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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrolment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions about Brand Registry enrolment.

This topic will be open today, 05/09/2023, until 5 PM BST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrolment.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM BST tomorrow, 06/09.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrolment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions about Brand Registry enrolment.

This topic will be open today, 05/09/2023, until 5 PM BST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrolment.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM BST tomorrow, 06/09.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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We have two brand name registered on amazon brand registry, currently we have listing that are listed as Brand A and we would like to change it to brand B however we are unable to do so, in past we successfully change it but we cannot change it now can you please help with that?

Also just to clarify these listing are brand new and we are currently waiting on stock to arrive so we haven't sold a single unit using brand A.


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Hi Jessica.

Slightly off topic, but could something be done to stop Seller Support staff using lack of brand ownership as an excuse not to investigate obvious errors and violations in BMVD?

Reporting catalogue errors in books and media almost always fails at the first attempt when SS come back with a response that 'only the brand owner is eligible' to make updates.

I had one recently where the main product image had been changed to an advert for another website but it took about 8 emails to SS before I got a non-automated reply.

Reporting it as a violation also returned an automated non-reply, as follows:

"We cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified on the reported ASIN for the violation type selected."

Surely it should be easier for BMVD sellers to get SS to at least take a look at catalogue errors?

Almost no BMVD seller is a 'brand owner' of the products they sell so it makes no logical sense for lack of brand ownership to prevent issues being resolved, especially when they are patently obvious ones.

This has become a huge problem for BMVD sellers who simply want to maintain an accurate catalogue but are being constantly thwarted and frustrated by the system.

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My items are listed under my brand name Decorum Jewellery but I want to be trademarked/registered as Decorum so that I can add other genres like home goods etc. Will that be ok or do I need to trademark/register as Decorum Jewellery? If I do get my trademark and register with Amazon are all my listings automatically registered and I have the 'rights' etc. that are promised with it or is there a lot of work involved? Tell me I don't have relist all my items and loose all my review etc.



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In my account, you guys are rejecting the Brand registry many times and still, I am struggling to register the brand name in the account and I got an email many times that my account is in abusive conduct but no one is telling me what is the abusive conducts.

All my listings are good, I never received the complaints etc but still struggling with the Brand registry.

Please resolve it and help me to register my Brand Name.

user profile

I entered all the required things for brand registration, it did not give an error. All true. But when I press the save and end button, it stays on the same page again. There is no message that the registration is successful.

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If I am am trademarked/branded/registered, will hijackers in China still be able to simply say they are the manufacturers of my item with no proof whatsoever or any questions asked or customs documentation provided? Will they still be able to trick my loyal customers into thinking they are buying solid sterling silver when the acid test I did proves that they're not. I had to drop my price to the point were I lost money to prevent my customers being scammed and leaving bad feedback. Please see - 'Hijacker not selling same product?' for more if you like. Sorry I'm a bit bitter about the injustice of this one. The hijacker is gone for now but I think they might of just ran out of stock at the warehouse and are waiting for more. Did this happen because I'm not brand registered is the question? Many thanks Sylvia

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Hi Sellers,

This Ask Amazon Q&A with our Brand Registry team focused on Brand Registry enrolment has concluded, with the partner team no longer available to answer questions.

If you have additional questions or are looking to learn more please visit the Brand Registry page.

We hope you found this experience helpful and welcome any feedback from you that will help our team continue to improve your experience.

Thank you!

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Our brand is registered and enrolled in Brand Registry for the UK, EU, JP and US marketplaces. However, our access was revoked last month because our US trademark was filed by an attorney who was punished due to misconduct. We lost all Brand Registry features and benefits in all marketplaces. We cannot enroll our brand in other marketplaces and our compliance with brand-related regulations, such as EPR and Extended Producer Responsibility, in Europe is affected. What can we do to fix this issue or at least restore the enrollment for the UK and EU marketplaces?

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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrolment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions about Brand Registry enrolment.

This topic will be open today, 05/09/2023, until 5 PM BST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrolment.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM BST tomorrow, 06/09.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

16 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrolment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions about Brand Registry enrolment.

This topic will be open today, 05/09/2023, until 5 PM BST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrolment.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM BST tomorrow, 06/09.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrolment

by Jessica_Amazon_


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions about Brand Registry enrolment.

This topic will be open today, 05/09/2023, until 5 PM BST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrolment.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM BST tomorrow, 06/09.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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We have two brand name registered on amazon brand registry, currently we have listing that are listed as Brand A and we would like to change it to brand B however we are unable to do so, in past we successfully change it but we cannot change it now can you please help with that?

Also just to clarify these listing are brand new and we are currently waiting on stock to arrive so we haven't sold a single unit using brand A.


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Hi Jessica.

Slightly off topic, but could something be done to stop Seller Support staff using lack of brand ownership as an excuse not to investigate obvious errors and violations in BMVD?

Reporting catalogue errors in books and media almost always fails at the first attempt when SS come back with a response that 'only the brand owner is eligible' to make updates.

I had one recently where the main product image had been changed to an advert for another website but it took about 8 emails to SS before I got a non-automated reply.

Reporting it as a violation also returned an automated non-reply, as follows:

"We cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified on the reported ASIN for the violation type selected."

Surely it should be easier for BMVD sellers to get SS to at least take a look at catalogue errors?

Almost no BMVD seller is a 'brand owner' of the products they sell so it makes no logical sense for lack of brand ownership to prevent issues being resolved, especially when they are patently obvious ones.

This has become a huge problem for BMVD sellers who simply want to maintain an accurate catalogue but are being constantly thwarted and frustrated by the system.

user profile


My items are listed under my brand name Decorum Jewellery but I want to be trademarked/registered as Decorum so that I can add other genres like home goods etc. Will that be ok or do I need to trademark/register as Decorum Jewellery? If I do get my trademark and register with Amazon are all my listings automatically registered and I have the 'rights' etc. that are promised with it or is there a lot of work involved? Tell me I don't have relist all my items and loose all my review etc.



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In my account, you guys are rejecting the Brand registry many times and still, I am struggling to register the brand name in the account and I got an email many times that my account is in abusive conduct but no one is telling me what is the abusive conducts.

All my listings are good, I never received the complaints etc but still struggling with the Brand registry.

Please resolve it and help me to register my Brand Name.

user profile

I entered all the required things for brand registration, it did not give an error. All true. But when I press the save and end button, it stays on the same page again. There is no message that the registration is successful.

user profile


If I am am trademarked/branded/registered, will hijackers in China still be able to simply say they are the manufacturers of my item with no proof whatsoever or any questions asked or customs documentation provided? Will they still be able to trick my loyal customers into thinking they are buying solid sterling silver when the acid test I did proves that they're not. I had to drop my price to the point were I lost money to prevent my customers being scammed and leaving bad feedback. Please see - 'Hijacker not selling same product?' for more if you like. Sorry I'm a bit bitter about the injustice of this one. The hijacker is gone for now but I think they might of just ran out of stock at the warehouse and are waiting for more. Did this happen because I'm not brand registered is the question? Many thanks Sylvia

user profile

Hi Sellers,

This Ask Amazon Q&A with our Brand Registry team focused on Brand Registry enrolment has concluded, with the partner team no longer available to answer questions.

If you have additional questions or are looking to learn more please visit the Brand Registry page.

We hope you found this experience helpful and welcome any feedback from you that will help our team continue to improve your experience.

Thank you!

user profile

Our brand is registered and enrolled in Brand Registry for the UK, EU, JP and US marketplaces. However, our access was revoked last month because our US trademark was filed by an attorney who was punished due to misconduct. We lost all Brand Registry features and benefits in all marketplaces. We cannot enroll our brand in other marketplaces and our compliance with brand-related regulations, such as EPR and Extended Producer Responsibility, in Europe is affected. What can we do to fix this issue or at least restore the enrollment for the UK and EU marketplaces?

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We have two brand name registered on amazon brand registry, currently we have listing that are listed as Brand A and we would like to change it to brand B however we are unable to do so, in past we successfully change it but we cannot change it now can you please help with that?

Also just to clarify these listing are brand new and we are currently waiting on stock to arrive so we haven't sold a single unit using brand A.


user profile


We have two brand name registered on amazon brand registry, currently we have listing that are listed as Brand A and we would like to change it to brand B however we are unable to do so, in past we successfully change it but we cannot change it now can you please help with that?

Also just to clarify these listing are brand new and we are currently waiting on stock to arrive so we haven't sold a single unit using brand A.


user profile

Hi Jessica.

Slightly off topic, but could something be done to stop Seller Support staff using lack of brand ownership as an excuse not to investigate obvious errors and violations in BMVD?

Reporting catalogue errors in books and media almost always fails at the first attempt when SS come back with a response that 'only the brand owner is eligible' to make updates.

I had one recently where the main product image had been changed to an advert for another website but it took about 8 emails to SS before I got a non-automated reply.

Reporting it as a violation also returned an automated non-reply, as follows:

"We cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified on the reported ASIN for the violation type selected."

Surely it should be easier for BMVD sellers to get SS to at least take a look at catalogue errors?

Almost no BMVD seller is a 'brand owner' of the products they sell so it makes no logical sense for lack of brand ownership to prevent issues being resolved, especially when they are patently obvious ones.

This has become a huge problem for BMVD sellers who simply want to maintain an accurate catalogue but are being constantly thwarted and frustrated by the system.

user profile

Hi Jessica.

Slightly off topic, but could something be done to stop Seller Support staff using lack of brand ownership as an excuse not to investigate obvious errors and violations in BMVD?

Reporting catalogue errors in books and media almost always fails at the first attempt when SS come back with a response that 'only the brand owner is eligible' to make updates.

I had one recently where the main product image had been changed to an advert for another website but it took about 8 emails to SS before I got a non-automated reply.

Reporting it as a violation also returned an automated non-reply, as follows:

"We cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified on the reported ASIN for the violation type selected."

Surely it should be easier for BMVD sellers to get SS to at least take a look at catalogue errors?

Almost no BMVD seller is a 'brand owner' of the products they sell so it makes no logical sense for lack of brand ownership to prevent issues being resolved, especially when they are patently obvious ones.

This has become a huge problem for BMVD sellers who simply want to maintain an accurate catalogue but are being constantly thwarted and frustrated by the system.

user profile


My items are listed under my brand name Decorum Jewellery but I want to be trademarked/registered as Decorum so that I can add other genres like home goods etc. Will that be ok or do I need to trademark/register as Decorum Jewellery? If I do get my trademark and register with Amazon are all my listings automatically registered and I have the 'rights' etc. that are promised with it or is there a lot of work involved? Tell me I don't have relist all my items and loose all my review etc.



user profile


My items are listed under my brand name Decorum Jewellery but I want to be trademarked/registered as Decorum so that I can add other genres like home goods etc. Will that be ok or do I need to trademark/register as Decorum Jewellery? If I do get my trademark and register with Amazon are all my listings automatically registered and I have the 'rights' etc. that are promised with it or is there a lot of work involved? Tell me I don't have relist all my items and loose all my review etc.



user profile

In my account, you guys are rejecting the Brand registry many times and still, I am struggling to register the brand name in the account and I got an email many times that my account is in abusive conduct but no one is telling me what is the abusive conducts.

All my listings are good, I never received the complaints etc but still struggling with the Brand registry.

Please resolve it and help me to register my Brand Name.

user profile

In my account, you guys are rejecting the Brand registry many times and still, I am struggling to register the brand name in the account and I got an email many times that my account is in abusive conduct but no one is telling me what is the abusive conducts.

All my listings are good, I never received the complaints etc but still struggling with the Brand registry.

Please resolve it and help me to register my Brand Name.

user profile

I entered all the required things for brand registration, it did not give an error. All true. But when I press the save and end button, it stays on the same page again. There is no message that the registration is successful.

user profile

I entered all the required things for brand registration, it did not give an error. All true. But when I press the save and end button, it stays on the same page again. There is no message that the registration is successful.

user profile


If I am am trademarked/branded/registered, will hijackers in China still be able to simply say they are the manufacturers of my item with no proof whatsoever or any questions asked or customs documentation provided? Will they still be able to trick my loyal customers into thinking they are buying solid sterling silver when the acid test I did proves that they're not. I had to drop my price to the point were I lost money to prevent my customers being scammed and leaving bad feedback. Please see - 'Hijacker not selling same product?' for more if you like. Sorry I'm a bit bitter about the injustice of this one. The hijacker is gone for now but I think they might of just ran out of stock at the warehouse and are waiting for more. Did this happen because I'm not brand registered is the question? Many thanks Sylvia

user profile


If I am am trademarked/branded/registered, will hijackers in China still be able to simply say they are the manufacturers of my item with no proof whatsoever or any questions asked or customs documentation provided? Will they still be able to trick my loyal customers into thinking they are buying solid sterling silver when the acid test I did proves that they're not. I had to drop my price to the point were I lost money to prevent my customers being scammed and leaving bad feedback. Please see - 'Hijacker not selling same product?' for more if you like. Sorry I'm a bit bitter about the injustice of this one. The hijacker is gone for now but I think they might of just ran out of stock at the warehouse and are waiting for more. Did this happen because I'm not brand registered is the question? Many thanks Sylvia

user profile

Hi Sellers,

This Ask Amazon Q&A with our Brand Registry team focused on Brand Registry enrolment has concluded, with the partner team no longer available to answer questions.

If you have additional questions or are looking to learn more please visit the Brand Registry page.

We hope you found this experience helpful and welcome any feedback from you that will help our team continue to improve your experience.

Thank you!

user profile

Hi Sellers,

This Ask Amazon Q&A with our Brand Registry team focused on Brand Registry enrolment has concluded, with the partner team no longer available to answer questions.

If you have additional questions or are looking to learn more please visit the Brand Registry page.

We hope you found this experience helpful and welcome any feedback from you that will help our team continue to improve your experience.

Thank you!

user profile

Our brand is registered and enrolled in Brand Registry for the UK, EU, JP and US marketplaces. However, our access was revoked last month because our US trademark was filed by an attorney who was punished due to misconduct. We lost all Brand Registry features and benefits in all marketplaces. We cannot enroll our brand in other marketplaces and our compliance with brand-related regulations, such as EPR and Extended Producer Responsibility, in Europe is affected. What can we do to fix this issue or at least restore the enrollment for the UK and EU marketplaces?

user profile

Our brand is registered and enrolled in Brand Registry for the UK, EU, JP and US marketplaces. However, our access was revoked last month because our US trademark was filed by an attorney who was punished due to misconduct. We lost all Brand Registry features and benefits in all marketplaces. We cannot enroll our brand in other marketplaces and our compliance with brand-related regulations, such as EPR and Extended Producer Responsibility, in Europe is affected. What can we do to fix this issue or at least restore the enrollment for the UK and EU marketplaces?

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