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Top Seller Forums Tips & Tricks

by Spencer_Amazon
Pinned by community managerpin

Lots of new members here in the Seller Community -- and we’re happy to welcome you all!

We also want to ensure you’re set up for success when using the forums. Selling on Amazon can be complex, but asking for support here on the forums shouldn't be.

In addition to the Seller Forums FAQ page, think of the below as a summary of the best tips to get you started in the forums. Each topic below links to a full article with more detailed instructions (including screenshots), so don’t be shy about exploring all the topics.

Seller Forums how-to help topics:

Starting a new discussion. If you came here seeking assistance—as most sellers do—the first thing you’ll want to know how to do is ask a question. Here we call that “Starting a discussion,” and you can do that from the button in the top right-hand corner on every page.

Editing (or deleting) a post. Whoops, sometimes we all make typos, or we need to hit delete and start from scratch. This topic covers both edits and deletions—as well as circumstances when you can’t do either.

Categories and tags. We use categories and tags to keep things organized, so you can find discussions that are relevant to you. You’ll need to pick one category and up to five tags when you create a new post. Here you’ll find more details for why, and how to do it.

Flagging posts. Sometimes you may see discussions or comments that violate our Community Guidelines. You can let us know so we can moderate the post—and flagging is how to do that.

Working with drafts. You can click the “Save as draft” button if you’re midway into writing a discussion but not quite ready to post it. Did you know, you can save up to 50 drafts within the forums?

Quoting. Quoting is a handy way to refer to statements made by other sellers when you reply in the comments. It can be a little tricky to discover how to quote, but once you get it, it’s a breeze.

Mentioning others. Ahh, the good old “@” symbol. It’s what you need when you want to get someone’s attention on the forums, including a moderator.

Voting. It’s feedback time! Up votes and down votes let the original poster (OP) or the commenter know if you found what they wrote helpful to the discussion.

Most helpful replies. This useful feature isn’t used often enough in the forums (so far), so read on. If you’re the OP and someone provides just the right answer to your question, this is the way to let them—and all other forums visitors—know that they nailed it.

Notifications. See the “Notifications” section in your forums navigation, with a number after it? Learn more about when and how you receive notifications on the forums.

Similar discussions. When reading a discussion on the forums, look to your right. You’ll see other similar discussions from the past that just might interest you.

Uploading images. A picture is worth a thousand words, so they say. You can post up to five images per discussion to add color and clarity to your content.

Finding and filtering replies. Here you can find guidance on how to parse through the thousands of discussions we’ve got in the forums, by using our search and filter functionality.

Discussion timestamps, views, and reply count. These items make up the anatomy of a post, letting know when it happened, how many sellers have looked at it, and how many of them replied.

Locked discussions. Community Managers will sometimes choose to lock a discussion, such as when a thread veers off topic, or violates our Community Guidelines. Here’s how to know if a thread has been locked, and what it means if it has.

We hope that this article answered all your questions with navigating the Seller Forums. Give us a thumbs up below if this helped you! Still have questions, pop them below!

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In reply to: Spencer_Amazon’s post


Can someone please respond to our forum post below?

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In reply to: Spencer_Amazon’s post

I hate to say it, but many of these tips would be redundant if only you'd bring back the older layout where replies were not hidden {'nested'} by default.

It would be much easier to follow longer threads if all replies were shown in order of posting. Hiding replies might make threads look neater but it renders them practically unintelligible and impossible to follow once they get beyond a certain length.

>It can be a little tricky to discover how to quote, but once you get it, it’s a breeze.

It's more than tricky - it's broken. If I use the quote function as it is, the quote comes after my reply. If I edit it to make the reply beneath the quote, it often tags the reply to a different poster to the one I'm actually quoting.

>Finding and filtering replies. Here you can find guidance on how to parse through the thousands of discussions we’ve got in the forums, by using our search and filter functionality.

The search function of the forum is not fit for purpose. It is rare to get exact or even close matches.

Another bug is the 'show 1 reply' expansion link - it often is displayed even against replies that are already showing.

It would surely be better to do away with it altogether and show all replies by default.

Having to keep clicking on 'show reply' is a pain.

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In reply to: Spencer_Amazon’s post

@Spencer_Amazon. Just to agree totally with points made by @Seller_RAXEWLxQ2dbmN

"It would be much easier to follow longer threads if all replies were shown in order of posting. " - definitely - the nested replies make the threads difficult to follow.

" If I use the quote function as it is, the quote comes after my reply." - that is extremely annoying !

"The search function of the forum is not fit for purpose" - agree.

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