Read onlySubject: Urgent: A-to-Z Claim Fraud – Tracking Shows Delivered, But Refund Issued
Hi All,
I am reaching out to request assistance regarding an A-to-Z claim that was processed despite clear evidence showing that the parcel was delivered. The tracking information, which includes a delivery photo and GPS location, confirms that the order was successfully delivered to the buyer.
However, despite this proof, the buyer was refunded, and we are now facing a situation where we have been scammed. It is extremely disappointing to see that the A-to-Z claims process can be exploited in this way, especially when there is clear evidence supporting our case.
We are selling on other platforms as well, but it is becoming increasingly concerning that Amazon has become a platform where scammers can easily abuse the system and take advantage of honest sellers like us.
Can anyone assist with escalating this matter, as we are not receiving fair resolution despite the proof of delivery?
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Best regards, Adam
Do you have a signature on delivery - without that you always lose the A-Z. Even with one ...........
We just had a similar situation but Amazon refused the buyer a refund. Tracking information showed that the person from the house accepted the package and maybe this was enough for the seller to be denied a refund.
If a photo was taken of the package on the doorstep of the house there might not be enough evidence to show that buyer actually got the item, thus having any refund claims granted.
Take the buyer to small claims court if you have the evidence as the A-Z team are incompetent of viewing clear cut evidence. You have every right to go to a UK court to resolve the issue there. I have done this many time & been successful as buyers know they cannot afford to have a CCJ against them!
I have been scammed as well. I have had someone send a message saying '' I DID NOT GET IT GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK'' literally, in those words and in block capitals. Ten weeks after the order. No previous communication. and Amazon refunded them immediately. An £80 book.
If they can refund such a blatent scam as that, nobody is safe. There seems to be only one protection, and that is to get it signed for. I had another scam attempt but it was signed for and it failed.
Now anything over £50 and I pay extra for signed for.
We are 100% sure that the buyer received the order because they immediately stated that they didn’t want a replacement, as they had already purchased another one elsewhere. We also sent them a denial receipt form to sign and date, but they have now stopped responding.
We presume that they have received both the item and the refund and simply don’t want us to pursue the matter further. Amazon has become a helpless platform for sellers in such situations.
Everyday we are being hit with Amazon A-Z fraudulent refunds.
It's probably only RM that still get signatures, but no other courier will get a signature since COVID.
What are sellers meant to do?? Amazon just keep refunding.
I have full tracking, GPS location and POD and yet never win.
This is very sad. Amazon just nonchalantly says that this is part of doing business. (I have been told that.)
However, it is best to secure signature.
Not that signature guarantees escaping refund, but Amazon may protect you by removing ODR.
I had 137 A-Z Claims last year where item was delivered and buyers opened a-z claims, Sadly, buyers know the system and take advantage of it, now I just cost in the losses to the genuine customers which is sad becuase most our prices have gone up by about 35% now to cover this.
We are getting a lot of Ebay drop shippers, if you can see a product that you are selling at a price that is crazy on Ebay.. it will be bought from Amazon then an A-Z put in against you.
We send everything tracked and still lose most A-Z claims like this. I even bought the product from the eBay seller then sure enough, the order that I put in on eBay came up to ship on my Amazon account for more than I paid on eBay. to my home address.
I also own a bricks and mortar store with shop lifters... I class this the same, you just have look at your orders carefully because there are signs that there's something wrong most the time.
I am sorry to hear this, @Seller_PQfpfzGtUiOZQ. The A-Z Guarantee System is not fit for purpose and does not protect sellers from fraud.
With regards to these situations, Amazon inserted an incredibly corrupt statement in their A-Z Guarantee Policy, here (linked): "In circumstances where the item has been delivered but not received by the customer, a Claim may be granted in the customer’s favour and debited from your account to preserve the customer experience."
This means that even if you secure and present as evidence: signatures, GPS coordinates, proof of delivery image, full-tracking; if the customer says they did not receive it Amazon will refund them from your pocket in the name of customer experience. Even in circumstances where you used Amazon's "Buy Shipping", this only protects your order defect rate (and further lines their pockets from the commissions they take)!
Whilst you will not see your money or product (unless the customer wants to put this right), please ensure you report the customer to Action Fraud UK. The more sellers that do this, the bigger the chance that action will be taken against them. It may also be worth reporting your experience to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), as Amazon holds far too much power here and undermines third-party delivery methods, forcing sellers that want protections towards FBA services – which is incredibly anti-competitive!
On a side note, we continue to send our orders 'Signed For'. Whilst we know we do not stand a chance if the customer claims the item did not arrive, we find it dissuades customers that may be tempted to claim from doing so.
All the best and good luck!