Hello, i am seeking for some help please.
I am preparing the documentation that Amazon requires for a seller to sell alcohol. I am a bit stuck on the 2 options below as part of the approval in the beer and wine catergory
1) I have an excise number or the excise number of my nominated agent.
2) I do not have an excise number, and I certify that I, or my agent, have paid excise duties and can provide proof that duty has been paid through one of the following: W5/W5D, HM2, TRC2, HM4, EX46, EX606, CHIEF, Duty Deferment Statement or Letter of Duty Confirmation.
Basically, I have not purchased the products yet. So I am not sure what i need to supply to Amazon. Furthermore, does this also mean each time i purchase alcoholic products from different wholesalers i need to request the excise number or proof ? in case Amazon does request documentation in the future ?