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Drop shipping from Ebay scam
by Seller_J3JPTqow8Wpn1
Amazon replied

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this. We have a high volume ASIN, which we only sell D2C through our own website and Amazon. In recent months we've had a massive increase in returns on this item, but the products are never returned, just refunded.

We've also had a lot of Ebay drop shippers pop up. They are purchasing from Amazon and then seemingly claiming refunds. Each of these refunds I can see, as the names on the refunds are odd, maybe letters in the names mixed up such as Jhon instead of John etc. Sometimes the same individual will be refunded more than once on a day for orders shipped to different people. When I click into the order, the shipping names don't match the refunds - by a long way.

I have tried to raise a case with Amazon over this and they don't seem to want to know. Ebay are super slow in doing anything and if they do remove the listings, these sellers just pop straight back up a week or two later.

In an attempt to stymie this I set up our own listing on Ebay, at our correct RRP so that I would be undercutting the drop shippers. However one has undercut our RRP by £1. This to me proves that they're selling then claiming a refund, as otherwise as a normal drop shipper they'd actually be losing money!

Has anyone experienced similar, or have a way to deal with these crooks?


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We are the owners of the brand: Little Joe Worldwide and when we tried to register it on Amazon brand registry, we got a message that it has already been registered by someone. With our registration number.

How can I find out who it was so I can contact that person/company?

It is very urgent!

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Getting ungated for some brands and not others
by Seller_tzKmyWZtX9f6B
Amazon replied

I've used Stylevana to ungate some beauty brands, but for others it's not allowing me to, for example Beauty of Joseon.

Is there any specific reasons for this or do I just need to have more sales before being approved for certain brands?

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Recently, I received a report about the abuse of the Italian trademark VOLKSWAGEN, but my product has the words "compatible/applicable to", and it is still reported as infringement.

Is it a misjudgment?

Does anyone know what the situation is? Thank you

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Repeat IP claims
by Seller_7GUHj8Rw7MFgy

I hope someone can help.

We sell a brand which we were ungated after supplying several suitable invoices.

A representative of the brand keeps issuing Parallel import IP claims. We supply invoices, copies of the ungating notification and also several emails confirming that invoices have been accepted previously for previous IP claims on the same well as the invoices that were previously accepted for ungating and appealing the IP claim. It is totally random if the invoices are accepted again.

Can anybody shed light on how to deal with this?? Can we report them for IP abuse. We have spoke with Account health and they say raised a case but we hear nothing and in the meantime our account health is near de-activation.

Thanks in advance.

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Brand Registry Rejected
by Seller_u2PSbhNx5UhwB
Amazon replied

Hello people. I have had a brand registry application rejected because 'we have identified the trademark from your application as related to a brand that is already enrolled in Brand Registry.'

I own the trademark on UKIPO.

There are two other trademarks with the same name however they are in a different class and not related to mine on the UKIPO.

I have replied to Amazon explaining that I own the trademark in this particular class and therefore I should be able to protect my brand and products however they responded with the same reply.

What are my next steps?

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Trademark transfer and listings
by Seller_NRbSrvQsLSXts

Hi All

I currently sell a brand on Amazon owned by my Uncle. He has separate amazon account where the original listings were created but hasn't sold for last few years. He keeps the account open because we were worried the listings might disappear and wanted to have option to sell again. The brand is registered and my account is admin on the brand so I have access to a+ etc. He now wants to fully retire and sell me the brand/trademark. As he still pays £30 a month account fees.

1. I am worried if deletes his account the listings might disappear also. I assume they are stored in the brand registry so can someone assure me the listings will still be available and active on my account?

2. If I do buy the trademark do I tell brand registry about the change and move from admin to owner or is that not possible is admin the most I can be? If he deletes his account will the brand pass onto me in brand registry automatically or is there going to be some unforeseen issues?

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Let's talk about Transparency!
by Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello sellers!

Let´s talk about how Transparency works and how it can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeits both online and offline.

Who can enroll in Transparency?

  • Enroll in Brand Registry with a government-registered trademark. Trademarks with "pending" status are not eligible to enroll in Transparency. Click here to get enrolled in Brand Registry.
  • You also must have the role of Right’s Owner in Brand Registry. Please use your Right’s Owner credentials to log in and create a Transparency account.
  • Have a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for your product, such as a UPC, ISBN, or EAN.
  • Have the ability to apply unique Transparency codes (a type of serial number) to every unit you manufacture, regardless of where the units are sold.

Why should I enroll in Transparency?

  • Verify product authenticity - Ensure that only authentic units are shipped to customers. Whether fulfilled by Amazon or shipped directly by selling partners, products cannot be listed on Amazon or shipped without valid Transparency codes.
  • Engage with customers - Connect with customers post-purchase, no matter where they bought your product. The Amazon Shopping app and the Transparency app both allow customers to scan Transparency codes to confirm authenticity and access content you provide.
  • Optimize your supply chain - Gain additional insights on your items at the batch or lot level, helping you identify supply chain or other issues, diagnose their root cause, implement solutions, and improve products with minimal disruption to your business.

The numbers:

  • More than 33,000 businesses rely on Transparency to prevent counterfeits
  • Over 1.6 Billion product units enrolled in Transparency have been authenticated as genuine through code scan verification, whether sold in Amazon’s store or elsewhere in the retail supply chain.
  • Transparency offers protection in 10 countries


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So my brand has been trademarked in the UK and a protected brand on Amazon UK for 6 years. A US company tried to register the same brand name in the Uk and lost but they started hacking my amazon brand and added my brand to their US company and then added themselves as administrators. I removed the email addresses and I contacted Amazon and told them what was going on…. A week later I get an email From the US brand saying they now control my brand on Amazon, I no longer have access and it’s been removed from my seller account, I have no protected or registered brand…. The US company have no registered brand or company here in the Uk… I contacted Amazon and I can not open a case because……. I begged amazon for help and nothing happened I was ignored people just say a case has been opened and then it gets closed saying answered and its a copy/paste response telling me how to report brand infringements. I don’t have a registered brand So where was the protection? It appears that Amazon just gave my brand to someone else?

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Amazon account deactivated
by Seller_ed2M548jjZVmn

Hello, unfortunately I was given the news by Amazon that I won't be able to reactivate my account id need to reactivate my marketplace account first but unfortunately the team that deactivated my USA marketplace account made a permanent decision in banning my account which essentially means that my Amazon account is completely banned and can't be unlocked. I wanted to know if I were to give my brand "XYZ" to one of my friends who also wants to open up a Amazon seller account would that be okay with Amazon because I don't want any problems in the future because I saw that if your Amazon account gets banned you can't open up another one but I am not the one opening the account, my friend is and all I'm doing is giving him my brand because I don't need it.

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