In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after June 8,2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags on detail pages. We discourage any use of HTML content on detail pages as outlined on Product detail page rules.
If an HTML tag is used in any line of a product description, the line will be removed or shown without HTML formatting, depending on the usage of the tag after June 8,2021.
We encourage you to update product description of any ASIN that contains HTML tags, ahead of this change, through Seller Central or your usual channel for updating details of an ASIN.
For more information, see Product detail page rules.
In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after June 8,2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags on detail pages. We discourage any use of HTML content on detail pages as outlined on Product detail page rules.
If an HTML tag is used in any line of a product description, the line will be removed or shown without HTML formatting, depending on the usage of the tag after June 8,2021.
We encourage you to update product description of any ASIN that contains HTML tags, ahead of this change, through Seller Central or your usual channel for updating details of an ASIN.
For more information, see Product detail page rules.
As per the Product detail page rules line-break tags ( </br>
)are allowed within the description on product detail pages.
Does this announcement also affect these? As there’s no other way (within the rules) to add a linebreak/newline to a product description. So an extraordinary number of listings will contain them…
I’m also worried that it’s not clear what determines whether or not lines will be removed or just shown without formatting.
I personally don’t understand what amazon’s problem is with HTML tags surely a better looking listing is beneficial for all parties including Amazon. I hope something is put in place to allow the use of bold text and line breaks as a few HTML tags can make a huge difference to a listing without them I find listings can look dull and can be harder to read
Some style guides, for example this one, recommend the use of paragraph tags ( <p>
): “Use <p>
to insert a paragraph break”, page 4. Will these no longer be supported and the guides updated?
Also, from a user experience and accessibility perspective, a block of text isn’t at all optimal. Will Amazon provide a better solution to replace these HTML tags?
Will this also include the ridiculous emojis that are appearing all over amazon listings
We need clarity on line breaks please. P and/or BR. Otherwise there is currently no way of editing the product descriptions to include line breaks - this is vital for clear and readable item descriptions.
Oh FFS. Another blooming pain in the a#se unclear announcement from Amazon. Here we go again. Really looking forward to changing nearly 3000 listings! Possibly! Who knows!
I attended an Amazon Webinar late last year where they recommended the use of HTML. We were told to put bullet points and bold text in to make them easier to read. I went through and changed all of my listings, and it wasn’t a fast task, and a few months later I now have to go back and change them all back.
I’m beginning to really really hate selling on Amazon.
Could one of the moderators ( @Jessica ?) please come on and clarify precisely what we are supposed to do, going forward. Before this becomes akin to the VTR rollout, some clarity would be welcome before people commit to spending days or even weeks making changes to their details on thousands of listings.
On it says you can use < / br > for line breaks (my own spaces put here in so it will render here).
Yet on another guide it says you can only use < p >
As others have said, they were told by Amazon, fairly recently -
In Handmade, you only have one details field. How are we to make the information legible and easily readable by customers if we can’t use ANY html? I vaguely remember there was an announcement about Amazon adding bullet point fields to Handmade, but nothing was done AFAICS.
And please clarify, if in the example shown above, will JUST the html be removed (and if so, all of it, or only everything other than BR and P) OR will everything BETWEEN the opening html tag AND the closing html tag be removed?
Would it not make sense to have a simplified version of the formatting tools on here for any text description box, or at very least, if you type a line break (as in here), it stays as a line break once displayed?
In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after June 8,2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags on detail pages. We discourage any use of HTML content on detail pages as outlined on Product detail page rules.
If an HTML tag is used in any line of a product description, the line will be removed or shown without HTML formatting, depending on the usage of the tag after June 8,2021.
We encourage you to update product description of any ASIN that contains HTML tags, ahead of this change, through Seller Central or your usual channel for updating details of an ASIN.
For more information, see Product detail page rules.
In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after June 8,2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags on detail pages. We discourage any use of HTML content on detail pages as outlined on Product detail page rules.
If an HTML tag is used in any line of a product description, the line will be removed or shown without HTML formatting, depending on the usage of the tag after June 8,2021.
We encourage you to update product description of any ASIN that contains HTML tags, ahead of this change, through Seller Central or your usual channel for updating details of an ASIN.
For more information, see Product detail page rules.
In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after June 8,2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags on detail pages. We discourage any use of HTML content on detail pages as outlined on Product detail page rules.
If an HTML tag is used in any line of a product description, the line will be removed or shown without HTML formatting, depending on the usage of the tag after June 8,2021.
We encourage you to update product description of any ASIN that contains HTML tags, ahead of this change, through Seller Central or your usual channel for updating details of an ASIN.
For more information, see Product detail page rules.
As per the Product detail page rules line-break tags ( </br>
)are allowed within the description on product detail pages.
Does this announcement also affect these? As there’s no other way (within the rules) to add a linebreak/newline to a product description. So an extraordinary number of listings will contain them…
I’m also worried that it’s not clear what determines whether or not lines will be removed or just shown without formatting.
I personally don’t understand what amazon’s problem is with HTML tags surely a better looking listing is beneficial for all parties including Amazon. I hope something is put in place to allow the use of bold text and line breaks as a few HTML tags can make a huge difference to a listing without them I find listings can look dull and can be harder to read
Some style guides, for example this one, recommend the use of paragraph tags ( <p>
): “Use <p>
to insert a paragraph break”, page 4. Will these no longer be supported and the guides updated?
Also, from a user experience and accessibility perspective, a block of text isn’t at all optimal. Will Amazon provide a better solution to replace these HTML tags?
Will this also include the ridiculous emojis that are appearing all over amazon listings
We need clarity on line breaks please. P and/or BR. Otherwise there is currently no way of editing the product descriptions to include line breaks - this is vital for clear and readable item descriptions.
Oh FFS. Another blooming pain in the a#se unclear announcement from Amazon. Here we go again. Really looking forward to changing nearly 3000 listings! Possibly! Who knows!
I attended an Amazon Webinar late last year where they recommended the use of HTML. We were told to put bullet points and bold text in to make them easier to read. I went through and changed all of my listings, and it wasn’t a fast task, and a few months later I now have to go back and change them all back.
I’m beginning to really really hate selling on Amazon.
Could one of the moderators ( @Jessica ?) please come on and clarify precisely what we are supposed to do, going forward. Before this becomes akin to the VTR rollout, some clarity would be welcome before people commit to spending days or even weeks making changes to their details on thousands of listings.
On it says you can use < / br > for line breaks (my own spaces put here in so it will render here).
Yet on another guide it says you can only use < p >
As others have said, they were told by Amazon, fairly recently -
In Handmade, you only have one details field. How are we to make the information legible and easily readable by customers if we can’t use ANY html? I vaguely remember there was an announcement about Amazon adding bullet point fields to Handmade, but nothing was done AFAICS.
And please clarify, if in the example shown above, will JUST the html be removed (and if so, all of it, or only everything other than BR and P) OR will everything BETWEEN the opening html tag AND the closing html tag be removed?
Would it not make sense to have a simplified version of the formatting tools on here for any text description box, or at very least, if you type a line break (as in here), it stays as a line break once displayed?
As per the Product detail page rules line-break tags ( </br>
)are allowed within the description on product detail pages.
Does this announcement also affect these? As there’s no other way (within the rules) to add a linebreak/newline to a product description. So an extraordinary number of listings will contain them…
I’m also worried that it’s not clear what determines whether or not lines will be removed or just shown without formatting.
As per the Product detail page rules line-break tags ( </br>
)are allowed within the description on product detail pages.
Does this announcement also affect these? As there’s no other way (within the rules) to add a linebreak/newline to a product description. So an extraordinary number of listings will contain them…
I’m also worried that it’s not clear what determines whether or not lines will be removed or just shown without formatting.
I personally don’t understand what amazon’s problem is with HTML tags surely a better looking listing is beneficial for all parties including Amazon. I hope something is put in place to allow the use of bold text and line breaks as a few HTML tags can make a huge difference to a listing without them I find listings can look dull and can be harder to read
I personally don’t understand what amazon’s problem is with HTML tags surely a better looking listing is beneficial for all parties including Amazon. I hope something is put in place to allow the use of bold text and line breaks as a few HTML tags can make a huge difference to a listing without them I find listings can look dull and can be harder to read
Some style guides, for example this one, recommend the use of paragraph tags ( <p>
): “Use <p>
to insert a paragraph break”, page 4. Will these no longer be supported and the guides updated?
Also, from a user experience and accessibility perspective, a block of text isn’t at all optimal. Will Amazon provide a better solution to replace these HTML tags?
Some style guides, for example this one, recommend the use of paragraph tags ( <p>
): “Use <p>
to insert a paragraph break”, page 4. Will these no longer be supported and the guides updated?
Also, from a user experience and accessibility perspective, a block of text isn’t at all optimal. Will Amazon provide a better solution to replace these HTML tags?
Will this also include the ridiculous emojis that are appearing all over amazon listings
Will this also include the ridiculous emojis that are appearing all over amazon listings
We need clarity on line breaks please. P and/or BR. Otherwise there is currently no way of editing the product descriptions to include line breaks - this is vital for clear and readable item descriptions.
We need clarity on line breaks please. P and/or BR. Otherwise there is currently no way of editing the product descriptions to include line breaks - this is vital for clear and readable item descriptions.
Oh FFS. Another blooming pain in the a#se unclear announcement from Amazon. Here we go again. Really looking forward to changing nearly 3000 listings! Possibly! Who knows!
Oh FFS. Another blooming pain in the a#se unclear announcement from Amazon. Here we go again. Really looking forward to changing nearly 3000 listings! Possibly! Who knows!
I attended an Amazon Webinar late last year where they recommended the use of HTML. We were told to put bullet points and bold text in to make them easier to read. I went through and changed all of my listings, and it wasn’t a fast task, and a few months later I now have to go back and change them all back.
I attended an Amazon Webinar late last year where they recommended the use of HTML. We were told to put bullet points and bold text in to make them easier to read. I went through and changed all of my listings, and it wasn’t a fast task, and a few months later I now have to go back and change them all back.
I’m beginning to really really hate selling on Amazon.
I’m beginning to really really hate selling on Amazon.
Could one of the moderators ( @Jessica ?) please come on and clarify precisely what we are supposed to do, going forward. Before this becomes akin to the VTR rollout, some clarity would be welcome before people commit to spending days or even weeks making changes to their details on thousands of listings.
On it says you can use < / br > for line breaks (my own spaces put here in so it will render here).
Yet on another guide it says you can only use < p >
As others have said, they were told by Amazon, fairly recently -
In Handmade, you only have one details field. How are we to make the information legible and easily readable by customers if we can’t use ANY html? I vaguely remember there was an announcement about Amazon adding bullet point fields to Handmade, but nothing was done AFAICS.
And please clarify, if in the example shown above, will JUST the html be removed (and if so, all of it, or only everything other than BR and P) OR will everything BETWEEN the opening html tag AND the closing html tag be removed?
Would it not make sense to have a simplified version of the formatting tools on here for any text description box, or at very least, if you type a line break (as in here), it stays as a line break once displayed?
Could one of the moderators ( @Jessica ?) please come on and clarify precisely what we are supposed to do, going forward. Before this becomes akin to the VTR rollout, some clarity would be welcome before people commit to spending days or even weeks making changes to their details on thousands of listings.
On it says you can use < / br > for line breaks (my own spaces put here in so it will render here).
Yet on another guide it says you can only use < p >
As others have said, they were told by Amazon, fairly recently -
In Handmade, you only have one details field. How are we to make the information legible and easily readable by customers if we can’t use ANY html? I vaguely remember there was an announcement about Amazon adding bullet point fields to Handmade, but nothing was done AFAICS.
And please clarify, if in the example shown above, will JUST the html be removed (and if so, all of it, or only everything other than BR and P) OR will everything BETWEEN the opening html tag AND the closing html tag be removed?
Would it not make sense to have a simplified version of the formatting tools on here for any text description box, or at very least, if you type a line break (as in here), it stays as a line break once displayed?