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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide

by Sakura_Amazon_
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Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

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Tags: Holiday
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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Where a listing has been automatically created (often by Amazon when they have tried to populate a new countries catalogue! **) how do we delete the listing on the inactive marketplace without it also deleting the uk listing,

**we had this on where amazon copied our uk catalogue into poland - translated the titles badly set some of the brand names to generic or random values and then flooded us with IP infringements on listings we had never created, never curated on an marketplace profile we did not opt in for (no option to opt out either)

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In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s post

We deleted out SKUs on Manage Inventory on the European sites (as with others, due to the fact amazon decided to add us to Amazon Sweden and Amazon Belgium among others without even asking us). It did not delete the SKU on the UK site.

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In reply to: Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh’s post

@Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 and @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh,

Thank you for sharing this information here. Did it happen every time the new Amazon store was launched?

If you are logged in to the inactive marketplace and delete the listings from there, it will not affect your other stores.

To delete the listing, you should follow these steps:

Access to Inventory > Manage All Inventory > Click on the scroll-down menu under Edit > choose  Delete product and listing


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In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s post

We had a similar thing too. Amazon copied a listing to Amazon Italy, translated the word honey to 'Miele' in Italian and then gave us a trademark infringement notice because someone must have Miele trademarked in Italy!

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

There should be a way to deactivate the markets we don't want to sell in, as in my opinion holiday mode should be for short periods.

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

Thank you @Sakura_Amazon_

I think it is good that the mods are actively taking note of posts on this forum and putting up advice based on these for those that participate or view. Forewarned is forearmed.

It would be brilliant if the mods could use some of the threads to influence and change Amazon's policies and procedures, making it easier for sellers, less chance of getting scammed, harder to fall foul of the more obscure policies and consequently, with better sellers, not worried about metrics, violations, etc. and more able to focus on selling and providing the best customer service, for the benefit of buyers.

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

I've been deactivated for list listing legal products. You say illegal. Removed the products and my whole account is deactivated. Where is my "account manager" - No where to be seen. Get rid of the useless waste of space.

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

close listing - or delete listing

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In reply to: Sakura_Amazon_’s post

I have never sold outside of the UK website on Amazon. I stopped posting overseas with Brexit as I preferred to use another website (also part of the Amazon group) that would not create VAT problems for me. I signed up for one or two additional market places in order to see whether a route of partnering up with contacts in other markets could be of interest. (using holiday settings to block orders but following updates/new info/policies int his area from Amazon. Since then Amazon have automatically enrolled me for other markets and I have been unable to cancel these (or list new titles without clicking on the 'currency conversion' button).

There seem to be a lot of sellers in this position - must be wasting a lot of space on Amazon servers?

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