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Top Seller Forums Tips & Tricks
by Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Lots of new members here in the Seller Community -- and we’re happy to welcome you all!

We also want to ensure you’re set up for success when using the forums. Selling on Amazon can be complex, but asking for support here on the forums shouldn't be.

In addition to the Seller Forums FAQ page, think of the below as a summary of the best tips to get you started in the forums. Each topic below links to a full article with more detailed instructions (including screenshots), so don’t be shy about exploring all the topics.

Seller Forums how-to help topics:

Starting a new discussion. If you came here seeking assistance—as most sellers do—the first thing you’ll want to know how to do is ask a question. Here we call that “Starting a discussion,” and you can do that from the button in the top right-hand corner on every page.

Editing (or deleting) a post. Whoops, sometimes we all make typos, or we need to hit delete and start from scratch. This topic covers both edits and deletions—as well as circumstances when you can’t do either.

Categories and tags. We use categories and tags to keep things organized, so you can find discussions that are relevant to you. You’ll need to pick one category and up to five tags when you create a new post. Here you’ll find more details for why, and how to do it.

Flagging posts. Sometimes you may see discussions or comments that violate our Community Guidelines. You can let us know so we can moderate the post—and flagging is how to do that.

Working with drafts. You can click the “Save as draft” button if you’re midway into writing a discussion but not quite ready to post it. Did you know, you can save up to 50 drafts within the forums?

Quoting. Quoting is a handy way to refer to statements made by other sellers when you reply in the comments. It can be a little tricky to discover how to quote, but once you get it, it’s a breeze.

Mentioning others. Ahh, the good old “@” symbol. It’s what you need when you want to get someone’s attention on the forums, including a moderator.

Voting. It’s feedback time! Up votes and down votes let the original poster (OP) or the commenter know if you found what they wrote helpful to the discussion.

Most helpful replies. This useful feature isn’t used often enough in the forums (so far), so read on. If you’re the OP and someone provides just the right answer to your question, this is the way to let them—and all other forums visitors—know that they nailed it.

Notifications. See the “Notifications” section in your forums navigation, with a number after it? Learn more about when and how you receive notifications on the forums.

Similar discussions. When reading a discussion on the forums, look to your right. You’ll see other similar discussions from the past that just might interest you.

Uploading images. A picture is worth a thousand words, so they say. You can post up to five images per discussion to add color and clarity to your content.

Finding and filtering replies. Here you can find guidance on how to parse through the thousands of discussions we’ve got in the forums, by using our search and filter functionality.

Discussion timestamps, views, and reply count. These items make up the anatomy of a post, letting know when it happened, how many sellers have looked at it, and how many of them replied.

Locked discussions. Community Managers will sometimes choose to lock a discussion, such as when a thread veers off topic, or violates our Community Guidelines. Here’s how to know if a thread has been locked, and what it means if it has.

We hope that this article answered all your questions with navigating the Seller Forums. Give us a thumbs up below if this helped you! Still have questions, pop them below!

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Amazon is not responding to my cases
by Seller_Z1cL6dI9uacNU

Hi Amazon Support,

I'm writing to follow up on the following pending cases:

1. #10077642342

2. #10105310682

3. #10128896752

4. #10180242802

5. #10181266002

6. #10202555102

Despite numerous follow-ups over an extended period, our issues remain unresolved or transferred to the relevant team without resolution. We kindly request:

1. An update on the current status of each case.

2. An estimated timeframe for resolution.

3. Expedited attention to resolve these long-pending issues.

Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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A few days ago, I attempted to close my seller account, and I successfully deactivated my store in the UAE. However, I noticed that there were multiple countries listed under my account, and I mistakenly clicked on some of them, thinking it would help me deactivate those stores one by one. Unfortunately, it seems that I inadvertently created new stores in several European marketplaces, including the UK, which now prevents me from deactivating my account.

When I attempted to close these newly registered stores, I was unable to find an option to deactivate them. Furthermore, the following day, I received a notification requesting that I complete KYC verification in order to proceed with account closure. I tried to submit my identification documents, but my attempts have not been successful, and I’m unsure how to proceed.

I urgently need assistance in deactivating my account. Could you please help me complete the closure of my seller account, including the newly registered stores that I did not intend to create?

Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.

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feedback removal
by Seller_a27R0qd7Z7U5K

hi is there anyone who can helpus with a this situation so we get multiple bad feedback from people who purchase something from us with out reading what they have purchased i have 1 person who ordered 50 x a product and was delivered 50 x the product but then leave bad feedback saying they ordered 100 x but they clearly have not i appeal this in a case log send the order details that clearly shows they have ordered 50 x but amazon still does not remove this feedback and we have multiple bad feedbacks about a customer ordering 1x of a product they recive it and leave badfeedback saying rip of i thought this was more than 1 item where the listing and order clearly states 1x

this is a constant battle we have every single month and we lose our feature offers because our ODR gets affected with bad feedback that is not true but amazon just instantly rejects our request this needs to change

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Received a book back today via an amazon auto-authorized return where the buyer supplied no reason for the return. Please advise who is responsible for the cost of the return shipping label sent via Evri when no reason is supplied for the return.

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Deferred Balance - New Horizon?
by Seller_GuToR7y2Kbfqa

discussion. A new Horizon?

With an unblemished account health, we have recently experienced Amazon tinkering with the Deferred Balance.

When asking why, we are given a very long list of things it could be but when ask for specifics, we're told it is not policy to give specifics.

As we all know, the balance that locks on a Sunday never goes up, just down when taking off any advertising/refunds for the week..... for the first time in 7 years, Amazon kept increasing the balance, taking from Deferred for some unknown reason.

Last night we were paid £Xk and the opening balance was £Xk.... this morning all has moved to Deferred and current balance is under £40.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Any advise?

In an increasingly challenging market, how can small businesses manage not knowing what will be kept or not, especially when no reasoning is given?

Thank you

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Listing used books
by Seller_vijjPUI46bUSN

Hi everyone,

I posted a while back regarding the new layout for adding a product.

Can I ask anyone who sells used books do you still fill out the condition description when adding products/listing? I've noticed now on the new layout there is no option to do this and you now have to click on edit listing to be able to do this. When you click edit listing it wont let you fill out condition description without having to fill out all the safety and compliance details.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Apologies if Its me being silly.



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Yodel By Shipstation Affecting VTR
by Seller_6A9BM76EEV5EG


I have an issue where shipstation is pushing the carrier through as 'Yodel By Shipstation' instead of just 'Yodel' which has killed my VTR and now getting warnings.

Has anyone found a way to edit this so that it pushes through as just Yodel? Has been completely fine but the last couple of weeks they must have changed the rules!

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hi, I need a bit of help regarding the delivery charges. Basically my delivery charge is a standard £ 3.50, however when I look at my listings the delivery charges are all different and I want them to be a standard rate for all. I am doing FBM. any help will be great.

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Hello All,

We've recently received this warning from Amazon: Counterfeit Without a Test Buy - For this product: ASIN: B09XC5GG83

While this product is part of our product inventory, we've never sold even one unit of it through Amazon. What's even weirder is the complains seems to be coming from a random gmail account instead of a company.

So my first question is how is it possible to receive this kind of warning from some random people in the first place and how is it possible to receive this warning for a product we never sold through Amazon?

Second question, how do we deal with this, as Amazon seems to reject any kind of appeal with automated responses rather than looks into it?

Many thanks in advance for anyone's time who'd be willing to help us with this.

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I have received £1837 for my products to return to my address ? when i sent to Amazon FBA it has has costed less than £ 200. Hence i raised a dispute that i will not accept the return of the products and will not pay the charges.

I have raised so many cases, however my case will be answered stating "As previously informed that we are unable to investigate on your issue due to Invalid Charge Method Kindly, update the existing credit card information or add a new credit card to regain full access to this seller account inorder to investigate further."

My case has been transferred couple of times, however no update.

If i update my card details Amazon will charge to my card.

Currenlty i am not sure where my products are in warehouse for with FBA? I am not able to sell on Amazon and every month i am charged for the services which i am not using? It has been already 3 months i am trying to get answers.

Kindly help me to resolve to revert my invoice charges and so that i can continue to sell on Amazon.


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