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How do we mothball Amazon?
by Seller_fFylOZ9rejlBH

We've taken a decision to stop selling on Amazon after 16 years and will wind things down and switch everything at our current year end which is 31st May.

We don't currently want to close the account and loose all feedback etceteras but neither do we wish to pay Amazon any more for the 'privilege' of selling on the platform, £30 a month or whatever is it these days.

What steps do we need to do to deactivate all active listings and basically stop paying Amazon any money? I think the active listings simply need zeroing out but am unsure how to switch off the Amazon Selling Professional or whatever it was called when we set it up.

Thanks in advance.

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Amazon's "Item may be lost" email
by Seller_HwaQlgFnhSuGS

So the emails are still being sent, and even when using Buy Shipping. This really has to stop!!

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Where to purchase as a new seller
by Seller_38IbpnmdhGHK2

discussion.hi , I am a new seller in uk. Where to purchase inventory, which supplier is good for me to ungating items

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VTR- Valid tracking rate

Hi, Good morning to all.

Till Saturday evening my VTR was 99% but over the night it drops to 68.79%.

Under the VTR report they have added 3225 orders.

VR has taken the orders from 14 Feb to 24 Feb 2025.

Does any has faced the such issue and have any update why it is happening.

If anyone knows the solution then please do share.

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seller selling their product on my listing
by Seller_yjXa5TTHwi3ok


I have another seller selling product on my listing with my brand trade marked and register in brand registry. I have register a violation through brand registry since Sunday last week and it nealry 5 days and Amazon not done anything just keeps saying under review but the seller it killing my hard work I have done and taking all my sales.

Anyone know what I can do as never know it this hard to stop sellers selling on your brand registred listings.

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Hi everyone. Hope you are well. I'm an experienced Amazon seller this has been my full time job for over four years now. And I know most tricks of the trade.

Let me give a bit of explanation as to what is happening and some context. So first of all. Im an FBM Seller. Who is on Seller Fulfilled Prime. This means I ship the parcels out myself and its on prime.

Occasionally I of course get some refunds as we all do. The parcels may be lost after they are picked up. And I claim against the courier. Sometimes I get customers getting refunds because they say the parcel hasn't turned up when it has. I understand this situation, also. So I dont mind doing a refund for them as the courier probably dropped it at a wrong location but as long as I have a proof of delivery then I can do a safe T claim. So I dont mind these.

Every single refund I do what I always do. Is I put them in a folder. And twice a week I go through the refunds and do safe T claims. Chase the orders. And try and find out what happened. We usually have between 250-350 orders a day so there sometimes can be about 10 refunds a week that I need to chase through.

The most common type of reason we get a refund is "General adjustment" this is where a customer moans to Amazon and says that the parcel never turned up. Or it was a wrong item inside without even contacting the seller. So Amazon will issue the refund. Now we're not perfect. We get the occasional parcel wrong. But we don't do enough to warrant the amount of refunds issued.

Upon going through my refund folder. I found a common occurance of the refunds being issued to a common name but a different delivery address. That name was a man named "Asad Ali" I had over 17 refunds in 30 days going to this guy all for general adjustment. After making cases with Amazon you can find out why the general adjustment refunds was issued and it would all be for the same reason. Wrong item inside.

So all 17 refunds given to "ASAD ALI" were all going to different addresses. All round the country. But obviously I had the customers information. This ASAD ALI was very silly. Because he was leaving the customers phone numbers on the contact details that it was being delivered to.

After speaking to seller support who were absolutely no help at all. They recommended me to reach out to the buyers. Which I did

After speaking to at least 5 different buyers. They confirmed they bought the products on EBAY and it was my goods they had received. My tracking numbers. My packaging. And there was no issues whatsoever. They even showed me the seller who they bought it from!

After finding the seller. We got there information and had a look at his storefront on eBay and he was selling my goods on there for so cheap! Of course he was able to because he was making a 100% profit margin from Amazon. All he needed to do was get a refund from Amazon. And his Ebay Customer is happy with their product and he's got a refund from Amazon from me.

All in all this particular seller had done me for over £400. I built all the evidence. Took it to seller support. Emailed the managing director at Amazon. They just laughed at me and gave me what I can only assume as AI generated responses. Making Amazon an accomplice to this clear refund fraud. I had to take the case to the Fraud Prevention police team.

What's worse is that every single general adjusment refund I get now I have to go through with a fine toothcomb. And what I've found is that a lot of them are getting refunded to common names but the delivery address is for a different name. Whether they realised that I've figured out the name or not and they've tried to be smarter than me I dont know. But what I do know is that Im not letting them get away with it.

As they're leaving the customers mobile phone numbers on the delivery information I'm left with no choice but to contact customers. Each one is all saying the same thing. They are buying the product on EBay. And do not buy on Amazon. And there is no issues with the product. They will give me the sellers name on EBay and it seems to be a group of sellers.

My question is what can I do? Amazon dont care. You can't get passed their AI system or their unhelpful workers halfway round the world. I've built more than enough evidence to make it an open and shut case with the police. Got a victim, perpetrator, evidence and witnesses. But Amazon wont care. I submit everything on a safe T claim but its just rejected every single time. Im getting atleast 7 of these refunds a week now. And its the same thing every single time. I've made case after case after case. The prroblem is. Its multiple accounts doing it to me. I contact the customers direct and they all say they bought of Ebay with no problems at all. And its my stuff!

I've reported to police. Reported to Amazon. But just cant get reimbursed from Amazon. Im forced to swallow £100+ a week so they can make a living off me. PLEASE someone advise me? Anything will do!!!

I cant be the only one whos going through this. ALL ADVICE WELCOMED PLEASE SOMEONE TALK TO ME

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM

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Hi all,

I have had a customer return a fake mobile phone today.

I get the impression this isn't the customers first time doing this. They opened a return request stating 'the wrong item was sent', they have then returned a fake mobile phone using Royal Mail Special Delivery, presumably so they have proof of me receiving and it gives the impression that whatever they were returning, they wanted insured.

I have contacted Amazon support, reported abuse & opened a case informing Amazon of this fairly elaborate scam however i have recieved no help whatsoever. I am trying to get ahead of this because i already know for a fact that as soon as i deny refund, or partially refund, the customer will open an A-Z claim and i will no doubt lose the £714.99 i sold it for.

The phone the customer has returned is a fake device with a made up Serial number & IMEI. I have sent pictures of this device to Amazon but they haven't even acknowledged them.

I am unable to open a Safe-T claim and at present am unsure what options i have here, if any?

I am in two minds as to whether to report this to the police as theft. Though i know that doesn't get me my money back...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Listing multiple items that share the same EAN
by Seller_KJmU5xliSK0Bl

Can anyone give me some guidance before I waste hours only to be told it's not correct.

I am getting a new range in with various designs, however they share the same barcode, I don't want to list them as variations as there are sub-categories for them. Can someone guide me in the right direction in plain English please.

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How to Remove Seller Selling Wrong Product
by Seller_E2XfvZ3tq77GQ

We created a listing using the brand owners name. We have a LOA from the brand to use their images etc and we buy direct from them. The listing is about 6 months old. There are similar listings of this product purchased from a retailer, which strictly speaking I know is not allowed but we don't have an issue. The difference is our product comes from the manufacturer in a decorative box, which is displayed on the list and states in the heading 'Comes with Original Box'. There is a slight difference in the ingredients with the retailers version being a bit sweeter. Last week another seller joined the listing and we contacted Amazon and were advised to report an abuse. We even asked the other seller, masquerading as a customer, if it comes in a box, to which they replied no, but they could put it in another box if we wished. The brand owner does not know this seller. In the meantime they continue to sell on the listing taking sales away from us! We have spoken with seller support a few times and get the same answer to report and abuse. Does anyone know if this is the correct procedure and how long does this take? I fear we are just being passed around getting wrong information and the customers are not getting the product that is advertised!

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Hello All,

I thought it was just a few very slow days, but NO orders and have the above message...

Can Forum Moderators help? @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

All Best


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