Read onlyHello
I can list a product on Amazon even if I have a different ean code than the one in the Amazon catalog (initial listing)
I made a test purchase from another seller and it has the same EAN code as the one I want to get from the distributor. (so it also has a different EAN code than the one in the amazon catalog.)
I spoke with the manufacturer and he has no problem with selling the product on Amazon and has no exclusivity, as long as the product is also available in the distributor.
And the manufacturer has no idea about these EAN codes from Amazon. He mentioned that they do not belong to him.
I ask you because I saw that only one seller sells it and I don't want to have problems.
Is it possible for this seller to use other EAN codes to politicize the listing and remain alone on the listing? Isn't that against Amazon policy?
Thank you
So, first of all this is a forum for other amazon sellers.
It sounds like another seller has created a listing for a product using their own GS1 account. This practice is rife on the platform. If the product itself is barcoded, it is THAT barcode you should search for on amazon and list on that listing. If such a listing does not exist, you would need to create one.
I would not list on the listing you have found if there is another barcode linked to that ASIN. It is likely the brand link under the product title is not the brand of the product. This can very quickly lead to you getting an IP complaint, more than likely from the seller who created the listing in the first place.
To add - what the seller has done is against amazon policy yes - but amazon have lost control of the catalogue for issues such as this. You can report it - but I would not list on that ASIN.