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Account policy warning

by Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF

Just received this: - (see below)

These items were added using templates recommended by Amazon when I started out in 2013, with the first few items in various catergories uploaded with the rep I had the first couple of months.

Since then, more catergories have been added - hence probably this out of the blue ‘Warning’

Should it be as simple to resolve by changing catergory to: -

Product type: AUTO ACCESSORY


Gifts & Merchandise

Decals & Stickers

And then tick the box on the address your violation page?

What happens if I do not acknowledge the violation?

The violation will remain on your Account Health page. We encourage you to address violations on an ongoing basis to ensure you maintain good account health. Unaddressed violations may result in account deactivation.

I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand Amazon’s Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct policy and commit to taking steps to prevent violations of this policy from recurring in the future. I also acknowledge that future violations may require a plan of action in order to address them, and that unaddressed violations may result in account deactivation.

Notice: Account policy warning

We are notifying you that incorrect categorization of ASIN(s) is a policy violation that negatively impacts your account health. If left unaddressed, this may lead to account deactivation.

Why did this happen?

One or more of your listings are listed in an incorrect category. This is against our listing and detail page policies.


Incorrect Categorization: product type

Sellers on Amazon must comply with the product detail page rules and follow classification requirements for listings. Please review the following help pages for more information on these policies:

– Product Detail Page Rules (

– Review category requirements (

– Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct (

How do I address this issue?

Please view the policy warnings on your Account Health page ( and follow the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning.

What happens if I do not follow the instructions on the Account Health page?

If we do not receive the requested information, the policy warning will remain on your account for 180 days following the date on which it was posted to your account.

Has this message been sent in error?

If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation by following the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include the following information:

– Evidence or examples that demonstrate your account complies with our Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct.

– How your account has not violated our policies.

We’re here to help.

If you have questions about this policy or your account, please contact us (

You can view your account performance ( select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

Tags: Address, Policy
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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

Hi, can anyone advise? Thanks

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

Account health hasn’t gone down, just this warning.

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

Do you think I am better appealing?

Is the policy violation in error?

If you believe the policy violation is in error, please provide an explanation

And supply a screen-shot of each product highlighting ‘Gifts & Merchandise > Decals & Stickers’ and explain that is exactly what they are, desigined to go on a bumper sticker, window and so on?

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

When they were moved back end, who knows. Some of those listings are 10 years old.

If I except the violation, do I do nothing as I still have 1000+ historical listings all showing the same back end as those highlighted above, or update as below to hopefully avoid further violations?

What I do notice though, the stickers/decals added the last 8 months on an updated template appear in a more correct browse node.

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

The bots pretty much instantly replied.

We received your submission but do not have enough information to remove the categorization violation warning from your account at this time. To remove the warning, please send the following:

– The root cause(s) of the product category requirement violation.

– The actions you have taken to resolve the product category requirement violation.

– The steps you have taken to prevent the product category requirement violation going forward

Therefore wasn’t much point saying the violation was an error when I now have to supply the root cause of the violation.

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

I replied with this: -

The root cause(s) of the product category requirement violation.

The ASIN’s documented by Amazon were in an incorrect category (Sationery & Office Supplies > Office Supplies > Labels, Index Dividers & Stamps > Labels & Stickers)

– The actions you have taken to resolve the product category requirement violation.

The ASIN’s have now been updated and are now in the correct category (Automotive > Gifts > Decals & Stickers)

– The steps you have taken to prevent the product category requirement violation going forward

We have read the Amazon help page ‘Review category requirements’ and all the our ASIN’s our being checked to make sure that every ASIN is listed with the correct browse nose and category.

I get this reply

We received your submission but do not have enough information to remove the categorization violation warning from your account at this time. To remove the warning, please send the following (which are the same questions as above)

I am stuck with what do do next.

Mods, anyone? Thanks

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

@Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon can this pleased be moved to Account Health page, and also try and advise please.

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

Hello @ Baked_Bean_Store,

Moving this thread to the Account Health category for better assistance.

Best of luck!

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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post

Hello @Baked_Bean_Store,

I’m Abella from Amazon, here to assist you.

From the post above, I understand that you have concerns on your listings as your ASIN got removed due to listing violations “Inaccurate Categorization”.

When you choose a category for your products, make sure that you find out about the specific requirements and guidelines for selling in that category.

Once you are able to identify the reasons, please response to seller performance team with a plan of action by considering the below points:

“What is your current process to add information/images to the product detail page?”

“How do you current ensure that the information/image you add to the product detail page complies with our Product Detail Page Rules?”

“Moving forward, how can you ensure to comply with Amazon Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct?”

“What changes can you implement to your business processes to ensure that this violation will no longer occur?”

Please review the policy pages for more insight Product Detail Page Rules, Review category requirementsSelling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct.

If you need any further assistance, you can post here so that we or any of the sellers on forum can help you.


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In reply to: Seller_nex6aLZ9HPynF’s post


Please could you tell me if you were finally able to resovle this, and how? We had exactly the same issues in the last few months - product categorisation violations (appeared in our account in error, as the categories were correct) and our account got deactivated. It's not possible to appeal as they reply with the same robotic "template" email asking for root causes of the violations, and no matter what we say or ask they reply with the same email. And the Seller Support has no clue why the violations were raised and how to remove them (had a case with them open for 3 months) or re-activate the account.

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