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Account deactivation due to counterfeit issues

So yesterday my account was deactivated due to Unauthenticity of two separate ASINS. However one was bought from Tesco B099QMTZ2T and the other from a very retuable wholesaler B07SNF3YKB . I have submitted the invoice for the B07SNF3YKB and all it has been is the same copy and paste email with no reasons and what extra to add. As well as it not helping that the amazon call feature will not work what so ever.

The Product from Tesco I cannot provide an invoice as they didn’t give me one. I’m kind of stuck what to do here as I’ve been in a email spiral for the last 12 hours and hasn’t progressed at all.

As per a recent email it has changed from counterfeit to confirmed counterfeit which im not sure on what that means. They are not counterfeit at all.

What I did find strange was that instead of the appeal taking 1-2 days like it said it only took less than 20 minutes with the odd being up to an hour.

The first email I got after appeal was:

Followed by this every time I submitted a new appeal.

This is the most recent appeal email recieved

This is the most recent email I sent which I think ticks all the boxes for appeal however as usal you submit it and the same copy and paste response is produced.

Dear Amazon Uk Performance Team,

I would like to firstly thank you for giving me the chance to appeal the suspension of my account due to counterfeit product claims for the ASINS: B07SNF3YKB and B099QMTZ2T.

I understand that Amazon is concerned to provide a great service to their customers, so I would like to show my plan of action with you to address this issue.

What went wrong:
1- For both ASINS I was unable to provide a letter of authentication to prove authenticity.
2- I failed to understand the importance of getting a letter of authentication before selling/listing the products.

I believe this is due to lack of training and knowledge of this area and this has resulted in the complaint being made.

Plan of Action:
1: My first step is to Review in detail the Terms and services associated with the claim. This would be done by reguarly familarizing myself with the terms and services throughout a long period .By reading through this on the seller central website( I will generate a better understading of your policys

2: The second step was the removal of the ASINS(B07SNF3YKB,B099QMTZ2T) on my seller account this is to ensure that the products could not be sold again by this account. As well as listing the ASINS in a document to prevent of prohibited ASINS to sell again.

3: The third step is a process to obtain letters of Authentication. For products requiring further verification I will proactively work with manafactures and brands owners to obtain a letter of authenticity. These letters will then serve as proof of product authenticity and can be submitted to act as supporting documentation when required.

4: The fourth step would be to implement a secure document system to ensure that all relevant invoices, letters etc, can be easily accessible and without any risk of losing them for example I have passed all my documents to google drive as a back up.

What I will do to prevent similar issues in the future:

1- The first prevention would be to make sure im updated of any new and policys that may affect my account. As well as reguarly reviewing seller central resources.

2- The second is to set up a supplier vetting process. This would ensure that I am sourcing through authorized, reptuable sellers or brands. This would be done by doing extensive research to investigate a seller before purchasing stock such as looking at ratings and using third party tools to check. As well as contacting the brand to verify their authenticity. This would also grant access to a letter of authentication without much trouble.

3-Proactive intellectual property monitoring. This is to prevent IP violations before they even happen. To do this I will use tools that I have purchased to help with this. The one I use is BuyBotPro which holds a database of listings and brands which hold IP to listing and products.

With these actions and preventions I am confident that these measures will resolve the issues that the Seller central performance team has listed regarding my suspension. Please contact me if you have any other further questions.

I would also like to add that I do not believe an error has occured as stated in the email that was sent. As I take full responsibility and accountability to what as happen and ensure that this wont happen again.

Attached below is the


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Tags:ASIN, Images, Listings, Pricing, Product removal
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You’ve cut off the details of the complainant from that first screenshot but it potentially looks like wet brush vet amazon sellers

Is that the most up to date appeal you have sent ?

user profile

The wipes are also the wrong brand as they’re branded ‘bargain store’

user profile

Which means you can’t list on it, did you search using the product barcode?

user profile

You need to list using the barcode and also check the brands match.

So actually what went wrong in the case of the wipes is you listed on the wrong listing (even though they shouldnt have rebranded a flash product but thats a separate issue) so you wouldnt have an LOA from the brand or a matching invoice/receipt.

Have you also checked everything else you have listed? That should go in your POA as well

user profile

Hello BXLStores!

Let me transfer your thread to the UK Account Health Category for better assistance.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

We understand your concern regarding your account deactivation due to Intellectual property complaints.

Amazon is dedicated to ensuring that products on its marketplaces do not violate or infringe a Rights Owner’s intellectual property (IP) rights. Rights Owners can report infringing content they find on Amazon and share answers to frequently asked questions on how Amazon handles infringement complaints. A Rights Owner includes any person (such as a brand, a seller, a customer or any third party) who legitimately owns intellectual property rights for the product in question.

To learn more about intellectual property rights, please visit your local intellectual property office.

If you have an established relationship with the rights owner who submitted the complaint (license, manufacturing or distribution agreement, etc.), we encourage you to reach out to the rights owner and request that the complaint be retracted. If Amazon receives a retraction from the rights owner, your content may be reinstated. The rights owner’s contact information is provided in the notification you received.

If you believe that a rights owner, or Amazon, made an error when removing your product listing, reply to the notification you received and provide specific reasons as to why you believe a mistake was made. Please provide Supporting documents in your appeal. The team will then re-evaluate the notice and your content may be reinstated.

For more information about the Amazon Intellectual Property policy kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy.

As you stated that you do not have Letter of Authorization, So to address the violation/s you need to submit a detailed Appeal in the below 3 parts:

  1. Acknowledgement of violations Root cause analysis

  2. Identification Corrective actions taken immediately to resolve the issue

  3. Proactive steps that will be taken to maintain compliance

We recommend you to submit all the information gathered as discussed above, via the standard appeal path on your Seller Central. Once the information is submitted, our Partner team will review your appeal and reach out to you through the Performance Notifications on your account for any potential next steps.

Hence, we request you to kindly keep a close eye on the same.

If you have further questions, please keep us posted, the forums community and I, are here to assist you with your concerns.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

From the post above, we understand that you have concerns related to Account Reactivation.

Please ensure that you have implemented all the corrective actions mentioned in your plan before appealing.

Yes, you need to submit a plan of action for all the flagged ASINs.

We request you to please provide a revised appeal based on the points highlighted in your Performance Notification.

As suggested earlier, kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy before writing an appeal.

For more help, please contact Account health team by utilizing “Call me now” within your Account Health.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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Account deactivation due to counterfeit issues

So yesterday my account was deactivated due to Unauthenticity of two separate ASINS. However one was bought from Tesco B099QMTZ2T and the other from a very retuable wholesaler B07SNF3YKB . I have submitted the invoice for the B07SNF3YKB and all it has been is the same copy and paste email with no reasons and what extra to add. As well as it not helping that the amazon call feature will not work what so ever.

The Product from Tesco I cannot provide an invoice as they didn’t give me one. I’m kind of stuck what to do here as I’ve been in a email spiral for the last 12 hours and hasn’t progressed at all.

As per a recent email it has changed from counterfeit to confirmed counterfeit which im not sure on what that means. They are not counterfeit at all.

What I did find strange was that instead of the appeal taking 1-2 days like it said it only took less than 20 minutes with the odd being up to an hour.

The first email I got after appeal was:

Followed by this every time I submitted a new appeal.

This is the most recent appeal email recieved

This is the most recent email I sent which I think ticks all the boxes for appeal however as usal you submit it and the same copy and paste response is produced.

Dear Amazon Uk Performance Team,

I would like to firstly thank you for giving me the chance to appeal the suspension of my account due to counterfeit product claims for the ASINS: B07SNF3YKB and B099QMTZ2T.

I understand that Amazon is concerned to provide a great service to their customers, so I would like to show my plan of action with you to address this issue.

What went wrong:
1- For both ASINS I was unable to provide a letter of authentication to prove authenticity.
2- I failed to understand the importance of getting a letter of authentication before selling/listing the products.

I believe this is due to lack of training and knowledge of this area and this has resulted in the complaint being made.

Plan of Action:
1: My first step is to Review in detail the Terms and services associated with the claim. This would be done by reguarly familarizing myself with the terms and services throughout a long period .By reading through this on the seller central website( I will generate a better understading of your policys

2: The second step was the removal of the ASINS(B07SNF3YKB,B099QMTZ2T) on my seller account this is to ensure that the products could not be sold again by this account. As well as listing the ASINS in a document to prevent of prohibited ASINS to sell again.

3: The third step is a process to obtain letters of Authentication. For products requiring further verification I will proactively work with manafactures and brands owners to obtain a letter of authenticity. These letters will then serve as proof of product authenticity and can be submitted to act as supporting documentation when required.

4: The fourth step would be to implement a secure document system to ensure that all relevant invoices, letters etc, can be easily accessible and without any risk of losing them for example I have passed all my documents to google drive as a back up.

What I will do to prevent similar issues in the future:

1- The first prevention would be to make sure im updated of any new and policys that may affect my account. As well as reguarly reviewing seller central resources.

2- The second is to set up a supplier vetting process. This would ensure that I am sourcing through authorized, reptuable sellers or brands. This would be done by doing extensive research to investigate a seller before purchasing stock such as looking at ratings and using third party tools to check. As well as contacting the brand to verify their authenticity. This would also grant access to a letter of authentication without much trouble.

3-Proactive intellectual property monitoring. This is to prevent IP violations before they even happen. To do this I will use tools that I have purchased to help with this. The one I use is BuyBotPro which holds a database of listings and brands which hold IP to listing and products.

With these actions and preventions I am confident that these measures will resolve the issues that the Seller central performance team has listed regarding my suspension. Please contact me if you have any other further questions.

I would also like to add that I do not believe an error has occured as stated in the email that was sent. As I take full responsibility and accountability to what as happen and ensure that this wont happen again.

Attached below is the


23 replies
Tags:ASIN, Images, Listings, Pricing, Product removal
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Account deactivation due to counterfeit issues

by Seller_k081gpKfjiObS

So yesterday my account was deactivated due to Unauthenticity of two separate ASINS. However one was bought from Tesco B099QMTZ2T and the other from a very retuable wholesaler B07SNF3YKB . I have submitted the invoice for the B07SNF3YKB and all it has been is the same copy and paste email with no reasons and what extra to add. As well as it not helping that the amazon call feature will not work what so ever.

The Product from Tesco I cannot provide an invoice as they didn’t give me one. I’m kind of stuck what to do here as I’ve been in a email spiral for the last 12 hours and hasn’t progressed at all.

As per a recent email it has changed from counterfeit to confirmed counterfeit which im not sure on what that means. They are not counterfeit at all.

What I did find strange was that instead of the appeal taking 1-2 days like it said it only took less than 20 minutes with the odd being up to an hour.

The first email I got after appeal was:

Followed by this every time I submitted a new appeal.

This is the most recent appeal email recieved

This is the most recent email I sent which I think ticks all the boxes for appeal however as usal you submit it and the same copy and paste response is produced.

Dear Amazon Uk Performance Team,

I would like to firstly thank you for giving me the chance to appeal the suspension of my account due to counterfeit product claims for the ASINS: B07SNF3YKB and B099QMTZ2T.

I understand that Amazon is concerned to provide a great service to their customers, so I would like to show my plan of action with you to address this issue.

What went wrong:
1- For both ASINS I was unable to provide a letter of authentication to prove authenticity.
2- I failed to understand the importance of getting a letter of authentication before selling/listing the products.

I believe this is due to lack of training and knowledge of this area and this has resulted in the complaint being made.

Plan of Action:
1: My first step is to Review in detail the Terms and services associated with the claim. This would be done by reguarly familarizing myself with the terms and services throughout a long period .By reading through this on the seller central website( I will generate a better understading of your policys

2: The second step was the removal of the ASINS(B07SNF3YKB,B099QMTZ2T) on my seller account this is to ensure that the products could not be sold again by this account. As well as listing the ASINS in a document to prevent of prohibited ASINS to sell again.

3: The third step is a process to obtain letters of Authentication. For products requiring further verification I will proactively work with manafactures and brands owners to obtain a letter of authenticity. These letters will then serve as proof of product authenticity and can be submitted to act as supporting documentation when required.

4: The fourth step would be to implement a secure document system to ensure that all relevant invoices, letters etc, can be easily accessible and without any risk of losing them for example I have passed all my documents to google drive as a back up.

What I will do to prevent similar issues in the future:

1- The first prevention would be to make sure im updated of any new and policys that may affect my account. As well as reguarly reviewing seller central resources.

2- The second is to set up a supplier vetting process. This would ensure that I am sourcing through authorized, reptuable sellers or brands. This would be done by doing extensive research to investigate a seller before purchasing stock such as looking at ratings and using third party tools to check. As well as contacting the brand to verify their authenticity. This would also grant access to a letter of authentication without much trouble.

3-Proactive intellectual property monitoring. This is to prevent IP violations before they even happen. To do this I will use tools that I have purchased to help with this. The one I use is BuyBotPro which holds a database of listings and brands which hold IP to listing and products.

With these actions and preventions I am confident that these measures will resolve the issues that the Seller central performance team has listed regarding my suspension. Please contact me if you have any other further questions.

I would also like to add that I do not believe an error has occured as stated in the email that was sent. As I take full responsibility and accountability to what as happen and ensure that this wont happen again.

Attached below is the


Tags:ASIN, Images, Listings, Pricing, Product removal
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You’ve cut off the details of the complainant from that first screenshot but it potentially looks like wet brush vet amazon sellers

Is that the most up to date appeal you have sent ?

user profile

The wipes are also the wrong brand as they’re branded ‘bargain store’

user profile

Which means you can’t list on it, did you search using the product barcode?

user profile

You need to list using the barcode and also check the brands match.

So actually what went wrong in the case of the wipes is you listed on the wrong listing (even though they shouldnt have rebranded a flash product but thats a separate issue) so you wouldnt have an LOA from the brand or a matching invoice/receipt.

Have you also checked everything else you have listed? That should go in your POA as well

user profile

Hello BXLStores!

Let me transfer your thread to the UK Account Health Category for better assistance.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

We understand your concern regarding your account deactivation due to Intellectual property complaints.

Amazon is dedicated to ensuring that products on its marketplaces do not violate or infringe a Rights Owner’s intellectual property (IP) rights. Rights Owners can report infringing content they find on Amazon and share answers to frequently asked questions on how Amazon handles infringement complaints. A Rights Owner includes any person (such as a brand, a seller, a customer or any third party) who legitimately owns intellectual property rights for the product in question.

To learn more about intellectual property rights, please visit your local intellectual property office.

If you have an established relationship with the rights owner who submitted the complaint (license, manufacturing or distribution agreement, etc.), we encourage you to reach out to the rights owner and request that the complaint be retracted. If Amazon receives a retraction from the rights owner, your content may be reinstated. The rights owner’s contact information is provided in the notification you received.

If you believe that a rights owner, or Amazon, made an error when removing your product listing, reply to the notification you received and provide specific reasons as to why you believe a mistake was made. Please provide Supporting documents in your appeal. The team will then re-evaluate the notice and your content may be reinstated.

For more information about the Amazon Intellectual Property policy kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy.

As you stated that you do not have Letter of Authorization, So to address the violation/s you need to submit a detailed Appeal in the below 3 parts:

  1. Acknowledgement of violations Root cause analysis

  2. Identification Corrective actions taken immediately to resolve the issue

  3. Proactive steps that will be taken to maintain compliance

We recommend you to submit all the information gathered as discussed above, via the standard appeal path on your Seller Central. Once the information is submitted, our Partner team will review your appeal and reach out to you through the Performance Notifications on your account for any potential next steps.

Hence, we request you to kindly keep a close eye on the same.

If you have further questions, please keep us posted, the forums community and I, are here to assist you with your concerns.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

From the post above, we understand that you have concerns related to Account Reactivation.

Please ensure that you have implemented all the corrective actions mentioned in your plan before appealing.

Yes, you need to submit a plan of action for all the flagged ASINs.

We request you to please provide a revised appeal based on the points highlighted in your Performance Notification.

As suggested earlier, kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy before writing an appeal.

For more help, please contact Account health team by utilizing “Call me now” within your Account Health.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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user profile


You’ve cut off the details of the complainant from that first screenshot but it potentially looks like wet brush vet amazon sellers

Is that the most up to date appeal you have sent ?

user profile


You’ve cut off the details of the complainant from that first screenshot but it potentially looks like wet brush vet amazon sellers

Is that the most up to date appeal you have sent ?

user profile

The wipes are also the wrong brand as they’re branded ‘bargain store’

user profile

The wipes are also the wrong brand as they’re branded ‘bargain store’

user profile

Which means you can’t list on it, did you search using the product barcode?

user profile

Which means you can’t list on it, did you search using the product barcode?

user profile

You need to list using the barcode and also check the brands match.

So actually what went wrong in the case of the wipes is you listed on the wrong listing (even though they shouldnt have rebranded a flash product but thats a separate issue) so you wouldnt have an LOA from the brand or a matching invoice/receipt.

Have you also checked everything else you have listed? That should go in your POA as well

user profile

You need to list using the barcode and also check the brands match.

So actually what went wrong in the case of the wipes is you listed on the wrong listing (even though they shouldnt have rebranded a flash product but thats a separate issue) so you wouldnt have an LOA from the brand or a matching invoice/receipt.

Have you also checked everything else you have listed? That should go in your POA as well

user profile

Hello BXLStores!

Let me transfer your thread to the UK Account Health Category for better assistance.


user profile

Hello BXLStores!

Let me transfer your thread to the UK Account Health Category for better assistance.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

We understand your concern regarding your account deactivation due to Intellectual property complaints.

Amazon is dedicated to ensuring that products on its marketplaces do not violate or infringe a Rights Owner’s intellectual property (IP) rights. Rights Owners can report infringing content they find on Amazon and share answers to frequently asked questions on how Amazon handles infringement complaints. A Rights Owner includes any person (such as a brand, a seller, a customer or any third party) who legitimately owns intellectual property rights for the product in question.

To learn more about intellectual property rights, please visit your local intellectual property office.

If you have an established relationship with the rights owner who submitted the complaint (license, manufacturing or distribution agreement, etc.), we encourage you to reach out to the rights owner and request that the complaint be retracted. If Amazon receives a retraction from the rights owner, your content may be reinstated. The rights owner’s contact information is provided in the notification you received.

If you believe that a rights owner, or Amazon, made an error when removing your product listing, reply to the notification you received and provide specific reasons as to why you believe a mistake was made. Please provide Supporting documents in your appeal. The team will then re-evaluate the notice and your content may be reinstated.

For more information about the Amazon Intellectual Property policy kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy.

As you stated that you do not have Letter of Authorization, So to address the violation/s you need to submit a detailed Appeal in the below 3 parts:

  1. Acknowledgement of violations Root cause analysis

  2. Identification Corrective actions taken immediately to resolve the issue

  3. Proactive steps that will be taken to maintain compliance

We recommend you to submit all the information gathered as discussed above, via the standard appeal path on your Seller Central. Once the information is submitted, our Partner team will review your appeal and reach out to you through the Performance Notifications on your account for any potential next steps.

Hence, we request you to kindly keep a close eye on the same.

If you have further questions, please keep us posted, the forums community and I, are here to assist you with your concerns.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

We understand your concern regarding your account deactivation due to Intellectual property complaints.

Amazon is dedicated to ensuring that products on its marketplaces do not violate or infringe a Rights Owner’s intellectual property (IP) rights. Rights Owners can report infringing content they find on Amazon and share answers to frequently asked questions on how Amazon handles infringement complaints. A Rights Owner includes any person (such as a brand, a seller, a customer or any third party) who legitimately owns intellectual property rights for the product in question.

To learn more about intellectual property rights, please visit your local intellectual property office.

If you have an established relationship with the rights owner who submitted the complaint (license, manufacturing or distribution agreement, etc.), we encourage you to reach out to the rights owner and request that the complaint be retracted. If Amazon receives a retraction from the rights owner, your content may be reinstated. The rights owner’s contact information is provided in the notification you received.

If you believe that a rights owner, or Amazon, made an error when removing your product listing, reply to the notification you received and provide specific reasons as to why you believe a mistake was made. Please provide Supporting documents in your appeal. The team will then re-evaluate the notice and your content may be reinstated.

For more information about the Amazon Intellectual Property policy kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy.

As you stated that you do not have Letter of Authorization, So to address the violation/s you need to submit a detailed Appeal in the below 3 parts:

  1. Acknowledgement of violations Root cause analysis

  2. Identification Corrective actions taken immediately to resolve the issue

  3. Proactive steps that will be taken to maintain compliance

We recommend you to submit all the information gathered as discussed above, via the standard appeal path on your Seller Central. Once the information is submitted, our Partner team will review your appeal and reach out to you through the Performance Notifications on your account for any potential next steps.

Hence, we request you to kindly keep a close eye on the same.

If you have further questions, please keep us posted, the forums community and I, are here to assist you with your concerns.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

From the post above, we understand that you have concerns related to Account Reactivation.

Please ensure that you have implemented all the corrective actions mentioned in your plan before appealing.

Yes, you need to submit a plan of action for all the flagged ASINs.

We request you to please provide a revised appeal based on the points highlighted in your Performance Notification.

As suggested earlier, kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy before writing an appeal.

For more help, please contact Account health team by utilizing “Call me now” within your Account Health.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


user profile

Hello @BXLStores,

Thank you for writing to the Seller Forums Community.

From the post above, we understand that you have concerns related to Account Reactivation.

Please ensure that you have implemented all the corrective actions mentioned in your plan before appealing.

Yes, you need to submit a plan of action for all the flagged ASINs.

We request you to please provide a revised appeal based on the points highlighted in your Performance Notification.

As suggested earlier, kindly refer to the Intellectual property for Rights Owner policy before writing an appeal.

For more help, please contact Account health team by utilizing “Call me now” within your Account Health.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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