. Thank you for your response!
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So I take it you are putting a hold on any category suspensions until after you have done this ?

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We will work on the FAQ and post it as soon as possible
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This is yet another potentially useful thread that has been rendered into unintelligible garbage by the godawful nested replies. Please sort it out Amazon!

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Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

136 replies
Tags:Account Health
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Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

Tags:Account Health
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by Seller_40ozsHlGqPuEL

Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

Tags:Account Health
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Hi All,

I am trying not to replicate other replies, so hopefully my personal uncertainty is real and not imagined.

I am confused / concerned with regard to Large Letter outcomes. It is often mentioned that there is variable delivery confirmation if purchased through RM Click & Drop and if purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping this will not impact VTR.

So, if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is cheaper than Amazon Buy Shipping
  • and produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • and is not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • and will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • it is more expensive than RM Click & Drop
  • and no tracking information is generated
  • and I cannot claim for lost items etc
  • and will not impact my VTR.

Am I missing something?


user profile

I would like to know how my customers are benefiting from these changes as they cannot currently purchase my items as I have put holiday setting on until someone from Amazon can provide a definitive PLAIN ENGLISH answer to the following two perfectly reasonable questions? I have been using my Click & Drop account to print & pay for postage with second class parcels & large letters using BPL without being penalised. Up until now Amazon has validated tracking numbers obtained from my Click & Drop account regardless of any delivery scan, will this still be the case? If I have to switch to Buy Shipping then I would have to increase my prices to cover the extra cost while the level of tracking information available to my customers would remain the same. In what way would that help them?

Many other sellers have asked similar questions without a clear reply. The inability or unwillingness of Amazon staff to provide straight answers to simple questions regarding an issue that affects thousands of sellers & helps nobody is beyond belief, even for here. I can only assume that this latest bright idea has been cooked up by AI bots with a collective IQ of 27 who see no need to explain the system to the human staff members at Amazon.

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Just had this regarding Royal Mail 24/48

Hello @thirtythreeandathird,

We received additional answers from our partner team:

You can continue to purchase Royal Mail 24/48 through click and drop.

  • For tracked services where we receive a scan it is counted towards valid VTR.
  • For untracked services/ services with only a delivery scan confirmation (ie, RM 24/48) the volume is exempted only if purchased through Buy Shipping as this would help us validate you are indeed using an untracked service.

You can directly link your Royal Mail account to Amazon to avail the same rates and services.

Regards, Spencer

So bascially - that says to me you use Royal Mail 24/48 at your own risk given the policy on validation of unscanned items is no longer present.

user profile

Well, it’s official.

Untracked post now has to be via Buy Shipping, or else. Apparently to ‘verify’ our use of untracked service.

Looks like an incoming sledgehammer in our account and frankly I am done. Not much wind left in these sails for Amazon.

(edit) To be clear, we will not be going over to Buy Shipping. I refuse point blank to pay Amazon the same as I pay Royal Mail for a service that we cannot claim from for in the event of a loss, whilst at the same time Amazon will be paying Royal Mail less, and profiting even more from the shipping price difference. We will upgrade all of our low cost items to use RM48 when we are suspended from selling in relevant categories. The result will be that most cases the shipping will cost the customer more than the product itself. So we will get less sales, Amazon will get less fee's and the customer experience and availability of the lower cost items will decline.

So the new VTR policy that enables a customer to be updated regarding tracking information (on a non tracked service...) will be pretty much irrelevant as we will see little to no sales of these low priced items.

On the bright side, as we compete with Amazon for these items on Gogole Ads, we will hopefully see a percentage of them purchase direct from us.

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This post has been deleted
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Hello Sellers,

I'm returning to this thread to address all questions regarding the VTR policy change that weren't covered during the VTR Ask Amazon session.

Based on your feedback, we recognize that further clarification is needed. I would appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a clear FAQ on this topic.

I will tag sellers who have actively commented on the VTR policy change for visibility, but we welcome all sellers to participate in this collaboration.


Thank you for your cooperation,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Will Royal Mail 24/48 parcels that are not purchased via Buy Shipping and that do not get a doorstep delivery scan still going to be validated in the background (ie VTR will be affected BUT amazon know that a genuine Royal Mail label has been used and won't block the ability to sell in an affected category.

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Thank you @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh!

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In addition to @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh comments on Royal Mail 24/48.

We also need clarification on Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter's brought through Click and Drop.

Even when these have a delivery scan they don't count towards our VTR. Previous FAQ's have said Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter is valid for VTR but they have never counted.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


It is already the 4th of March, so we urgently need a clear answer.

Can you confirm if shipments sent after 25 February via Royal Mail 24/48 (CRL code), with labels purchased through Click & Drop and tracking uploaded to Amazon, will still be validated in some way if no delivery scan occurs? Or will they be exempt, or counted as invalid against the Valid Tracking Rate?

Thank you.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In my personal position when needing to send 1st or 2nd Class Large Letters for Amazon orders:

if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is significantly cheaper than using Amazon Buy Shipping as the RM negotiated pricing is not passed though to Amazon when the account is linked apart from RM24 & 48 Tracked Rates
  • Using Click & Drop automatically produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • I can claim for late / lost items from RM
  • This is now not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • And this will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • It is significantly more expensive than RM Click & Drop for 1st & 2nd Class Large Letters
  • No tracking information is automatically generated for the customer
  • I cannot claim for late / lost items from Amazon or RM
  • This will be validated in the background by Amazon
  • and will not impact my VTR

So, in summary:

  • it will cost me more
  • It will generate less customer information
  • I will have no ability to claim for late or lost deliveries
  • but my VTR will not be impacted.

Am I missing something?


user profile

Thank you for your input @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn@Seller_xEpd0hQkG8wol@Seller_RTJNdLRVf9Zbe. Your questions have been noted, and I am working on responses.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Can you please confirm if Royal Mail 1st & 2nd Class LARGE LETTERS purchased through RM Click & Drop account (BPL CODE) and DON'T get a delivery confirmation scan will impact on VTR?

I have used this prior to this new VTR Policy and my VTR has always shown 0% and they also showed up on the VTR Report whether they were scanned or not, but my listings were never suspended as you validated the Tracking numbers behind the scenes. Would this still happen under the new VTR Policy?

Does this mean that the only way I can protect my account is to use Amazon Buy Shipping? As we can not guarantee that Royal Mail will scan 95% of our items- it is really unfair that us sellers are penalised for Royal Mail not scanning 95% of our items as this is something we have no control over.

You say in your new VTR policy that to use Amazon Buy Shipping for 1st & 2nd Class Royal Mail is at no extra cost but this is untrue as Amazon's Buy shipping price is more expensive then my Royal Mail BPL prices and you do not allow me to link my Royal Mail prices to Amazon as it is code BPL.

This means that the customer is now having to pay more for the same item and they now even get less tracking information as Amazon Buy Shipping does not send a tracking number to the order/customer (unlike RM C&D BPL which automatically sends the tracking number to the order/customer)- so how is this offering the customer a better service?

This new policy will also cause me cashflow problems as my RM BPL is on account so I get 30 days to pay where as with Amazon Buy Shipping this comes out of my funds immediately-this policy I am sure will hurt many small businesses. And all of this is happening for no benefit to the customer whatsoever.- Can you not do it so BPL is linked to Amazon like CRL?

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It should be a very straightforward YES or NO

- is this very important part of the old VTR policy still applicable ?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier.

Has it been removed from the new policy in error or has it been removed as its no longer applicable

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I will work on this until we agree it's clear for you and other sellers. Thank you for your response!
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So I take it you are putting a hold on any category suspensions until after you have done this ?

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We will work on the FAQ and post it as soon as possible
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This is yet another potentially useful thread that has been rendered into unintelligible garbage by the godawful nested replies. Please sort it out Amazon!

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Hi All,

I am trying not to replicate other replies, so hopefully my personal uncertainty is real and not imagined.

I am confused / concerned with regard to Large Letter outcomes. It is often mentioned that there is variable delivery confirmation if purchased through RM Click & Drop and if purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping this will not impact VTR.

So, if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is cheaper than Amazon Buy Shipping
  • and produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • and is not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • and will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • it is more expensive than RM Click & Drop
  • and no tracking information is generated
  • and I cannot claim for lost items etc
  • and will not impact my VTR.

Am I missing something?


user profile

Hi All,

I am trying not to replicate other replies, so hopefully my personal uncertainty is real and not imagined.

I am confused / concerned with regard to Large Letter outcomes. It is often mentioned that there is variable delivery confirmation if purchased through RM Click & Drop and if purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping this will not impact VTR.

So, if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is cheaper than Amazon Buy Shipping
  • and produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • and is not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • and will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • it is more expensive than RM Click & Drop
  • and no tracking information is generated
  • and I cannot claim for lost items etc
  • and will not impact my VTR.

Am I missing something?


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I would like to know how my customers are benefiting from these changes as they cannot currently purchase my items as I have put holiday setting on until someone from Amazon can provide a definitive PLAIN ENGLISH answer to the following two perfectly reasonable questions? I have been using my Click & Drop account to print & pay for postage with second class parcels & large letters using BPL without being penalised. Up until now Amazon has validated tracking numbers obtained from my Click & Drop account regardless of any delivery scan, will this still be the case? If I have to switch to Buy Shipping then I would have to increase my prices to cover the extra cost while the level of tracking information available to my customers would remain the same. In what way would that help them?

Many other sellers have asked similar questions without a clear reply. The inability or unwillingness of Amazon staff to provide straight answers to simple questions regarding an issue that affects thousands of sellers & helps nobody is beyond belief, even for here. I can only assume that this latest bright idea has been cooked up by AI bots with a collective IQ of 27 who see no need to explain the system to the human staff members at Amazon.

user profile

I would like to know how my customers are benefiting from these changes as they cannot currently purchase my items as I have put holiday setting on until someone from Amazon can provide a definitive PLAIN ENGLISH answer to the following two perfectly reasonable questions? I have been using my Click & Drop account to print & pay for postage with second class parcels & large letters using BPL without being penalised. Up until now Amazon has validated tracking numbers obtained from my Click & Drop account regardless of any delivery scan, will this still be the case? If I have to switch to Buy Shipping then I would have to increase my prices to cover the extra cost while the level of tracking information available to my customers would remain the same. In what way would that help them?

Many other sellers have asked similar questions without a clear reply. The inability or unwillingness of Amazon staff to provide straight answers to simple questions regarding an issue that affects thousands of sellers & helps nobody is beyond belief, even for here. I can only assume that this latest bright idea has been cooked up by AI bots with a collective IQ of 27 who see no need to explain the system to the human staff members at Amazon.

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Just had this regarding Royal Mail 24/48

Hello @thirtythreeandathird,

We received additional answers from our partner team:

You can continue to purchase Royal Mail 24/48 through click and drop.

  • For tracked services where we receive a scan it is counted towards valid VTR.
  • For untracked services/ services with only a delivery scan confirmation (ie, RM 24/48) the volume is exempted only if purchased through Buy Shipping as this would help us validate you are indeed using an untracked service.

You can directly link your Royal Mail account to Amazon to avail the same rates and services.

Regards, Spencer

So bascially - that says to me you use Royal Mail 24/48 at your own risk given the policy on validation of unscanned items is no longer present.

user profile

Just had this regarding Royal Mail 24/48

Hello @thirtythreeandathird,

We received additional answers from our partner team:

You can continue to purchase Royal Mail 24/48 through click and drop.

  • For tracked services where we receive a scan it is counted towards valid VTR.
  • For untracked services/ services with only a delivery scan confirmation (ie, RM 24/48) the volume is exempted only if purchased through Buy Shipping as this would help us validate you are indeed using an untracked service.

You can directly link your Royal Mail account to Amazon to avail the same rates and services.

Regards, Spencer

So bascially - that says to me you use Royal Mail 24/48 at your own risk given the policy on validation of unscanned items is no longer present.

user profile

Well, it’s official.

Untracked post now has to be via Buy Shipping, or else. Apparently to ‘verify’ our use of untracked service.

Looks like an incoming sledgehammer in our account and frankly I am done. Not much wind left in these sails for Amazon.

(edit) To be clear, we will not be going over to Buy Shipping. I refuse point blank to pay Amazon the same as I pay Royal Mail for a service that we cannot claim from for in the event of a loss, whilst at the same time Amazon will be paying Royal Mail less, and profiting even more from the shipping price difference. We will upgrade all of our low cost items to use RM48 when we are suspended from selling in relevant categories. The result will be that most cases the shipping will cost the customer more than the product itself. So we will get less sales, Amazon will get less fee's and the customer experience and availability of the lower cost items will decline.

So the new VTR policy that enables a customer to be updated regarding tracking information (on a non tracked service...) will be pretty much irrelevant as we will see little to no sales of these low priced items.

On the bright side, as we compete with Amazon for these items on Gogole Ads, we will hopefully see a percentage of them purchase direct from us.

user profile

Well, it’s official.

Untracked post now has to be via Buy Shipping, or else. Apparently to ‘verify’ our use of untracked service.

Looks like an incoming sledgehammer in our account and frankly I am done. Not much wind left in these sails for Amazon.

(edit) To be clear, we will not be going over to Buy Shipping. I refuse point blank to pay Amazon the same as I pay Royal Mail for a service that we cannot claim from for in the event of a loss, whilst at the same time Amazon will be paying Royal Mail less, and profiting even more from the shipping price difference. We will upgrade all of our low cost items to use RM48 when we are suspended from selling in relevant categories. The result will be that most cases the shipping will cost the customer more than the product itself. So we will get less sales, Amazon will get less fee's and the customer experience and availability of the lower cost items will decline.

So the new VTR policy that enables a customer to be updated regarding tracking information (on a non tracked service...) will be pretty much irrelevant as we will see little to no sales of these low priced items.

On the bright side, as we compete with Amazon for these items on Gogole Ads, we will hopefully see a percentage of them purchase direct from us.

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This post has been deleted
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Hello Sellers,

I'm returning to this thread to address all questions regarding the VTR policy change that weren't covered during the VTR Ask Amazon session.

Based on your feedback, we recognize that further clarification is needed. I would appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a clear FAQ on this topic.

I will tag sellers who have actively commented on the VTR policy change for visibility, but we welcome all sellers to participate in this collaboration.


Thank you for your cooperation,


user profile

Hello Sellers,

I'm returning to this thread to address all questions regarding the VTR policy change that weren't covered during the VTR Ask Amazon session.

Based on your feedback, we recognize that further clarification is needed. I would appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a clear FAQ on this topic.

I will tag sellers who have actively commented on the VTR policy change for visibility, but we welcome all sellers to participate in this collaboration.


Thank you for your cooperation,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Will Royal Mail 24/48 parcels that are not purchased via Buy Shipping and that do not get a doorstep delivery scan still going to be validated in the background (ie VTR will be affected BUT amazon know that a genuine Royal Mail label has been used and won't block the ability to sell in an affected category.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Will Royal Mail 24/48 parcels that are not purchased via Buy Shipping and that do not get a doorstep delivery scan still going to be validated in the background (ie VTR will be affected BUT amazon know that a genuine Royal Mail label has been used and won't block the ability to sell in an affected category.

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Thank you @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh!

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Thank you @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh!

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In addition to @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh comments on Royal Mail 24/48.

We also need clarification on Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter's brought through Click and Drop.

Even when these have a delivery scan they don't count towards our VTR. Previous FAQ's have said Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter is valid for VTR but they have never counted.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In addition to @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh comments on Royal Mail 24/48.

We also need clarification on Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter's brought through Click and Drop.

Even when these have a delivery scan they don't count towards our VTR. Previous FAQ's have said Royal Mail 2nd Class Large Letter is valid for VTR but they have never counted.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


It is already the 4th of March, so we urgently need a clear answer.

Can you confirm if shipments sent after 25 February via Royal Mail 24/48 (CRL code), with labels purchased through Click & Drop and tracking uploaded to Amazon, will still be validated in some way if no delivery scan occurs? Or will they be exempt, or counted as invalid against the Valid Tracking Rate?

Thank you.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post


It is already the 4th of March, so we urgently need a clear answer.

Can you confirm if shipments sent after 25 February via Royal Mail 24/48 (CRL code), with labels purchased through Click & Drop and tracking uploaded to Amazon, will still be validated in some way if no delivery scan occurs? Or will they be exempt, or counted as invalid against the Valid Tracking Rate?

Thank you.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In my personal position when needing to send 1st or 2nd Class Large Letters for Amazon orders:

if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is significantly cheaper than using Amazon Buy Shipping as the RM negotiated pricing is not passed though to Amazon when the account is linked apart from RM24 & 48 Tracked Rates
  • Using Click & Drop automatically produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • I can claim for late / lost items from RM
  • This is now not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • And this will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • It is significantly more expensive than RM Click & Drop for 1st & 2nd Class Large Letters
  • No tracking information is automatically generated for the customer
  • I cannot claim for late / lost items from Amazon or RM
  • This will be validated in the background by Amazon
  • and will not impact my VTR

So, in summary:

  • it will cost me more
  • It will generate less customer information
  • I will have no ability to claim for late or lost deliveries
  • but my VTR will not be impacted.

Am I missing something?


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

In my personal position when needing to send 1st or 2nd Class Large Letters for Amazon orders:

if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is significantly cheaper than using Amazon Buy Shipping as the RM negotiated pricing is not passed though to Amazon when the account is linked apart from RM24 & 48 Tracked Rates
  • Using Click & Drop automatically produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • I can claim for late / lost items from RM
  • This is now not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • And this will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • It is significantly more expensive than RM Click & Drop for 1st & 2nd Class Large Letters
  • No tracking information is automatically generated for the customer
  • I cannot claim for late / lost items from Amazon or RM
  • This will be validated in the background by Amazon
  • and will not impact my VTR

So, in summary:

  • it will cost me more
  • It will generate less customer information
  • I will have no ability to claim for late or lost deliveries
  • but my VTR will not be impacted.

Am I missing something?


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Thank you for your input @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn@Seller_xEpd0hQkG8wol@Seller_RTJNdLRVf9Zbe. Your questions have been noted, and I am working on responses.

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Thank you for your input @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn@Seller_xEpd0hQkG8wol@Seller_RTJNdLRVf9Zbe. Your questions have been noted, and I am working on responses.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Can you please confirm if Royal Mail 1st & 2nd Class LARGE LETTERS purchased through RM Click & Drop account (BPL CODE) and DON'T get a delivery confirmation scan will impact on VTR?

I have used this prior to this new VTR Policy and my VTR has always shown 0% and they also showed up on the VTR Report whether they were scanned or not, but my listings were never suspended as you validated the Tracking numbers behind the scenes. Would this still happen under the new VTR Policy?

Does this mean that the only way I can protect my account is to use Amazon Buy Shipping? As we can not guarantee that Royal Mail will scan 95% of our items- it is really unfair that us sellers are penalised for Royal Mail not scanning 95% of our items as this is something we have no control over.

You say in your new VTR policy that to use Amazon Buy Shipping for 1st & 2nd Class Royal Mail is at no extra cost but this is untrue as Amazon's Buy shipping price is more expensive then my Royal Mail BPL prices and you do not allow me to link my Royal Mail prices to Amazon as it is code BPL.

This means that the customer is now having to pay more for the same item and they now even get less tracking information as Amazon Buy Shipping does not send a tracking number to the order/customer (unlike RM C&D BPL which automatically sends the tracking number to the order/customer)- so how is this offering the customer a better service?

This new policy will also cause me cashflow problems as my RM BPL is on account so I get 30 days to pay where as with Amazon Buy Shipping this comes out of my funds immediately-this policy I am sure will hurt many small businesses. And all of this is happening for no benefit to the customer whatsoever.- Can you not do it so BPL is linked to Amazon like CRL?

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Can you please confirm if Royal Mail 1st & 2nd Class LARGE LETTERS purchased through RM Click & Drop account (BPL CODE) and DON'T get a delivery confirmation scan will impact on VTR?

I have used this prior to this new VTR Policy and my VTR has always shown 0% and they also showed up on the VTR Report whether they were scanned or not, but my listings were never suspended as you validated the Tracking numbers behind the scenes. Would this still happen under the new VTR Policy?

Does this mean that the only way I can protect my account is to use Amazon Buy Shipping? As we can not guarantee that Royal Mail will scan 95% of our items- it is really unfair that us sellers are penalised for Royal Mail not scanning 95% of our items as this is something we have no control over.

You say in your new VTR policy that to use Amazon Buy Shipping for 1st & 2nd Class Royal Mail is at no extra cost but this is untrue as Amazon's Buy shipping price is more expensive then my Royal Mail BPL prices and you do not allow me to link my Royal Mail prices to Amazon as it is code BPL.

This means that the customer is now having to pay more for the same item and they now even get less tracking information as Amazon Buy Shipping does not send a tracking number to the order/customer (unlike RM C&D BPL which automatically sends the tracking number to the order/customer)- so how is this offering the customer a better service?

This new policy will also cause me cashflow problems as my RM BPL is on account so I get 30 days to pay where as with Amazon Buy Shipping this comes out of my funds immediately-this policy I am sure will hurt many small businesses. And all of this is happening for no benefit to the customer whatsoever.- Can you not do it so BPL is linked to Amazon like CRL?

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It should be a very straightforward YES or NO

- is this very important part of the old VTR policy still applicable ?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier.

Has it been removed from the new policy in error or has it been removed as its no longer applicable

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I will work on this until we agree it's clear for you and other sellers. Thank you for your response!
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It should be a very straightforward YES or NO

- is this very important part of the old VTR policy still applicable ?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier.

Has it been removed from the new policy in error or has it been removed as its no longer applicable

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I will work on this until we agree it's clear for you and other sellers. Thank you for your response!
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So I take it you are putting a hold on any category suspensions until after you have done this ?

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We will work on the FAQ and post it as soon as possible
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So I take it you are putting a hold on any category suspensions until after you have done this ?

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We will work on the FAQ and post it as soon as possible
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This is yet another potentially useful thread that has been rendered into unintelligible garbage by the godawful nested replies. Please sort it out Amazon!

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This is yet another potentially useful thread that has been rendered into unintelligible garbage by the godawful nested replies. Please sort it out Amazon!

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