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Optimize, Automate, Grow: The Power of the Appstore
by Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Are you looking to automate processes and scale your Amazon business? The Selling Partner Appstore is a fantastic resource you need to explore.

The Appstore is a directory of approved third-party software designed to help Amazon sellers like you innovate and grow. You'll find thousands of powerful applications to meet your unique business needs, from automated pricing tools to advanced listing optimisation solutions.

With apps from the AppStore, you can automate tedious daily tasks and focus on more strategic initiatives. Instead of spending countless hours on repetitive processes, apps enable you to:

  • Optimize listings with keywords, reduce errors, and boost discoverability.
  • Automate pricing strategies based on your business rules and competitor prices.
  • Streamline shipping and fulfilment with automated rate purchases, label printing, etc.
  • Collect verified reviews and feedback to improve your seller rating.
  • File taxes, manage accounting, and maintain compliance seamlessly.
  • Answer customer questions in order to meet response timelines.
  • Automate order management and keep your inventory levels in sync across your systems.

Key information about the Appstore:

  • Vetted solutions across accounting, advertising, analytics, pricing, inventory, listings, and more
  • All apps integrate securely with your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Browse categories, reviews, and descriptions to find the perfect tools.
  • Subscribed apps can directly access your seller data to provide services.

How to access:

  1. Log into Seller Central
  2. Click "Apps & Services"
  3. Click "Selling Partner Appstore"
  4. Browse and filter to find your solution
  5. Click "Authorize Now" to subscribe

Not sure where to start? Check out Amazon's roundup of 10 highly-rated apps to streamline your operations.


Level up your business by leveraging automation from the Selling Partner Appstore. Have you explored it yet? What's your most useful app?

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unable to create ads
by Seller_vVsabA0VEFPK3

I tried to access Campaign Manager from my account yet it always shows an error massage. Even after going to Amazon ads it still redirects me to the same invalid page. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Let’s Talk Price Discounts
by Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

Everybody loves a deal (and I am sure your customers will too).

I have seen a few threads in the forums asking about what Price Discounts are or how to get “strike-through pricing"?

Price Discounts are a time-bound campaign in which you can offer discounted prices on your products for up to 30 days and on a limited number of inventories. Price Discounts for products with a validated reference price will appear with a strike-through price in Search and on the Product Detail page.

The benefits of Price Discounts are:

  • Set a duration - Price Discounts can run between 1 to 30 consecutive days. The discounted price will automatically go live on the Start Date and will automatically end on the End Date you specify.
  • Set a budget - Budget capabilities allow you to easily offer discounted prices on a limited number of inventory that is defined by you. When creating a Price Discounts on a product, you can enter the number of units to offer at the discounted price. Once you sell through the committed units, the price will automatically revert to its regular price.
  • Increase conversion - Price Discounts can help you increase conversion and sell through inventory, including inventory on seasonal products at the end of the season.
  • Product discovery - Price Discounts may help drive additional customer discovery and sales, both during and after the discount has run.
  • View performance - While your Price Discounts is running and after it ends, gain insight into the impact it had with access to performance metrics such as Sales, Units Sold, Glance Views, Conversion Rate, and Sell-through Rate.

To be eligible for Price Discounts, you must be a professional seller with at least a 3.5 seller feedback rating.

Your products must meet the following criteria at all times:

  • Products must have at least a 3-star rating
  • Products must be in new condition
  • Discount must meet the following:
  • At least 5% off the 30-day lowest price bought by customers
  • At least 5% off the current price
  • At least 5% off the reference price for products with a validated reference price. Products without a validated reference price will not display a strike-through price or savings to customers
  • Adult products, restricted products, or otherwise offensive products are not allowed
  • A validated reference price, in order to show a savings comparison. For more information, go to Amazon Policy on Reference Prices

Well that just about wraps up today’s discussion on Price Discounts.

If you have any questions specifically around Price Discounts please feel free to leave them in the reply section below.


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vat on fees
by Seller_pbJEhrzwFoDA9

hello everyone, i just want to ask do we have to pay VAT on refrel fee, amazon fee and and sales from august ?

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New to Amazon as a seller
by Seller_vjsUYru4Q2G7u


I am new to Amazon, Just opened my account today. I am thinking about launching a small business for PC and Phone accessories? I would like to receive some advise on how to launch my business? What steps I will need to take? will highly appreciate your advise!

Best regards


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Viewable Impression
by Seller_FhfzIInmoIaYS

I just noticed there’s a “thing” called Viewable Impression. I thought all impressions were viewable. Is the difference an impression, an ordinary one, requires scrolling and a viewable one appears on the searched landing page ? (I did press the “i” but…….)

Apparently I have zero, zilch, nada viewable impressions after billions of impressions.

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Featured Offer
by Seller_xtbvt5sgzS8Bm
Amazon replied

@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP we're having same issue lost buy-box featured offer eligibility for ASIN: B0D3HSJJZR, B0D3HRBJ8J, B0D3HKWS7W, B0D3HD9TVW, B0D3HJ5WKH and B0D3HCP951

Can you please help.

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My Amazon Ads are suspended
by Seller_3IPFodpOedHBS


Our amazon ad campaigns were suspended last month due the the reason of prohibited product(Knife), But in actual my product is not knife.

I have opened many cases with amazon advertiser support and they have re moderated my amazon ads campaigns many times but it get suspended again and again after 2-3 days. And amazon advertising team is unable to resolve my issue. Some of amazon support says my campaigns are compliant with amazon guidelines and some says its violating amazon guidelines because I'm advertising knife but in actual, I sell "tile cutting discs" and I have been selling this product from last 3-4 years and this issue arise all sudden and amazon advertising team has no clue on how to resolve it. I need help please.


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Hi ,

Is anyone facing any ad results in data update delayed or does the data updated look abnormal if compared with the previous day? especially order conversion on 18th June 2024 ads performance results.

because normally our UK Amazon STORE PPC ads campaign will generated at least 25 order conversion and above daily but suddenly dropped to 2 order converted only on 18th June 2024 and its never happened before even i checked 1 day earlier which is 17th June ads result also had converted 35 orders .

I have check for all the campaign budget utilization , BuyBox Availability and son on but all seems normal .

Anyone know ? pls assist .Thank you

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Fathers Day Gifting
by Seller_nAisT7nd1lzj9

How did sellers do during Fathers Day gifting this year? In comparison to last year we are 30% down, very poor sales...

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Good afternoon. We are a Ltd company registered in the UK and selling only in the UK for the moment. We would like to make the product available across the EU as well. All our products comply with the EU cosmetic Directive, but we are unsure about labelling. Would anyone know if, selling though Amazon, the insertion of a multi-lingual leaflet in the Amazon shipping box would meet the EU labelling requirements?

Thank you.


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